The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 744: Waste Residents

Bai En pressed his nose against the icy glass of the airship. For the first time since entering the wasteland, he felt real fear. The horn that summoned all the crew to battle positions was just sounded. All the dwarves ran to their positions in front of the cannon and the engine, leaving Bai En standing side by side. At this moment of fear, he was just a helpless Bystander. He could only look down on the terrible scenery below.

The desert itself has a wild and terrible beauty. And this desert eroded by evil forces has a different kind of beauty. Huge rock formations tower high above the glittering sand, like statues of monsters eroded by the wind. The verdant lake glowed green under the deep red sky. On its shore, two large armies marched toward each other in a wave of flesh and metal.

Bai En wondered about his fears. The warriors of the evil gods who are advancing below do not seem to care about the airship overhead. They are too committed to each other. The horned beasts or evil spirit soldiers only occasionally looked up at the sky, and then continued to wave their weapons. None of the long-range weapons they carried were able to hit the airship. Ma Kaisen only issued an alarm for safety reasons, and Bai En cannot blame him. The number of squads and the degree of madness below are scary.

These two armies are very powerful, perhaps the most powerful army he has ever seen. Thousands of horned beasts swell below, like a sea of ​​hoofed and horned animals. They stand upright, imitating the appearance of human beings.

On the other side, Bai En had previously fought with the followers of these dark gods, but now, the sheer number here makes them look more terrible than before. Huge flags rose from the army, and each side was a twisted imitation of the coat of arms of their distant homeland. Monsters wearing magnificent black armor march in front of each unit, or ride mutated war horses on their flanks. These war horses make even the largest human war horses appear short.

Bai En doubts whether the followers of these dark gods are really humans. Even if they look down from the high-altitude airship, each of them looks much higher than normal humans. There are thousands of fighters present. Bai En wondered about this. How can this barren land support such a large army? Obviously there is witchcraft here.

Looking at this huge army, he recalled what he had read about the previous invasion of evil forces, which was in the time of the devout Marnus, when the city of Prague, which was the main traffic road in the center of the Marnus Empire, was surrounded It seems that the army of the God of Darkness is about to sweep the entire civilized world.

In his view, those terrifying images of demons, and the large group of distorted images of horned beasts, always seemed a little unreal. However, the army below makes those hell-like visions too real. He could easily foresee those powerful armies passing through the black blood pass and through human land. For the first time, he truly understood the power of evil gods, and he wondered why it had not swallowed the world.

With a roar, the roar even covered the roar of the spacecraft engine, the distance between the two armies was shortened. Bai En pointed the telescope at the distant figures, turning them from puppets in the distance into living warriors.

A huge figure in black plate armor, with red glowing runes engraved on it, rushed towards a group of horned beasts on his majestic horse. The evil knight brandished a huge battle axe in each hand.

And the horse's decoration is very gorgeous. Its head is protected by a steel mask, which gives it some demon characteristics. The armor on it is divided into several sections like a centipede, each section has countless discs, they are carved into the shape of a demon face.

It rushed to a group of horned beasts with the heavily armed soldier riding on it. His axe cut off the head of an enemy. His horseshoe kicked the head of another enemy, and he continued to trample the slain. Behind the knight, his companions stormed into the herd of horned beasts at least twenty times larger than their number. They seemed fearless and did not care whether they were dead or alive.

In another part of the battlefield, the giant Minotaur held a tree-sized axe and cut through all the enemies who dared to resist them. They are above the horned beasts, just as adults are above the children. In Baine's view, the chance of the horned beast to defeat these minotaurs is as great as the chance of the children to defeat the adults.

Just as Bai En watched, a bull-headed giant pierced something with a goat's head with its horns, and lifted it from the ground while kicking and barking. Then the bull-head monster shook his head violently, causing his stabbed victim to take twenty steps and land on his companion.

This impact caused at least six soldiers to fall on the **** sand. However, while Bane was watching, the rest of the horned beasts had embraced the minotaur, attacked it with a spear, climbed on its legs, chased it like a group of wild dogs besieging a bear. Then the huge beast fell to the ground, disappeared into a dust, trampled by the horn of the horned beast, and pierced by the horn of the horned beast.

Just then, not far away, a group of winged humanoids with demon faces flew up like a group of ugly bats, circling on the battlefield. At first, Bane feared that they would attack the airship, and he reached out to hold the hilt, but then the group of demons screamed terribly, and fell into the ranks of the horned beasts. They scrambled with their claws and tore the victim's limbs to pieces with a seemingly supernatural force, and then they were torn to pieces by crazy enemies.

In all these crazy howls and suicidal attacks ~ ~ appeared a huge figure, wearing a pair of the most gorgeous armor never seen by Bian. Each piece of nail seems to be made of a grinning skull and a devilish face squinting.

The knight was riding on a skinny horse, and the horse seemed to be unable to bear his huge weight, but it could gallop like the wind. In his right hand, the knight was holding a huge sickle; on his left was a flag with a skull made of countless skulls, and tears of blood in the empty eye sockets.

They are divided from each other, just like the nations; in fact, it is even more so. Perhaps at that time the rumors about the competition between these evil gods with destructive power were true. In this regard, Bai En is deeply grateful, because this is a force that can inspire respect and fear in the heart of the human heart.

But there is something disturbing about all this. What if these gods put their competition aside and turned their face to this world in some way? What would happen if a powerful warlord appeared in the forces of evil gods to unite them into one What would happen to the invincible army? Then countless evil warlords would march into Kaslov and beyond. Suddenly, the fortress of Ivan Petronovich Mogorova and his thousands of cavalrymen seemed to be pitiful.

A few minutes later, the airship swept across the battlefield, and the battlefield gradually shrunk behind them, disappearing into the endless desert. No matter how large the fighting army is, this land can reduce them to the importance of ants. A huge darkness obscured the northern horizon. As soon as he saw it, he had an ominous hunch. Bai En sighed for a long time, no longer thinking about these things that he was unable to intervene and prevent, and went back to his cabin to sleep.