The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 748: God's son

Bai En looked at the man and knew that he was crazy. Considering that this might be the result of being exposed to the dust of the magic stone, he felt a sudden fear. On the other hand, he did not want to kill this man just because he was crazy. He has obviously been here for a while, and Bai En feels that this person may have some useful knowledge. He thought there would be no loss in accommodating this lunatic.

"So, what is your name, great God?" Bai En asked, hoping that others would have enough wisdom to cooperate with him. He knew this might be a slim hope, but he still wanted to give it a try. The stranger seemed to think for a while.

"House, House-Gregor-but you can call me the Son of God."

"What are you doing here, Son of God?" Bai En asked softly. "You are far from anywhere."

"I'm lost."

"You turned the wrong corner in Kaslov, didn't you?" Guerrero asked ironically. Bane saw that the dwarf's axe was ready. There was a faint glow flowing along the rune's axe. This is usually a very bad signal.

"No, dwarf. I'm a magician. I'm experimenting with spells of some translocation spells, and something went wrong. I ended up here."

"Dwarf?" Guerrerogan said dissatisfiedly, with a threat in his voice.

"Translocation?" Bai En asked hurriedly. The fact that the man was a magician did not make him feel better. He never liked these magicians very much, because he and they had several unpleasant experiences.

But the word 'translocation' stimulated him. There is no doubt that the magician successfully released a teleportation spell, and then came here tragically. Perhaps this is not good news. Perhaps the casters in this world who are capable of releasing teleport spells will eventually become unlucky in a sense. And the other bad news is that with what Bane has seen and heard over the years, the casters who can release teleport spells are extremely powerful mages without exception.

"A method of moving between two points without crossing the land between two points." The stranger explained to himself. "My theory is at least partially correct. I did move. Fortunately, I moved too far, came here, and finally reached the place where the locals recognized my divinity."

"Tell us, oh son, how much do you know about Gunter Grimm?" In order to prevent Grerogan from violating and hurting the previous opponent's words, he asked the stranger more Important issues.

"The great demon has returned there," House Greg said immediately.

At the mention of demons, Bai En shuddered. In this ruin eroded by evil forces, it seems very likely that such an evil entity exists.

"Demon?" Guerrerogan seemed excited.

"The demon mentioned in the prophecy. The great destroyer. It only waits for the axe to come to fulfill its prophecy and its destiny!"

"Tell us a little more," Bai En said, glancing at Grey Logan. He wasn't sure if the other party had a certain prophecy, or because he saw Guerrerogen's axe.

Seeing Bai En's reaction, a strange, sneaky look entered the magician's eyes. He licked his lips with a thin pink tongue. He looked weird and cunning, and Bai En suddenly distrusted him completely.

"My beasts must be fed." The magician said suddenly, then made a strange gesture. One of his hands moved in the air, seemingly gathering a strange glowing energy. Bai En didn't expect anyone to be able to cast a spell like this. When he started to move forward, it seemed that he was too late. A flash of light suddenly surrounded his hand.

But just as he was about to throw, Grerogan's axe flashed and cut off the wrist of that hand. The light fell from the finger extended by House-Gregor and fell to the ground. An explosion occurred. A warm breeze blew over Bai En. He stinged all over and felt a strange dizziness.

After a while, he regained consciousness, and the flash in front of him calmed down. He was glad to see that although the magician had disappeared, Guerrerogan and Snowy were still standing there intact.

"This is not a very destructive spell, it is more like a burst of pure magic, with very low efficiency and little power." Bai En said. "To be precise, he couldn't be a powerful magician. It seems that he was talking about crazy whispers before."

"I'm not so sure, human." Grerogan said.

"What do you mean?"

"Look around."

Bai En did so. The first thing he noticed was that the airship was gone. Then he noticed the peculiar patterns on the roof, walls and slate floors.

"Next time we will meet these wizards, humans," said Grey Rogan, "we killed him first, and then asked questions."

Bai En did not answer, but noticed that they were standing in a strangely shaped room, in the center of a huge pentagram. There is a human skull at each point of the five-pointed star, and there is something glowing in each skull. A ray of green light leaked out of each skull's eye socket. Overhead is a huge stone roof. The walls of this room are carved with the same stone as the rest of the city. Strange glowing moss grows in the gaps between the stones.

"Where do you think we are?" Bai En asked softly. There is an atmosphere in this place that makes him want to be very quiet. A vigilant atmosphere, an ancient evil feeling ~ ~ is waiting for something to happen. His words echoed inside the house. Something rustled in the shadow of the roof, and Bai En sincerely hoped that it was just a bat.

"Snowry doesn't know." Snowry said loudly. "Somewhere underground, maybe."

"It seems that the teleport spell that the man said is true, and he succeeded. Judging from the architectural style around us, we should still be in that ruin, but if the ruins to the north are the same, it is not easy to say "" Bai En continued on his own. "But the magician has almost no time to cast spells, and I guess we are not far from where the airship is docked. Otherwise, the magician released is not a teleportation spell, but a miracle."

"Let's go find it," said Gray Rogan, striding toward the edge of the pentagram. When he did this, the lines drawn with chalk on the floor began to shine. The hair behind Bai En's neck stood up.

"No! Wait!" He shouted.

In such a short period of time, Bai En could not understand the composition of this circle, but from the surrounding symbols and layout, this circle did not arrange harmful protective magic. From the perspective of Grerogan, he was simply thrown back to the center , Indeed proves this, this is just a simple self-protection mechanism.

"You can try to smash one of the heads," Bai En suggested.

Guerrerogan did not respond, but stomped to a point on the five-pointed star. His axe was shining, and the rune on the blade was burning. Then the skull shattered into thousands of pieces. A mass of stellar steam rose from it. It was a long, sharp wailing, as if a soul imprisoned for centuries had been released. As the cry subsided, the remaining skulls turned black. This time, Gray Logan walked out of the Pentagram with ease.