The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 725: set sail

The airship is now completely out of the hangar. It was tied to the top of the huge steel tower like a big sailing ship moored. Only when he stood under the tower, looking up at the huge metal tower, did Bai En truly appreciate its hugeness. It looks as big as a cloud, large enough to cover the sun. This is the largest ship that Brian has ever seen, even if he is from Fatalin Island, and the ocean-going merchants at the port of Tatuga are sometimes moored there. The coastline of Nias sailed all the way.

He changed into clean clothes. His black wool cloak fluttered in the breeze. His backpack hung on his shoulders. He thought he had packed his luggage and was ready to go, but now, for the first time, he was standing under the shadow of a huge metal tower with Grey Logan and Snowry. He had some ideas about how he got in .

A metal cage fell from a height and was supported by a huge metal cable that unrolled from the protruding barrel at the bottom of the airship structure. The dwarf's steam engine powered the barrel. As it moves, it rolls the cable in and out, raising and lowering the cage as needed. To Barn, this elevator seemed to be another dwarf's novel mechanical creation, but Grey Rogan was unmoved. He insisted that this kind of thing existed in the dwarf mines in the mountain margins of the world.

They stopped beside the cage and an engineer opened the cage door. He bowed down to sign them in. Even though Bai En can understand how this kind of thing works, he still feels a shudder. Even if the cage is raised in a completely unsealed condition, you can see how the surrounding scene feels. You still do n’t know if the cable is strong enough to withstand the weight of three people and the cage. You do n’t know what will happen if the cable breaks, or what ’s wrong with the machine.

"Hey! Hey!" Snowry giggled. "Snowry likes cages. Snowry has been up and down here all day. This is much better than riding a steam wagon. It's much higher!"

He jumped in like a child who was treated unexpectedly. Guerrerogan followed behind with no expression, and his huge axe was gently carried on his shoulder. Bane walked in tentatively, feeling the metal floor bend under his feet. This is not a reassuring feeling.

Then the engineer slammed the door of the cage, and Bai En suddenly felt like a prisoner in a cell. Then, another engineer pulled a lever, and the engine's piston began to rise and fall.

Bai En's stomach sank sharply, the cage began to move, and the ground under their feet began to move away from sight. He instinctively reached for an iron bar and stabilized himself. He panted nervously, just like before fighting the Ratmen. He noticed that he could see the ground through a small hole in the floor under his feet.

"Damn, why don't you make it closed?" Bai En cursed casually.

"What's the difference?" A Guerrero said disdainfully. "What's the difference between dying in a can and dying in a cage?"

Snowry laughed when he heard it. "Yeah!" Snowry shouted happily. The faces of the dwarfs on the ground shrank quickly under him. Soon, the machines on the ground were as small as children's toys, and the huge volume of the airship expanded on them. Every time he looked down, Bai En felt very uneasy. They are not really much higher than the highest battlement of the castle, but when you are in a cage in the sky, it feels farther away.

Maybe it was related to his movements, maybe it was because the wind roared through the cage fence, but Bai En felt very scared. When the main beam of the metal tower slipped over, his muscles were stiff, and his finger joints were whitish by the cold metal, which seemed a bit unnatural. His heart almost stopped beating, and the cage stopped turning, leaving only the rope on the cage swaying slightly.

"You can let go now, human." Gray Rogan said sarcastically, "We have reached the top."

Bai En loosened the metal railing he gripped and let the engineer at the top open the cage. He walked out of the cage door and came to the balcony. This is a metal pillar structure that surrounds the top of the metal tower. The cold wind twitched his cloak, making him a little open. When he saw how high he was off the ground, he was suddenly taken aback. He can no longer see the entire airship now. It's too big for everything to fit into his vision. There is a metal springboard between the top of the tower and the door at the bottom of the airship. In the distance, he could see Warwick, Borek and others waiting for him.

Bai En felt that he could not move. The ground is at least a thousand feet away from him, and the metal springboard cannot be fixed so firmly on the airship or the tower. What would happen to him if it collapsed under him? It is impossible to survive a fall in such a high place. His heartbeat was deafening in his ears.

"What is Brian waiting for?" He heard Snowrie asking Grerogan.

"Move, human," he heard Grey Rogan say, and then a strong shove pushed him staggering forward. "Don't look down."

Bai En felt that the fragile metal bridge was under pressure under his weight, and for a moment he thought it would collapse. He almost jumped forward to the airship deck.

"Welcome to take the" Grennell's Will "," Brian heard Borek say.

Warwick grabbed him and pulled him into the cabin. "Marquesson wanted to call this ship" Go forward ", the dwarf whispered," but for some reason, my uncle did not want him to do this. "

Bai En nodded. He said he could understand the old dwarf's thoughts. After all, "Going forward courageously" probably means that the ship could not stop.

