The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 747: The ruins of the city

Bai En listened to the dwarf engineers taking turns to report to the command deck. He was not objective about the current situation. Everyone told a tragic story. It seems that the storm caused great losses. The airbag has cracks, the engine stops working normally, the power blades are bent and deformed, and there are some structural damages.

And Mackason calmly announced: "We can only stop and repair."

Bai En looked down from the window, hoping to share his secret with the dwarf, but he finally chose to shut his mouth. What happened before was too strange even for him. He looked up at the sky, and the storm finally passed. The sky was still clouded as usual, mixed with strange colors.

Below is the ruins of a huge city, and no one can be seen on the street. Such desolation is creepy. The wind blew whistle fiercely, stirring the dust blowing through the abandoned houses.

Then Bai En heard a more delightful voice: Someone was trying to run an engine. Mackason took control of his airship again with joy. He carefully steered the airship to only one hundred steps from the building and stopped.

"We will park here. Put down the cable."

The cable was laid down. Bai En saw a small hole in the collapsed stone wall, where he could hang the hook of a section of cable. This is enough to fix the drifting airship.

"Very good, go down and fasten the hook! I will try to stabilize her."

"Wait," Bane interrupted Mackason. "It may be dangerous."

"Ah, you are right, young man." Mackason nodded and agreed. "Grey Logan, Snowry, Bane, you go to make sure there are no hidden beasts or horned beasts."

Bai En really hopes he didn't open his mouth.

Seen from the ground, this ruin looks wider and scarier than seen from the air. The buildings seem immeasurably old. Without the use of stucco, stone blocks have been placed on top of each other and piled up. Initially, their weight and the precise location where they were placed held them in place. This style Brian has only seen once before-on the ruins of the ancient dwarf's underground fortress Shifengbao. He said the idea aloud.

"This is not a dwarf's craft, human." Grerogan's voice was covered by the mask he wrapped in the lower half of the face, in case there might be magic stone dust in the air. Both Bane and Snowry did the same thing. Because the magic stone dust can make people fall into madness and mutation, which is incompatible with the heroic death ideal of the two dwarves.

"It looks like this. Maybe it is a fake, maybe the builder has a dwarf consultant, but this is not the work of the dwarf. The masonry is simply crude. And this arrangement is not perfect." Grerogan studied a small He continued after a while.

Bai En shrugged. His chain mail was heavy on his shoulders, but he was happy that it was there. This was not the chain mail that he had before, but a gift from the dwarves. The previous one had begun to rust, and there was no servant around him to help him often polish the chain mail in the sand, so he had to choose this heavy dwarf chain mail. Fortunately, this was built for dwarves, not as long as human chain mail.

In fact, in this strange place, the more his armor, the better. Now he doesn't mind a complete chain mail, even if possible, he would rather wear a complete plate armor, preferably the same as the dwarf.

He looked around. The streets under them are paved with huge flagstones. Every stone is inscribed with weird runes. The wind whispered strangely in the desolation. The weather is very cold, he has a strange feeling of being monitored.

"I have never heard of a city inhabited by humans so far in the north, and it does not look like a masterpiece of elves." Bai En said towards the other two.

"Elf work!" Guerrero said contemptuously. "This is a paradox: the elves don't work."

"I suspect this was built by the Acorns and the warriors of the evil gods. For them, it seems too complicated, and it looks very old."

"In this evil ruin, appearance can deceive people."

"What do you mean?"

"There are all kinds of illusions and mirages here. It is said that in the depths of the waste land, the powerful forces of evil gods can create and destroy everything as they please."

"So, we better hope we don't get so deep."


A weird wailing echoed through the ruins, like a scream from a tortured soul, or a cry from a lunatic who was lost, lonely, wandering in the endless wilderness. Bai En turned around and pulled out his sword from the scabbard.

"What's that?" Brian turned to Grerogan and asked.

"I don't know, human, but if it comes close, we will know."

"Snowry hopes so!" Snowry said almost gleefully.

Bai En glanced at the rope ladder hanging on the side of the airship. He didn't like to climb down from above, and he didn't want to climb up again, but it was good to know that it was there in case they needed to retreat quickly. The strange cry rang again, and now it is closer, but it is difficult to say clearly.

With the echoes in these ruins, it may come from a few miles away. Bai En comforted himself that at least he hadn't got an answer. He tried to perceive the magic around him, but felt nothing. Then he touched the amulet on his chest with his fingers, but he didn't feel any warmth. Maybe there is no dark magic here at all; maybe the amulet was overloaded in the storm.

He noticed that the gems on both sides of the spacecraft did not shine. This may be good or bad. Bai En didn't know enough about the dark magic of these evil gods to distinguish them.

Warwick gestured to them from the opening of the airship above. He seemed to wonder if they wanted to protect the airship. Bai En shook his head, trying to signal the people upstairs to do nothing until they figured out what was going on.

"Should we investigate the scream?" Bai En asked the other two.

"Good idea ~ ~ humans." Guerrero said gruffly. "Let's go and see these ruins. Let's walk through these ruins and see how far we can get from the airship. Maybe we should also move separately. So that we can cover more ground!

"This is just a suggestion," Bai En said. "There is no need to scorn people."

"It sounds like a good plan for Snowry," said another dwarf.

Just then, a figure limped out of the ruins. It looks like a human, but it is so dirty, tattered and messy, and Bai En is not sure if this is true. Around him, he felt that the attitudes of Snowy and Grerogan had changed. They didn't change their position significantly, but they seemed to be more alert and ready to attack in any direction.

When Bai En heard a jingle from behind them, he looked back immediately. The end of the mooring line of the airship had been loosened. The airship drifted freely in the breeze. The spacecraft's engine chose to crackle at this moment, and then turned off. When the rope ladder climbed out of his reach, he cursed silently, and then he turned his head to force himself to focus on the advancing figure again.

He could see that it was indeed a human being. He curled up and shuffled. His hair is very long and grows to the waist. His beard was dirty and almost dragged to the ground. His hands and arms were covered with sores running through the slurry. He limped tiredly to the place where they stood, and let out a long wail. He leaned on a stick that seemed to be made of several human bones tied together with tendons. A pale skull glared at Bae from its top position.

Bai En stared at the man, his eyes full of melancholy and madness.