The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 712: Dogfight

When the voice spoke in his head, Luck raised his head in disbelief. Your squad goes to your left and kills the two dwarves.

He immediately recognized that the voice belonged to the Prophet Tangul. Then a clear picture appeared in his mind, which was his route to the two tattooed dwarves during the scuffle. He thought for a while, thinking he might have hallucinations, but the voice was chattering again in the arrogant and domineering tone he was familiar with. What are you waiting for, idiot? Go now, or I will eat your heart!

Lake thinks it is better to obey orders. "Go right now, the most powerful wizard." He murmured. He screamed for his troops to follow him, and then ran in the direction he was ordered.

The carriage was pulled by the panicked mule and lost control in the chaos. The dwarves and the rats quickly rushed to the side, avoiding the hooves of these animals. Bai En rolled over behind the carriage, frantically trying to restore balance, but it is difficult to do this when you are covered in blood. He heard Warwick yelling at the mules and sometimes throwing bombs at the ratmen who were running wildly.

Warwick didn't seem to think that every time the tired mules seemed to slow down, he threw out an explosive device and frightened them even more. Bai En was not surprised at all, these poor mules were already terrified. The bomb had the same effect on him. Every moment, he was a little worried that one of the devices would explode in Warwick's hand, destroying the carriage, and sending the dwarf and Bai En directly into the grave.

Every once in a while, he can always pull himself over the edge of the carriage and glimpse some scenes that he knows will always be engraved in his memory. Some buildings are on fire and the fire is still spreading. Sparks and soot float in the wind. Maybe other dwarves have used bombs like Warwick, maybe some kind of terrible weapon or witchcraft, but Bane does not doubt that this fire will destroy the entire castle. The flames had burst out of the huge chimney, illuminating the battle intermittently, producing some madness like hell.

He saw a ratman rushing out of the building of the foundry, the whole body was burning in flames, and the hair hung down like a comet's tail. The air was filled with a terrible and seductive smell of charred meat. The creature's extremely painful screams are even harsher and clearer than the battle roar. As he watched him, the dying ratman rushed to a dwarf warrior, grabbing him like a **** of death. The flame spread from its body to its victims, and the dwarf's clothes began to smoke, even though he quickly released it from the dying struggle with an axe.

The carriage trembled and bounced on the ground. Something cracked, there was a terrible crackle and friction. Looking back, Bai En can see that they have run over a dwarf's body. The wheel crushed its chest, and blood and flesh oozed from its mouth and beard.

Then the steam blinded his eyes, and his skin felt a moment of burning. There was a tension on his blade and forehead that was about to face death. He had a terrible feeling, which was the taste of being cooked alive. After a short and painful moment, they rushed out of the steam cloud.

At this time, he saw a large pipe break and steam sprayed freely on the battlefield. He watched a dwarf and two ratmen roll out of the vapor cloud, their hands still clenching against each other's throat. The dwarf's face was as red as cooked lobster, and a large piece of skin had blistered and was emitting heat. The ratmen's fur was wet and sticky, and it looked terrible.

The carriage rammed into the center of a scuffle. Their bodies were so close together that no one had the opportunity to avoid the mules' hoofs. When the carriage rolled through the crowd like a chariot, the skull cracked and the bones shattered. The fallen man was crushed by iron wheels. As the speed of the car slowed down, Bai En struggled to stand up and looked around. Warwick no longer throws bombs. Doing so now will result in a slaughter without distinction between enemy and self. The dwarves and ratmen are now mixed, and it is difficult to find targets that are easy to attack.

Mule stood upright and kicked in the air with his hoof. When they did this, the carriage began to be unbalanced. In this vast land there are also tides and currents formed by fighting, just like in the sea. The pressure from the side of the carriage squeezed each other's bodies began to overturn the unbalanced carriage. Bane grabbed Warwick's shoulder and motioned them to jump. Warwick looked up at him and smiled. He stopped just to pick up his book and jump into the crowd.

