The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 741: Go to wasteland

Bane watched Ivan Petronovich Mogorova's mansion disappear under the airship, feeling sad as a cloak fell on him. With the acceleration of ‘Glennell ’s Will’, the little figures waving were slowly disappearing into the distance, and then disappeared completely from the field of vision. The manor shrank smaller and smaller until it disappeared into the endless rolling grasslands.

Ban walked up and down restlessly on the metal deck. He didn't know if he could see Angelica again. Obviously she doesn't think so, and she knows these things better than he does, because she has lived on the edge of this wasteland eroded by evil all her life. Strangely, he had begun to miss her, even though he did not know the woman until a few days ago.

In that terrible moment, he really wanted to go to Mackason and ask him to turn the airship. He wanted to say that this was a serious mistake, and he did not want to leave. He found that he really wanted to stay with her, but things happened so quickly that he was once again dazed by the dwarves' pursuit. Everyone, including her, seemed to believe that he was leaving, so he left, although he might not want to leave.

This is a typical thing in his world. Things are always out of control, and before he realizes it, he is caught in things that he should not control and should not happen. He wondered if everyone's life was like this, not just him. Did everyone pile up tiny decisions one after another like children piled up pebbles, only to realize at the last minute that they had built a mountain under their feet that was constantly shaking and unstable, and there was no way to not avalanche ?

He knew that for various reasons, he could not go to the chief engineer to ask him to go back. The first and easiest one is that Mackason may not do this, he will lose the respect and goodwill of the crew and get no benefit. The second reason is that even if he really went back, he did not know what kind of reception he would receive.

Perhaps Angelica ’s attraction to him is that he believes that his role in the adventure is a hero, and now giving up this role will make him a coward. He knew that in this barren land, people would not want to be with a coward.

Perhaps, he had to admit that, anyway, part of his heart still wanted to move on, wanted to see this new place, wondered how this would all end, and wanted to measure in this wasteland that even Gray Rogan was frustrated Own courage.

Perhaps what others think of him is what he thinks of himself. If he abandons ‘Glennell ’s will’, he will abandon his heroic views and return to the same state as everyone else.

Perhaps part of him is the fame that the dwarves who really want on the airship desire. He didn't know, and he couldn't be sure. Sometimes his motives even confuse himself. They seem to change with his mood or hangover.

He only knew that he felt bad now-he wanted to see Angelica again. The gloomy atmosphere seemed to infect the entire airship. All dwarves are quiet, and their expressions are painful. Perhaps they also felt this inexplicable sadness.

Maybe they just did n’t wake up, because last night each of them reveled like a sailor in Port Tutuga, or more precisely, like a dwarf facing a large lake with free wine. Bane knew this very well, and he saw it when he received the former Golden Shield Dwarf in Port Tutuga.

Bai En has to admit that the airship is not yet suitable for hangovers. The deck was trembling visibly, and as they passed through the clouds and turbulence, the entire crew cabin occasionally wobbled.

He walked towards the command deck and found that there was almost no one on the deck except the basic crew. He walked past sullenly, standing beside Mackason and looking out the window. The airship is getting closer and closer to the huge mountain range. He could see that they were heading towards the black blood pass. I don't know why, Bai En thought it was like an open mouth in front of them, like the mouth of some huge demon.

Soon, they came to the pass, the mountains were looming around them, and the lowest parts of the strange, glowing peaks were flush with the airship.

Bai En studied them carefully, but the light-emitting substance covering them looked abnormally difficult to observe. His eyes were sliding on and off like a person rolling on the ice, and he found that he couldn't focus his eyes on the mountain at close range. This was the first time he realized how strange the erosion of evil forces. But he was sure this would not be his last time.

The mountain pass itself is rugged and desolate. There are strangely shaped boulders everywhere beside the passage, and Bai En is convinced that these stones are carved with weird runes. But he noticed some of them flashing white light, so he borrowed a telescope from Mackason and focused on them.

