The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 726: cabin

After leaving the cockpit, Warwick led him down a metal ladder welded to the airship structure. Bai En was happy to leave the command deck and a large group of excited dwarves. But here, even through the thick steel hull, you can hear the buzzing of the engine, and occasionally Baien can also notice the curved floor under his feet.

Suddenly, it was as if the whole ship began to lean to one side. Bai En instinctively reached out and firmly supported the wall. His heart jumped into his throat, and at that moment, he was sure that they were about to fall, and his own life was about to end. He realized that despite the cold weather, he was still sweating.

"What's going on?" He asked nervously.

"It may just be a crosswind," Warwick said happily. Seeing Bain ’s confusion, he began to explain: “This part of the hull where we are is called the manned cabin. It is not fixed on the balloon above us. We are actually hanging on the rope between the two. As it blows over, the entire manned cabin begins to swing in that direction. There is nothing to worry about. Mackason designed the airship so that it can cross the wind when necessary-at least he said so. "

"I hope he can," said Bai En, and after confirming that the cabin is no longer swinging, he took the courage to put one foot in front of the other.

"Isn't this exciting, Brian?" Warwick asked. "Uncle said we might be the first people to fly at this height ever!"

"That only means that we are more likely to crash than others." Bai En muttered to himself.

After Warwick left, Bane lay on the low bed, staring at the steel ceiling screwed in his room. He found it difficult to relax because he thought there was a long drop between him and the ground, and the hull was still shaking from time to time. He was happy to find that the narrow bunk was bolted to the floor of the room to prevent it from moving.

He threw his equipment into a metal storage box, and the same was true. This is a good design, indicating that the dwarf has thought of something he will never think of. He admits that this is a very typical example; as a person, it is difficult for you to think more thoroughly than a group of people.

He turned around and put his face against the porthole, which was a very thick glass ring embedded in the side of the airship. A cold breath hit the tip of his nose almost immediately, and the breath he exhaled misted the window glass. He wiped it off and saw that they rose higher, below which was a vast, continuous sea of ​​clouds.

This was a scene that Bai En thought only God and the most powerful caster had ever seen, which made him feel excited and excited. Through the cracks that suddenly appeared in the clouds, he could see far below, fields and woods like a stitched quilt.

They are so high, and for a while, he can look at the surface of the world like a map, turning his head, he can look from one farmer village to another. He can follow the flow of streams and rivers as if they were the strokes of a sacred cartographer. Then, the cloud closed again, lying under him like a snowfield. The sky above them is unparalleled blue.

Bai En feels honored to have a glance from such a high place. He thought to himself, maybe this is how any emperor or king would like to look down from his throne, and look at all the territories in his territory, extending to the eyes of his emperor To the distance.

Bai En believes that the manned cabin of ‘Glennell ’s Will’ is very impressive. It is as big as a barge on the river, and certainly much more comfortable than a barge. On the way to his room, they passed many other rooms. The kitchen is small, but it is well stocked and equipped with some kind of portable stove. There is enough space on the boat for thirty dwarves to sit down and eat in the restaurant. There is also a map room filled with charts and tables, as well as a small library. There is even a huge cargo compartment filled with wooden boxes Warwick assured him, filled with all the food and equipment they needed to sail north. This idea reminded Bai En that when they stopped next time — if they could stop next time — he would have to buy some winter clothes and equipment. He wouldn't think that as they went north, the weather would get warmer.

Bai En thought to himself, does this mean he wants to go with the dwarves? He is not sure. Traveling on such a great airship and visiting a place that no one has seen in 3,000 years is an exciting prospect. If they did not go to the wasteland after the evil invasion, but went to another place, Bai En believed that he would catch it in a flash.

He is not a particularly brave person, but he is not a coward, he knows that he has no humility. At the thought of the power of this ship, he was excited. The mountains and the ocean are unhindered by a machine, it can simply float on them, and the airship is much faster than the fastest ship. According to Warwick, it can run an average of more than 500 miles per day, at an amazing speed.

According to Bain's estimates, he and Guerrerogen spent more than a month, walking about the same distance in a carriage and walking. This airship can reach El Ebai or the farther reaches of the Gaitan Empire in less than a week, and if you take a boat, this journey will take several months.

Suppose that the airship did not crash, was not scraped from the sky by the storm, and was not attacked by the dragon, while maintaining this amazing moving ability. Its commercial possibilities are enormous. It can be used to quickly transport small and precious perishable goods between distant cities. It can do the work of a hundred messengers or public carriages.