From the afterglow of his eyes, Bai En felt that he saw two chunky dwarfs with tattoos open their way among a group of ratmen. From his highly advantageous position, he could see a new team of ratmen emerge from the gap between the two buildings and approach the two oath-takers. Bai En paused for a moment, thinking in his head where he should go next, and then he jumped from the carriage, waving his sword in his hand. Even before he landed, his blade was already tearing the flesh of the ratmen.

Lake stopped for a while, letting his soldiers pass by him. Pointing at the two dwarves he was sent to kill, he ordered sharply: "Quick-fast! Kill-kill!"

The number of them was twenty times that of the enemy. This fact encouraged him. His brave storm commando rushed forward, eager to kill the encirclement, eager to get honor and glory in the battle. Luck wanted to join them, but the expression of the two dwarves made the hair at the base of his tail erected, and his spine could not help but shudder.

He didn't quite know what was going on. For the dwarves, of course they are tall, their beards are standing upright, they have quirky tattoos, their arms are covered with blood, and they look really fierce, but this is not the most important thing. But from the way they stand, they have no fear at all, and they may even enjoy the fact that they are facing the opportunity of despair, which makes him hesitate. It seems that they must be crazy, which in itself is enough to keep them away. Later, he recognized one of them to participate in the battle of Heidelberg, he even did not want to participate in this battle. Is it possible that the dwarf Guerrogan is really here?

When the first storm commandos reached the place where the two dwarves were, his ominous omen became inevitable. He knew the Ratman: It was Vice Captain Frechette, an aggressive, fierce and stupid Ratman, obviously he wanted to challenge Luck's position as Captain Claw. He is a fool, but a brave warrior, there is no doubt that he will quickly defeat those small enemies-although the dwarves did not show any signs of worry.

That was the one most familiar to Luck. It was a dwarf with a huge hair crown. His scalp was standing high, chopped with his terrible big axe, and took Frechart ’s head from his shoulder. On separate. He didn't wait for the Ratman behind him to approach him, but he rushed up, brandished his axe, roared in his rough and uncivilized language, and issued a weird challenge.

Look was originally expecting to see the dwarf fall down and be crushed by a wave of ratmen, but no-he didn't even slow down. As he moved forward, he was like a steel ship, rushing into the stormy sea, a huge axe was spinning, a fist as big as a ham was slamming, breaking a bone, cutting off his limbs, killing any block Something on his way.

The other is not much better. He holds a weapon in each of his hands, and there is no mercy in killing with any weapon. His terrifying power can be seen from the way his hammer hammered the skull with a helmet, and he has another Bury the axe happily in the chest protected by the storm commando's thick armor ~ ~ Luck saw a smaller, more cunning guy manage to get around the dwarf and jump to his back, showing the tip Teeth, bright blades reflect light under the lights of burning buildings. For some reason, the dwarf realized the existence of the rat-man without even glancing at it. The dwarf spun quickly, chopped down his enemies with an axe, and then broke his neck with a hammer.

Is the dwarf's hearing so good that he won't be attacked by others? Can he feel that even a shadow of a rat falls on himself in the semi-dark light? Luck can't guess , But the lightning speed between the dwarves turned around and launched a violent attack told Luck that he did not want to get close to those weapons, at least until their masters were exhausted and seriously injured. He does not intend to share this idea with his men. He kicked the nearest man to the battlefield.

"Hurry up. They are getting weaker! You will kill him."

The soldier turned to look at him a little suspiciously. Luck showed his fangs and flicked his tail threateningly. He was very happy to see the ratman's next charge. Somehow, he was more afraid of his captain's claws than his enemies. Luck pushed two more people forward, screaming: "Go quickly. Go quickly. You have more people than them. You will taste their heart."

Lake reminded his men to pay attention to the advantages of quantity, and all this is to encourage the rest of his men to enter the battle. This sense of superiority always inspired the Warriors of the Ratmen. Luck only hoped that he would not run out of his men before the dwarf was exhausted.