To his horror, he found that he thought it was a symbol drawn in chalk, actually a deformed skeleton with iron chains tied to the rock. He wondered if these were the living sacrifices left by the warriors of the evil gods, or the warning signs left by Mrs. Casler? Both of these situations seemed perfectly possible.

At this time, Warwick appeared beside Bai En, silent for a few minutes in awe. Bai En knew that the dwarves had the same mood.

"Eisenheim-Schneider believes that these mountains protect the entire Kaslov," Warwick finally said.

"What do you mean?"

"I talked with him in the manor. He has a theory that without this mountain range, the wind would blow all the sand and magic stone dust eroded by evil forces from this waste soil and let the entire population happen Mutation. He said they will all be changed, will become deformed, and will succumb to the **** of the mad thoughts of the dark gods. "

"I think Kaslov already has aberrations. You know, I played enough with them in the Marnus Empire. There will be no less here than there!"

Warwick looked at Bai En and smiled bitterly. "In Kaslov, they kill anyone who shows signs of slight mutation--even babies."

"It was the same in the Marnus Empire," Bai En said, but he knew it was not true. Many parents hide their distorted children, and people protect their mutant relatives. He encountered this situation in his adventure. He thinks these aberrations may not be bad people; they just got sick.

Then he shook his head in pain, because he knew that there was no dwarf, and probably no normal human would agree with this conclusion. This is indeed a terrible world. Somehow, he remembered Angelica and her power again, and Bai En could only thank God, at least he didn't detect any abnormalities in her.

"Schneider said that without these mountains, the situation would be worse, because they are a natural barrier that prevents most of the dust from entering human land. He said that the strange things on the mountain peaks are dark magic condensation, pure evil things . "

"It seems that Mr. Schneider has many interesting theories," said Bai En sourly. Then he looked at the strange things on the mountain again. If it was really condensed dark magic, it means that this is the legendary magic crystal.

Legend has it that magic only condenses into crystals when the magic concentration reaches a certain level. Only a few talents have seen this crystallization in natural caves under the most powerful magic node in the world.

The only place where Bane knows that there may be such a magic crystal is the magic kingdom of El Urbai. It is said that their magic king hall is located above a magic node, and there is a magic crystal in the natural crystal cave below. .

"He said that these are not just theories. He had experimented with magic stone powder on animals." Warwick continued.

"Then he is crazy. The magic stone is an evil substance. It drives people crazy. I saw it with my own eyes."

"He said he was very careful and protected himself with magic and various protective substances. My uncle believed his theory. This is one of the reasons why there is a layer of lead foil in the hull of this airship."

"I don't think Mr. Schneider will have a good result in the end." Bai En lamented that the magician was crazy or fascinated than he thought.

"Bai En, I tend to agree with you, but he may also be right. My uncle said it fits the dwarf legend. Some people claim that during the first large-scale evil invasion a long time ago, our people Start building their cities underground at once ~ ~ Rock protects us from the pollution of evil erosion, and the phenomenon of erosion has affected all other races. "

He was embarrassed when he said this, and he didn't seem to know how Bai En would react to the accusation that his race was affected by evil. However, judging from his own experience of traveling in and out of Marnus Di, it is easy to believe that this is true. It is too easy for humans to give themselves to the worship of the dark gods. This is a frustrating idea.

"When we cross these mountains, we are on the verge of evil forces." Warwick said in frustration.

"Do you think Schneider's spells weaving around the airship will protect us?" Bai En asked.

"I don't know anything about magic, Bane. This is not a subject that most dwarves can understand." Warwick said with a shake of his head. "I thought you knew. But my uncle believed it, he has always been considered very wise in these matters."

"I don't know. I have fought against similar forces of darkness before, but although they have influenced many people, they are basically spiritual, not like this."

"Well, I can understand." Warwick continued, seemingly intending to change the subject. "Mr. Schneider is a strange person. You know, he asked me to record my impression of the wasteland, and we can tell him if we can come back."

"Me too. He said it would be helpful for his research."

"So, let's hope we can bring him useful materials when we come back."

Bai En smiled. "I hope so."