The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 745: Dark storm

The shock of the airship unfortunately awakened Bai En from the dream with Angelica. He felt very unhappy and tried to return to his warm sleep again. But when a loud crash reverberated in the steel corridor, he stood up violently, and the whole ship was shaking, as if knocked by a huge hammer. The lantern on the wall dangled, and the shadow cast suddenly appeared in his room, and his stomach cramped. At that moment, he felt he must be dying.

He stood upright and glanced out of the porthole. It was dark outside. Then, an incredible green lightning flashed, like multiple forks flashing from above, disappearing into the darkness.

After a few seconds, the thunder sounded and the whole ship shook again. The shock caused Bae to fall off the bed and roll to the floor. He jumped up and hit his head against the low ceiling. The pain caused the light to flash in front of his eyes, and he reached out to grab the wall and keep his body balanced. To his surprise, it felt warm.

Struggling to maintain balance on the rickety floor, he shuffled out of the corridor and walked toward the control room. There was a thunderous sound in his ears, and he could hardly control his inner fear. This is much more serious than any previous turbulence. It was like a giant grabbing the airship with his huge hand and trying to fall it to the ground.

He could hear the howling of the gusty wind. Every moment, he thought that the boat would be crushed by a hammer like a mature honeydew. He and everyone in the boat would fall from a thousand feet high, and be thrown in the stormy wind, and finally It fell to the ground and turned into a pool of blood.

This sense of helplessness was so terrible that he knew he couldn't stop it from happening. Apart from crawling out of the hatch on the roof and jumping in front of Grim Reaper, there is no way out on the ‘Glennell ’s Will’. At least he can do something in combat, can wield a sword, can release magic, and can hit enemies.

At this moment, he can't do anything except curse that he has never met a wizard who can fly or teleport in this world. Considering their current position, he doubted what the dwarf's hammer hammer could do to save them. These twenty steps into the control room seem to take a lifetime. Bai En confidently believes that each step may be his last step.

When he finally reached the control room, he saw the dwarves clinging to their control station as if this was the last hope in their lives, which did not bring any comfort to Bai En.

Grerogan stood in the middle, holding his axe casually in one hand, looking almost relaxed. He stood on the shaking deck and adjusted his posture slightly. There was no expression of fear on his face, only a smile that only appeared in battle. But Bai En's attention was focused on the red light from the runes on his axe.

Mackason fought against the steering wheel. His huge muscles were all tight, and thick tendons emerged from his tattooed muscles like steel cables. Old Borek was tied to an armchair, and Warwick shrunk behind him, with a look of fear and surprise on his face. Bane quickly scanned the command deck and noticed that Snowry was gone.

"What the **** is going on?" Bai En shouted, trying to make his voice cover the rumble of thunder, the roaring wind and the roar of the engine. The entire airship rocked again, and there was a disgusting feeling, as if the airship suddenly lost its buoyancy and fell to the ground like a rock.

"Dark storm, human!" Guerrerogan answered loudly. "This is the worst I have ever seen!"

The terrible green lightning flashed again, and the lightning illuminated the entire room intensely, lengthening Mackason's shadow until it filled the floor, and then disappeared. The lightning seemed to flash a few hundred yards away.

Bai En noticed that in its aftermath, sparkling dust particles remained in the air, like a strange color of fireflies, filling their field of vision. As Bae tried to observe them, a thunder almost deafened him, and the ship began to sink again. After a while, the feeling of falling stopped and the airship returned to balance like a wave-breaking ship.

Bai En thought that he had passed the danger climbed to the window and looked down. Through the gaps in the clouds, in the flash of lightning, he felt he saw the ground below. Only a few hundred steps away from them, the gleaming dunes undulate in front of the giant waves, like a foamy wave on the sea caused by a storm. The wind blew the huge airship like a beagle in a mouth shaking his mouth.

Damn, Bai En cursed in his heart, he knew that after dozens of heartbeats, they would be hit on the ground, and the airship would be crushed like a vicious child hitting the toy boat against the wall. Falling from a height of thousands of feet is definitely not the way of death that Bai Eun wants, but turning from falling to crashing is not the ending that Bai Eun wants.

"Mackason! We are about to crash!" Bai En shouted. "We are about to hit the ground!"

"Then come and help us ~ ~ lad. Pull up the height bar and go all the way. Then open your eyes and look outside. In this storm, the instrument has stopped working."

Bai En ran to stand next to the chief engineer and pulled up the lever. Normally, it is easy to move, but now it seems to be stuck. Bai En stretched his legs and held the control with both hands, exerting his full strength, but the control rod still couldn't move. The cold metal refused to move.

The sight of the airship hitting the rocky desert below emerged in Bane's mind. He tried to pull the takeoff boat again, injecting all his fears into his efforts. Sweat shed from his forehead. His muscles felt like he was going to squirt out of his skin. He could feel the green muscles emerging from his arms. The blood of the vascular force flowed quickly. He knew that if he continued this way, his blood vessels would break. But it's useless; the **** joystick still doesn't move.

"I can't move it!" He shouted. "That stuff is stuck."

"This is because of the wind on the aileron, lad. It's fighting you. Try to hold on and keep working hard. Don't give up!"

Guerrerogan's beard stood upright. The green bars on his forehead protruded, and then something disappeared. At the beginning, Bai En worried that they just bent the stick, but that was not the case. When it did so, the nose of the airship tilted upward.

Then it seemed that the airship was thrown to the rear, as if a big sailboat was hit by a huge broken ship. The deck shook, he and Grerogan lost their balance and were hit against the cabin wall behind. When the airship began to jump up uncontrollably and then dashed down again, Bai En had a disgusting feeling in his internal organs.

"Hurry up!" Roared Mackason. "It might not be so good!"