Baien collapsed beside Mackason and sat in the helmsman position of the airship. When he came to the lower level, he was forced to move in a semi-squat position. The airship was designed with dwarves in mind, so its ceiling is lower than humans and its doors are wider than humans.

This crazy engineer is dressed differently today. He wore a short leather top with a huge sheepskin collar to keep out the cold. He wore a leather cap with long ear muffs on his head. The hair on top of Mackason's head was cut again. The goggles covered the dwarf's eyes, and Bai En guessed that it was probably to block the wind when the front window glass broke. The heavy leather gloves caught the dwarf's big hands. Ma Kaisen turned around, looking up at Bai En, his face filled with the pride of a father pointing to the achievement of his beloved child.

In Bain's view, some control devices are like those on ships sailing far away. There is a huge steering wheel, which looks like a wheel, but the steering wheel has a handle on the edge, which allows the driver to hold it comfortably. Bai En imagined that by turning the steering wheel, the pilot could change the direction of the airship. Next to the steering wheel is a set of levers and a square metal box with all kinds of strange and surprising instruments. Unlike the boat, the navigator is not standing on the mast, but standing behind a glass in the bow, so he can see where he is going. Looking at the window from the bow of the ship, Bane could see the head of a statue, a dwarf **** with a beard and a growl, and Bane thought he was the dwarf **** Glennell. It is said that this **** is the dwarf craftsman god, but in the view of Bai En, all dwarf gods seem to be similar.

"I can see that you are impressed with me." Makasson said, glancing at Bai En and said. "You should be like this-this is the largest and best airship ever built. In fact, as far as I am concerned, this is only the second one."

"Are you sure this thing can fly?" Bai En had no time to think about the dwarf's strange accent. He asked nervously as he thought about the endings of several great creations that the dwarf once had.

"Like I'm sure I had ham skin for breakfast. The big balloon above your head was filled with light breath. The things there were enough to keep things twice as heavy as the airship in the air."


"Oh, Shah, this thing is lighter than air. It naturally wants to fly to the sky as if it took us to the sky."

"If it's lighter than air, how did you collect these things?"

"This question is very reasonable to ask, boy, it means that you are a qualified engineer. Yeah, it is rarer than the hen's teeth, but we do things ourselves in the laboratory. At least the alchemists say so Yes. Then we inserted it into the balloon above our head. "

"Balloon." This thought worried Bai En even more. This reminded him of a small hot air balloon made of paper when he was a kid. He can understand the matter of using gas lighter than air to float in the air, but how to keep such gas from leaking is more important.

"Yeah, it's much stronger than hot air, and the balloon on your head is not made of metal, no matter what it looks like. It's made of more elastic materials. Alchemists do a good job. "

"What if the gas leaks?"

"Ouch, this kind of thing is terrible! You see, there are many small balloons in that big balloon. We call it a balloon or a unit. If it breaks, we still have enough lift. Even half of the small balloons are in our It will break before losing height, and even then it is gradual. For them, this is natural. "

Bai En understands the significance of this arrangement. If the balloons above are filled with thousands of small balloons, they are unlikely to explode all at once—even if they are attacked by hundreds of arrows, only the airbag outside the balloon will be punctured ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ if the arrow can penetrate the outer structure of the balloon. Obviously, Mackason thought about the safety of his work.

"What about the material?" Bai En tried to reconfirm whether he was safe enough.

"Skin, steel frame, airbag. More detailed materials."

At this time, somewhere in the rear of the airship, the bell rang. Bai En looked around and found that the springboard had been retracted to the proper position, and a railing was turned back to cover the gap. He felt a little safer.

Ma Kaisen said, "This is the signal that we should send wow." He pulled down one of the small levers and the whistle rang. Suddenly, engineers flocked to occupy various positions in the entire airship control room. Bai En can even hear someone cheering below.

"Get up!" Makasson called, pulling another lever. The sound of the engine was heard from somewhere under the airship. The roar of the engine was almost deafening. The dwarves began to use the barreled hinged wheel on the side of the ship to close up the anchor chain, as if a group of sailors were anchoring. Bai En slowly began to feel that he seemed to be moving. The air stroked his face. The airship started to rise and moved forward. He walked almost reluctantly to the airship and looked out the porthole. At their feet, the ground began to move, and the building complex around the black tower was behind. The dwarves on the ground waved to them, and Bai En waved to them with impulse. Then he was crushed by a disgusting sense of dizziness and had to step back from the window.

He suddenly realized that he was really on an airship flying to an unknown area. Then he began to think about how they could land again. In the ruins left after the evil invasion, he knew that there was no airship hangar or tall steel tower.