Bai En believes that even if he can see the magnificent scenery he has witnessed through the gaps in the clouds, someone will be willing to pay. Bai En smiled sarcastically, realizing that his thoughts had become so marketable in this situation.

Not to mention its military achievements, if Fatalin has it, or can build more airships. Then the cannon of the warship could not be raised to such a high angle. Only a few ships, even if only one, Fatalin Island can become a fortress that will never fall. Well, Bai En suddenly thought that maybe in the face of the dwarves, their rotorcraft threatened the airship really.

Of course, after creating this magical vehicle, what do the crazy short-legged idiots plan to use it for? Flying directly into the deadliest wilderness in the world, Bai En believes that this place is a place where demons and monsters haunt from childhood. It is the place where those who sell their souls to evil forces are infested.

Bai En wondered about this. Are there some strange impulses in the dwarves' minds that always seek destruction and failure? Of course, they seem to relish stories of disaster and misfortune, just as humans relish the epic of victory and heroism.

They also seem to like to be hostile to their failures and record their resentment towards the world. Bai En suspected that the cults established by oath-takers like Grey Rogan would not be able to attract admirers among humans, and suddenly he gave up the idea.

This is probably not true. Even the unbelievably evil God of Darkness has found admirers among his people, so if given them a chance, there may not be a lack of human oaths. In fact, are there any real differences between those fanatics and oath makers? They have no fear of death and suffering, and will die for their **** at any time and any place. Perhaps the only difference is that they are not as powerful as Grerogan.

Bai En shook his head. He thought that such a guess was meaningless, and realized that he didn't have to make any decision about whether to venture with the dwarves now. When they stop, he can always make a decision.

If they stop, he will make the right choice for himself.

The muscles of Luck-Snake Tongue contract for a long time due to inaction. He didn't know where he was. He didn't know what to do. Several hours passed, and he heard nothing from the Prophet Tangul. For several hours, he felt a sense of isolation from the world, which was quite new in his experience, and to some extent terrifying.

He was born on a large breeding ground around the magic capital, ranking first in a nest of twenty children on average. Surrounded by his siblings and everyone else, he grew up completely in a narrow cave. He once lived in a city, where he was crowded with thousands of people. When he left that city, he had been performing military missions as part of a powerful squirrel military unit.

Even the smallest sentry has hundreds of people. His life, eating, bowel movements and sleeping are always in close proximity to his kind. In his short life, every hour he was surrounded by the smell of similar body fragrances and feces, or the sound of their non-stop sneaky actions.

For the first time in his life, he felt parting like a sharp pain, just like a person who had just lost his sight might feel lack of light. Of course, all of his colleagues are happy competitors for his superiors. Of course, like him, they would stab him in the back for a magic stone coin.

But they are always there. Their large number of people makes people feel at ease, because this is a world full of danger, a world of small races, they hate the powerful rat race ~ ~ envy their superiority, and in number They are safe and will not be threatened.

But now he is helpless and hungry, and although no compatriots around him can heed his warning, he still has a strong impulse and wants to breathe a scent of fear. Now, all he can do is simply listen to his beating heart, instead of burying his head in his paws and falling into the fear of paralyzing himself. At that terrible moment, he realized that he even missed the prophet Tangul that appeared in his mind. This is a terrible revelation.

At that moment, the whole ship began to shake.

Bai En opened his eyes in horror. He realized that he must have fallen asleep. What is that banging noise? Why is the wall shaking? Why is his bed moving? Slowly, he was puzzled to realize that he was on a dwarf spaceship, and it seemed that there was a serious problem. The floor was shaking and he could feel the vibration of the mattress. He rolled off the bed, jumped up, and hit his head hard against the ceiling.

When the entire airship slammed, squeaked, and vibrated around him, he tried his best to restrain a feeling of claustrophobia caused by the small space. In his mind, he imagined that the airship was disintegrated, and everyone on the ship was caught in the doom of death. Damn, why did he let himself step on this terrible machine? He asked himself as he opened the door. Why did he agree to go so far with these dwarf lunatics?

He thought that something terrible would happen at any time. As soon as he opened the door, he shuffled into the hallway, frantically looking around, trying to find any clues, and hoping that someone could rescue him from this mess. There is a silver lining in hope that he will live long enough to figure out what happened.