The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 734: conversation

Bai En couldn't help feeling that the conversation was beyond his control. He had never really met a woman like this before, she was like the Kaslev mercenaries he had seen, he was not sure if he liked it. The behavior of the aristocratic women seen by Bai En is not like this, at least not at the first meeting, maybe except for the followers in the army camp and the girls in the tavern, of course, Angelica Mogorova has no such manner. Perhaps, he just misunderstood her attitude. Perhaps this is the manner of the Kaslov woman.

She continued to speak to break the silence. "I didn't go to Brandenburg alone-although I can. I came with my father's Lancer Guard. They had left north, and I was waiting to go back with Borek."

This is the first time she has not faced his gaze. Bai En felt what she was hiding, but he was not sure what it was. Obviously more is happening here than we have seen. Moreover, for the first time, he began to suspect that she was not as confident as her beauty and guts convinced him.

This suddenly made her more approachable and to some extent more attractive. He smiled at her again, and she smiled at him, but this time it was a little sad. Then she glanced over Bai En's shoulder, then smoothed her trousers with both hands, then stood up, keeping her charming smile.

Bai En looked in the direction of her gaze, and found that their other passenger-the magician-had just entered the bridge area. He looked at them puzzled, Bai En thought, maybe looking at them resentfully. But if that was the case, he quickly controlled himself. When he entered the room, a languid and laid-back look of pleasure passed across his thin, handsome face. Angelica Mogorova walked slowly past him, stopped for a moment, but glanced at him slightly contemptuously.

"Good day, Mr. Schneider. Nice to talk to you, Bai En."

"Good day." Bai En said weakly, standing up when she disappeared out of sight. The magician sat directly in the chair she left.

"So," he said, "You have seen the beautiful Angelica. What do you think, eh?"

This is an rude question from a completely stranger, Bai En thought, but he understands that the caster may be a little weird. Then he noticed that the man was smiling, shaking his head, like someone who was enjoying a private joke. White teeth appeared on his tanned skin, and the lively expression made the magician look several years younger. Bai En speculates that the mage may be about the same age as himself, but I am afraid that he cannot exceed himself. Suddenly, the man reached out impulsively.

"Eisenheim-Alfred-Schneider, at your command. My friends call me Eisen."

"I'm Bai En--" Bai En hesitated and added, "Fatlin."

"Bai En-Fatalin. Bai En-I have heard of this name before. There is a promising mage with this name. Are you relatives? I read some of his deeds in a book many years ago He summoned a blood giant in the port of Realmas, but I guess the one who was later summoned outside the city of Billbury-I think that was the real blood giant. One can put together in a few years Masters whose spells have been strengthened to this level, I actually like it. "

Bai En was pleasantly surprised to find that the stranger had heard of him. He recalled Reilmas, that was the first time he left Fatalin Island. All this seems to have happened to another person, that was a long time ago.

"That's me," Bai En hesitated, but admitted.

"Great. A surprise." The other party seemed extremely surprised. "I didn't expect you to be a mage." Eisenheim looked up and down at Bain. "Does Fatalin refer to the Fatalin Association? You are one of them-the ruler? I thought it was the nobles to name the territory after the name."

"Ah, it's just more convenient to deal with affairs." Bai En did not know how to answer, and told the other party that this was Dean and Falheim's idea?

"Well, understand." Eisenheim nodded as if he knew the grace of Baeun very well. "If dealing with those nobles, no family really makes them look down upon." When talking about the nobility, Eisenheim made a disdainful expression, and then he continued to ask. "Then why are you here?"

"Well, I encountered some legal problems." Bai En was a little caught off guard. He thought about the answer. It seems that helping the association to deal with trade affairs is not a good answer, and it is the same as the dwarves to take risks. Then the only answer he could think of was to escape the laws of the Marnus Empire.

"Legal issues? What about?"

The smoothness of this magician began to disturb Bai En. "I was wanted by the Marnus empire because I killed a nobleman while traveling. Uh, an earl. Then there were all other minor issues, such as setting a castle on fire and causing some unrest."

"Oh, yes, arson, riots. So, you are not only the blood mage Brian Fatalin, you are also the infamous desperate Brian Fatalin, so to say, the infamous Guerrerogan-Maha Er is your dwarf follower. Or should it be the other way around? "

Bai En's face was pale. It has been a long time since he has met the person who connected these two things, and most of them do not even know that he is a criminal. The empire of Marnus was very large, and the news spread very slowly. It ’s been a long time since he has met anyone who mentioned these things, and the terrible massacre happened not far from the southern border of the Marnus Empire. It is hard to imagine that some people still know at the northernmost point.

"You said that Guerrerogan is also 'notorious'?" Bai En tried to change the subject and put his hand on his hilt. Although he is still on the dwarf's airship, and thinks that the dwarf will not hand him over. But in the face of a magician, Bai En is not so sure about this. The ghost knows what kind of magic he can cast.

"Of course, in fact he is more famous than you. Many years ago, he cut down almost the entire castle because of an Count who owed him two gold coins of wages. Since then, he has been in the Marnus Empire The territory disappeared, and it is said that he fled to the southern continent. I thought he purposely returned for this adventure, but considering your reputation and your fierce dwarf follower, it is easy to associate these together "At this time the magician apparently noticed his expression. His smile turned into a grin.

