The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 720: Crossing plan

After confirming that everyone was quiet again, Borek paused, and then continued to speak.

"Yes, the hammer of destiny and the axe of the Rune Masters--perhaps the most powerful creations left by our ancestors--have been lost for us, and our ancient power and heritage have also been lost. When the Guntergrim fell, we thought it would disappear forever. The tumultuous evil flowed over the ancient land like a corrupt sea, buried the ancient mountain peaks, we wailed in frustration, gritted our teeth, and succumbed to our losses .. We thought they would disappear forever. It seems that this has been the case for four centuries. "

"We still lost them," Guerrero said coldly. "And forever. I say it again, there is no way to leave this piece of waste."

"Maybe. Maybe not. After our last attempt failed, Gray Logan, I restarted my search in the Knowledge Hall and Library. In the Knowledge Hall in Karazhak, I searched for the oldest showroom. , Find large dusty books on the bookshelf, they have been rotting there for thousands of years. I recorded every story and the survivors mentioned, they claimed to have been to this wasteland. I was able to Enter the forbidden area of ​​the Temple of Marnus in Oledov. In their records, from the confessions of the pagans that have been torn for centuries, I found references to runes, spells, and amulets. People can be protected from evil. This time I am determined to succeed. I believe I have found someone who can make them. "

"Who would it be?" Guerrerogan's mocking tone weakened slightly.

"The person you will meet soon, Grey Logan. He convinced me that his magic works. I swear to you that I believe they will protect us."

"How long can you protect those traveling in the evil ruins from going crazy and not mutating?"

"A few weeks, maybe. At least a few days."

"Not long enough. It will take a few months to get through Gundam Grimm through the waste."

"Yeah, Gray Logan-if on foot, or as we tried to use last time, sit in an armored carriage. But there is another way. Mackason's method."


"Yes, by airship."

"You are crazy!"

"No-not at all. Listen to me. I have studied the phenomenon of evil waste extensively. I now know much more information than at that time. We have always believed that there is some kind of negative energy emitted by evil energy. Energy affects, but now I find that these forces are not the main way, at least they are very slow to act on us. Most of the distortions that occur in a short period of time are caused by magic stone dust contaminating food or water or being Caused by inhalation of unprotected lungs. It drives people crazy, distorting their shape and mind. "

"Yeah, it's in the sand among the waste soil, in the clouds rising from the desert. It's in the dust, sandstorms and wells."

"But what if we fly above the clouds?"

Guerrerogan paused, frowned, and seemed to be thinking about it. "You still have to descend to measure your bearings and check landmarks."

"The airship will be sealed with a fine mesh curtain. There will be portholes and filters, as you can see on our fleet of submersibles."

"Submersible?" Bai En asked subconsciously, "Wouldn't it be a boat that can sail underwater?" Bai En suspected that the other party was talking about a submarine.

Many dwarves looked at Bai En in surprise, as if Bai En said something terrible.

"Yes, although I don't know where Mr. Bai En heard about it. But it can indeed be sailed underwater without being affected by Shanghai waves, weather, or storms on the sea." Borek explained patiently .

"I guess—" Bai En wanted to say that this "submersible" would not explode or sink. But he suddenly thought that the ship was underwater, so it is likely that he was missing. "It won't be missing."

The dwarves around this time were even more surprised. Several dwarves even exclaimed.

"How do you know?" A dwarf, apparently dressed as a dwarf engineer, asked.

"It's very simple, considering the ending of your previous airship and steam ship." Bai En said lightly.

"Er--," Borrek seemed a little embarrassed. "It was indeed missing. We believe it sank, because we later collected some of its wreckage on the beach, with traces of explosions and extrusions. But I can guarantee It is indeed effective. We have tested it in the lake in the mountains. It is indeed effective. As for why it sinks in the sea, we are temporarily unknown. "

"I believe what you said about sealing, but the airship may be destroyed by storms, strong winds, or mechanical failures, or at least be forced to land." Grerogan didn't struggle with the "submersible" problem, but continued to ask Own problem.

"The amulet will protect the crew until repairs are completed or the storm subsides."

"Maybe the damage is too great to be repaired there?"

"This is certainly a risk, but it is also an acceptable risk. The amulet at least allows survivors to try to go home."

"No airship can load enough coal so that its engine can sail uninterrupted."

