The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 742: Stowaway

Luck Snake Tongue was worried. Ever since the human wizard boarded the airship and began casting spells, he has not been able to reach the prophet Tangul. This is a terrible thing, because he knows that no matter what the real reason is, the Rat Prophet will blame him for it.

This is normal. If you make a mistake in the rat-man society, you must be returned to your incompetent men, so you can be free from punishment, but there are no men around Luck who can shirk their responsibilities, which makes him even more uneasy.

He wanted to do something, but he knew nothing about witchcraft. There was a sense of helplessness in his heart. What followed was a heartbreaking desire to get rid of his fear by killing something, preferably to kill something weak and helpless.

Unfortunately, there is no suitable person for his anger. The airship was full of heavily armed and well-equipped dwarves, but there were no more than a dozen buddies beside Luck to stir up his upright ratmen. Of course, if any, he will choose to position himself as the leader of the Ratmen-the back.

But he knew that he needed to use this exit he found to release his suppressed energy. He discovered it before exploring the airship, when the dwarves were still mostly sleeping. And he once again found himself in a promising tunnel entrance on the top floor of the manned cabin.

Slowly and carefully, he turned the huge handle and felt the lock open with a click. He pushed up with all his strength. After pushing the hatch open, he saw a ladder, and then he began to look up at the probe. The wind dragged his fur, and then he realized he was standing above the manned cabin.

He looked up and the ladder disappeared into a circular opening in the huge airbag above his head. He climbed up from the hole and was immediately surrounded by a huge pile of balloons. They are fixed by thin lines in a long grid inside the airbag.

He quickly climbed up the ladder and jumped up as quickly as a rat. The airbags around him made him feel at ease. His sharp nostrils twitched and his beard stood upright. He recognized a faint pungent smell in the air that no one or dwarf would notice.

But he recognized the smell! He had smelled it on the punt below, but he did not know where it came from. No, he remembered it. He encountered it in the big swamp around the magic capital. The Ratman's factory poured their chemical byproducts into the mud and quicksand. Many times, huge bubbles will form in the sewage pipe. When these bubbles break the surface and burst, this special smell will be emitted.

Could it be that the dwarves packed these gases in these thin sacks like balloons, and it was these tens of thousands of bags that hung the boat into the air? Is the method of creating an airship already in the claws of the ratmen Should he tell the Prophet Tangul his doubts?

He considered for a while, and then decided not to do so. This is a ridiculous theory! Of course, only the most powerful magic can maintain the height of this ship. That must be what a human wizard does in a human surface cave! He must have added magic to the spell that made the airship fly. These airbags must have other uses. Maybe they are weapons, like poison balloons. However, it also seems unlikely, because he has never heard that biogas has more serious consequences than headaches.

These thoughts gave Leker a headache, perhaps due to biogas. So he bounced all the way to the top of the ladder, noting that various rope passages passed through this huge balloon in order to enter its interior. If he had to give up the cargo compartment below, it would be a good hiding place.

When he reached the top of the ladder, he appeared on an open platform on the ship. This seems to be a crow nest, about the size of a rowing boat. Various strange instruments are placed in a large metal box. Thinking of what Tangul said to him, he dared not touch them.

On a large tripod next to them, a telescope was mounted, and above it was a large multi-barrel weapon, which reminded Luck of the organ gun he used when fighting humans and dwarves. There is no doubt that this weapon is used to protect the airship against attacks from above.

He can clearly see the sky above his head. The cold wind beat his fur, he sniffed the air. God! There's a little bit of magic stone in it! Luck's hair stands upright. If he could find the source of this legendary material, he would be richer than his wildest greedy dreams-as long as Tangul allowed him to keep some. Perhaps it is best not to mention these precious stones to Tangul before it is absolutely necessary. After all, he may be wrong.

A walkway extends from the top of this huge building to other crow dens in front of and behind the ship. He realized that what he saw was a row of fortifications similar to this one. It seems that the dwarves are reluctant to take risks and strive to be foolproof. Could it be that the rope channel inside the balloon connected to other weapons on the side of the airship? He had to investigate.

He observed the surrounding environment through the telescope's eyepieces, carefully paying attention to the peaks and mountains with flashing light, and the strange color traces in the northern sky. He suddenly felt completely exposed. This is not for people like him who live in the tunnel. The sky is too big, too much fresh air, the horizon is too far away. He'd better go back as soon as possible.

"You are here!" The idea appeared so strong that it really scared him. Luck straightened up and stretched his tail as long as possible. "Where have you been?" The voice shouted again in Luck's head.

Has nowhere, the overlord who knows everything best. Luck thought carefully. In the spaceship, follow your orders.

‘Then our enemies protected their ships with magic. Incompetent fools, they must have discovered your existence! ’Tangul ’s reprimand words appeared in Luck ’s mind, just as he had guessed before.

This is a terrible idea ~ ~ Lake prays religiously that this is not true. He quickly explained to the strong voice roaring in his head that there was a human wizard on board and how he covered the airship with a mysterious spell. The silence that followed was so long that Luck began to believe that Tangul had lost contact. As he thanked the devil, the majestic voice spoke again.

‘That human wizard must have put a protective spell on the airship to protect it from any harm. But the spell is only on the boat below, not where you are. I will contact you at the same time every day to where you are now. ’

Yes, the most powerful monarch, Luke recalled.

Luck hurried down the ladder. It was only after he returned below that he began to wonder if the Rat Prophet understood the danger. Maybe those crow dens will be occupied, and next time he comes there may be dwarves there. Maybe he could not execute this order.

Anyway, considering that Tanguer might vent his anger on him, this is a terrible idea. Luck hopes that several of his subordinates can be used to bully him to alleviate his frustration. On the way back, he vented angrily to tear a few balloons. They exploded and sprayed a foul but familiar gas into his nostrils.

It was only when he returned to the box that he was safe that Luck began to worry about what would happen if a dwarf found him breaking the balloon. Maybe they will doubt his existence. On the other hand, his natural curiosity as a ratman also made him wonder what would happen if he exploded all the balloons.