"Don't worry. I won't hand you over to the law enforcer. Even if I think, judging from your experience, I doubt if I can do it. And I always think that the laws of the Marnus Empire come to the lawcaster It ’s an unfair and stupid system, they do n’t care why you do it, they only care about whether the results affect you. To be honest, I sympathize with your plight in the Marnus Empire. I myself Was expelled from the Marnus Imperial Academy of Magic, even though it was a few years before you started your 'legendary career' from Realmas. "

"Is it?" Bai En didn't expect to meet the second student who was expelled from the Marnus Imperial College. Considering that the last one was his own apprentice Morris, Bai En unconsciously felt that he started to have a lot Emboldened.

"Oh yes. My mentor thinks I have shown an unhealthy interest in the topic of evil forces."

"I think I have to agree with them. Any interest in this issue is unhealthy." Bai En admits that each of his own spells definitely looks like evil spells, but he is not too good at this point. More choices, if possible, he would rather rub the ball of fire instead of stabbing himself with a sacrificial knife.

There was a flash of light in the magician's eyes, and he leaned forward eagerly on the seat. "I can't believe you think so, Mr. Bai En. This short-sighted behavior should appear to the experts among the shrivelled and gray-bearded old men in my university, not the adventurers like you."

Bai En feels that he must defend his point of view.

"I believe I know a little about this topic. I have more experience than most people in defeating evil forces." Bai En thought that if I were not counted as a member of the evil forces, I would have spent almost my whole life. Fighting against evil forces.

"That's good! I have also fought against the forces of darkness. My friend, I have found the dark dogs in some unlikely places. Please don't think I'm saying something wrong, this is currently present to us The nation, and the world ’s biggest threat. "

"I agree with you." On this point, Bai En had to admit.

"In this case, would it be wrong to study this subject? In order to fight such a powerful enemy, we must understand it. We must understand its strengths and weaknesses, its goals and its fears."

"Yes, but the study of evil forces corroded those who participated in it! Many people embarked on this path with the best wishes, but found themselves fascinated by what they wanted to fight." Bai En I think of those who fall into the law to get knowledge and turn to Sasolion.

"Now you sound like my former teacher! Have you ever thought that if you are a servant of evil forces, you will use this reason to stop any investigation of your secret work?"

"You are not serious to imply that your mentors at the Marnus Imperial Academy of Magic--"

"Of course not! I just said that the servants of evil forces are cunning. You don't know how cunning they are. All they have to do is write this idea in the book, spread the rumors, and encourage people to believe it. Of course, evil also Will lead to depravity, such as those who fall into the law. "

"Do you know the Sage's Stone?" Eisenheim paused, and waited until Bae nodded and confirmed. "If you know the stone of the sage, you must also know the magic stone. But you know that if you work with the magic stone, it will change you, just as evil forces cause people to fall. If you perform a dark ritual, you The soul of will be tarnished. I admit that this statement has some truth. However, I do n’t think this should prevent us from studying evil itself and trying to find a way to stop its spread, find its followers, and weaken its terrible power. Our entire society is filled with a silent conspiracy. It is encouraging ignorance. It gives our enemies a place to hide and a place for them to lie and plan. "

Ban had to admit that Eisenheim had some truth in what he said. To be honest, he often had similar ideas himself. "perhaps you're right."

"Maybe? Please, Bane, you know I'm right. Many people think so. Unfortunately, I made a mistake and wrote my opinion into a booklet. The authorities think it is heresy Heresy, and— "

"You have also become a desperate man." Bai En thought, this may be the root reason why he would not confess himself, or at least one of the reasons.

"This more or less summarizes everything."

"Then why are you on this airship?"

"Because I want to continue my research. I moved from one place to another, tried my best to fight evil, collect the information I found, hunt down evil wizards. I have become an expert in this area, and finally Found a refuge in the court of Count Stephen-Ross. He is far more visionary than many of our nobles. "

"He and the Temple of Ulrich funded my research. Five years ago, I met your friend Borek when he visited the library in the temple. He was most interested when he discovered that I believed I had found A way to prevent the worst effects caused by evil erosion. He asked me to protect his airship. "

Suddenly, Bai En began to understand the scale of their expedition plan. This order of magnitude is something he has never encountered before. Borek not only supervised the construction of the huge industrial complex at the collapsed black tower, he also hired the father of Angelica Mogorova to build an advance base and discovered the magician to help them Resist evil erosion. The old dwarf said that this was his life's career, and it is no exaggeration from these points of view. Bai En began to think that as the journey progressed, what other planned feats would be revealed. However, he did not fully believe Eisenheim's statement.

"Have you found a way to protect the airship from evil erosion?"

"There are many types of them, from simple runes to protective magic, UU reading to basic precautions, such as ensuring an adequate supply of uncontaminated food and water, there are many such spells. Believe Me, Bai En, if I cannot guarantee that you are likely to be safe and sound, I will not promise to help you. "

"Then don't you go with us?" Bai En would like to ask questions about 'very likely', but he heard that the other party didn't seem to plan to go with him.

"I only go to Kaslov. Not all the way to Guntergrim."

Bai En looked at the magician in surprise.

"I told you, Bane, I am a scholar. This is my field. I have studied all the information I can find on this issue. I am fully capable of figuring out why a dwarf like Borek wants Prepare for such a large expedition. When he told me his goal, I was not surprised. "

Eisenheim-Alfred-Schneider stood up from the chair. "Speaking of the bearded scholar, I have to go talk to him now. However, I hope to have a few more words with you before the end of this voyage."

He bowed and walked away, but he turned around at the door. "I'm happy that there is someone on the ship who is also educated, and who is also educated in magic has far exceeded my expectations. I think I may have to chase the lovely Angelica on this journey. If we can Just some enlightened conversations. "

Bai En doesn't know why he thinks this sentence is so rude. Perhaps, he told himself that he was just jealous. Then he wondered why he felt this way about a woman he had just met?