Mackason invented a new engine. It uses black water instead of coal. It has the power to propel the airship, and the fuel is light enough to complete the journey. "

As soon as Grerogan's objections were defeated, the dwarf seemed to find new objections. He seemed to be madly trying to find the loophole in the scholar's argument.

"What about food and water?"

"The airship can carry enough of the two airships at the same time."

"It is impossible to build an airship big enough to do this."

"On the contrary, we have already done so. This is what we have been building here."

"It will never fly."

"We have conducted a test flight."

Guerrerogan played his last card: "Mackason built it. It will definitely crash."

"Maybe. Maybe not. We'll try it anyway. Are you willing to go with us, Grerogan, son of Sol Ryan?"

"You have to kill me to stop me!"

"This is what I want you to say."

It's no surprise that Guerrerogen will eventually agree to take risks with Bairn. He is a madman after all. But Bai En himself is definitely not a lunatic, considering that the dwarves' inventions of so many great technologies eventually exploded or sank. For Baine, there seems to be no essential difference between choosing to call an airship and sitting on a lead-fired bomb.

In fact, Bai En can understand why these things of the dwarf failed, and the timing of these creations beyond the time of their own generation is wrong. The progress of civilization is always the first to start in thought. When the group's thought in civilization reaches a certain level, the material change is the result.

A few geniuses can change the world, but they cannot really advance the world. After all, their creativity is not only related to the ideas and designs of the sky and the sky, but also to the construction personnel, materials, precision, etc., and the latter two are one of the most important parts in all creation.

"Zeppelin-is this what the Ratmen are looking for?" Guerrerogan continued.

"most likely".

"Then you need to move quickly before they can assemble another army."

Bai En paused for a moment, his mind was dizzy by the thought he had just heard. It seems that Grerogan really takes all these crazy remarks about flying to an evil wasteland in an untested, highly dangerous airship designed by a known maniac. He didn't doubt that he would be expected by Grerogan to take a ride together.

Another important fact is that in the old dwarf's words, Bai En remembers keenly that at the end of the journey, there may be some powerful evil demon waiting for them.

To make matters worse, those ratmen seem to know the new machine very well, and in order to get it, they will at all costs. What kind of means or magic did they use to discover such a novel and well-covered thing? Or, even among these dwarves, do they have secret traitors? Bai En ’s vision and understanding of the ratmen Planning ability, respect for their long-term influence and demonic wisdom have added another level.


When he heard the dwarves approaching, he quickly hid. He spent most of the evening gnawing behind a box, and finally got in in time. Just before it was lifted by a strange steam hoisting machine, he twisted his body and drilled into its interior. Then he felt as if the box was going up a slope.

What he saw last night still made him dizzy. In that huge hangar, a huge smooth thing, like a huge shark, hovering above his head, apparently did not rely on any beam support. That thing jumped up and down like an angry beast. So that the dwarves felt that it was more appropriate to tie it with a steel cable, which increased the similarity between the two.

Seeing the monster, Luck was terrified with cold sweat, but he didn't feel embarrassed at all. He did not doubt that any other ratmen would do the same under similar circumstances ~ ~ even the great prophet Tangul.

It took him a long time to observe. During this period, he thought his pounding heart would jump out of his chest until he realized that the creature was not actually alive, but a machine. When he carefully considered the scale of this thing, something similar to feeling a miracle filled his mind. It was a machine with hundreds of tails, much larger and more impressive than any other machine that Leker saw in Modu or this dwarf town.

He was amazed by the magic that could make such a huge thing fly in the air. The cowardice in his bones made him consider all the possibilities. With such a machine, even a horde army can fly through human cities and drop poison balls, plague bags, and various weapons without being attacked by the defenders below.

This has made the dream of every Ratman leader a reality: an offensive method without a reliable defense! Because such a large armored warship, except for being attacked by a dragon, it must be impossible to attack anything. Even then, judging by its size, they are—yes, they are! —The weapon turret is embedded in the airship ’s fuselage, and the ship will have a great chance of surviving.

This ship will provide a horrible weapon for any squirrel who is smart enough to understand the possibilities it offers. At that moment, he guessed that the prophet Tangul also came to roughly the same conclusion, because there was a powerful voice in his head screaming. Yes, yes, this aircraft must be mine-mine! Perhaps, Luck realized that he would have a chance to catch it soon because the crates he was hiding in were definitely being lifted high , Placed in the deepest part of this powerful airship.