The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 707: Small town

When the carriage went down to the valley, Bai En could see the bustling scene of this place more clearly. Around them, swarms of dwarves moved purposefully. Leather apron protects their strong chest. Sweat flowed from their soot-filled faces. Dozens of strange-looking tools hung on their belts, which reminded Bai En of the torture tool in the Black Tower. Some dwarfs wear weird armor; others sit on small steam vans with fork-shaped lifting teeth in the front. These machines transport heavy crates and packages along the rails between the workshop and the metal structure in the center.

Around the factory, there was clearly a place where dwarves lived, and a humble town rose from the ground. The house is built with wood and stone walls, and the roof is made of corrugated metal. It seemed to be empty, and all the residents went out to work.

Bane looked at Grey Logan. "What exactly is going on?"

After a long silence, Guerrerogen seemed to be considering whether he should answer this question. Finally, he spoke in a slow and solemn voice.

"Humanity, what you are seeing is something I never thought you would see. Perhaps among all your people, only you can see such a thing. This reminds me of Feigsak ’s Shipyard, but-there are too many guild secrets that are banned, I ca n’t count how many. ”

"You mean, all this is forbidden?"

"Dwarves are very conservative people. We don't care much about new ideas," Warwick said suddenly. "Our engineers are more conservative than most races. If you try something, but fail, as poor Mackason did, you will be ridiculed. For a dwarf, there is nothing better than this. It ’s a bad thing. So, even few people are willing to take this risk. Of course, some things have been tested because these tests failed-the failure is very amazing-so the guild banned their use. We are here Some of the things we do have been known in theory for centuries, but only here we dare to put it into practice. I know that what my uncle wants to do is considered very important, so many talented young dwarfs are Prepare to take the risk and work secretly for our great project here. In order to complete our great plan, they think it is worth a try. "

"There is still a fee," said Gray Rogan, with a little awe in his voice. "Someone spent a lot of money here, I think I guessed right."

"Okay, that's also true." Warwick said, his face flushed and his beard was red, but Bai En couldn't understand what he was talking about.

Guerrerogan did not continue this topic, but glanced around critically. "Fortifications are not very strict, are they?"

Warwick shrugged apologetically. "Things are going too fast, we have no time. We have only been here for more than a year. Besides, who would have thought of attacking such a remote place?"


The Prophet Tangul flew down the hillside to the place where his army assembled in the twilight. Captain Gazat and Luck Snake Tongue are already in the command positions of their respective forces. Both looked at him with animal-like obedience, which he could expect from his servant. The communication amulet nailed to their foreheads flashed the fire of the trapped magic stone.

He looked down at a turbulent sea of ​​people, with vague faces like mice, each with a firm determination to conquer or die. Looking at this large group of chattering warriors, he felt his tail erect and proud. He could see storm commandos in black armor, behind them were smaller clan warriors, as well as masked, tightly wrapped magic stone flamethrower squads, as well as his own powerful bodyguard, broken bone Or, the second ogre rat of the same name.

This is not the most terrible force he has ever commanded. In fact, this is only a small part of the forces he led to attack the human city of Heidelberg. There were no plague monks present, nor the pride of his race—a powerful war machine. He wanted a wheel of doom or a screaming bell, but he had no time to drag them through this tunnel or rugged hills to this remote and remote place. Nevertheless, he was convinced that the hundreds of elite troops now standing in front of him were sufficient for his purpose. Especially in the evening to launch an attack, and has an unexpected advantage.

Then, a suspicion of spasms shivered all over him, causing his hair to stand up. The dwarf and Bai En are just below, which is an ominous sign. Their appearance never seemed to be a good sign for Tangul's plan. Did n’t they manage to frustrate his invasion of Heidelberg and destroy the entire horde army in some unknown way? Did n’t they force the prophet to retreat from the sewers hurriedly and cautiously while the streets above were bloodied Is the pollution black?

Tangul put some magic stone snuff behind his claws from the leather bag he often carried. He put his nose in it and smelled it, feeling angry and confident back into his brain. Death, disability and other beautiful scenes filled his high soul. Now he is confident that victory will belong to him. Can anything resist his mighty power? Nothing can stop the most powerful magic he has released!

The enemies he had hidden in Modu had already gone too far when they sent Baine and Grey Logan here. They want to fight him with his fiercest and vicious enemies! Well, he wants to let them know that the cunning plan they think is nothing but a completely misguided stupid act! All they do is succeed in humiliating him Two fools caught in his powerful paws. They gave him a chance to make the most terrible revenge against the two most hated enemies, and at the same time, they would seize the machines built by the dwarves in this place and give him glory!

There is no doubt that he thought that when these dirty things boiled in his veins like a melting evil power, this would be his greatest victory, his most glorious moment! The best time of his life A thousand years later, the Ratmen will have been whispering about the cunning, cold and amazing wisdom of the Prophet Tangul. He has almost tasted victory.

He raised his paw and motioned everyone to be quiet. As a whole, the entire army stopped their chatter. Hundreds of red eyes looked at him expectantly. The beard quivered in anticipation of his words.

"Now we are going to crush the dwarf like crushing a beetle!" He shouted with his most impressive eloquence. "We will cross the valley from both sides ~ ~ nothing can stop us. Go forward! Brave ratmen, go forward, victory is in sight!"

The army's screams grew louder and louder, until his ears were full of them. He knew that the victory tonight would belong to him.


Bai En walked, suddenly trembling. He was filled with ominous premonitions. He instinctively threw the cloak on his right shoulder to free his sword arm. His hand reached toward the hilt, and he suddenly had an urge to pull it out, ready to fight.

He held the hilt and looked around. The castle stood high above their heads, and he could see from a close distance that it was not as terrible as it looked from a distance. The wall cracked and became very fragile. In some places, the stone had completely collapsed. Regardless of what Warwick said, the work of the dwarves did not increase the defensive ability of this place in any way. Although Bain is not an expert in this area, he can see that it is correct that Guerrerogan mentioned in this previous conversation that the defense in this place is not particularly tight. If they are attacked, the entire valley will become a huge death trap.

They are almost at the castle now. The road beneath them leads to the foot of the cliff where the castle is. Although the sky was getting darker, Bai En found an old dwarf with a big beard. He appeared on a corner balcony above the castle gate. The old dwarf waved his hand. Bai En was about to respond with a wave, when he realized that the old dwarf was saying hello to Grerogan. Guerrerogan raised his head, grunted, raised his ham-like fist, and greeted him.

"Grey Logan Mahal," the old dwarf shouted. "I never thought I could see you again!"

"I never thought about it," Guerrero muttered. He sounded almost embarrassed.