The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 750: nest

Bai En stopped and rubbed his shoulders. The bruise hurts, and this part is very fragile. Fortunately for him, the claws of the Hawk Lady did not pierce his body, although they tore some chains and pierced the claw tip under the chain mail as a padded leather top. His arm.

But it is not so much a wound as it is a scratch. Under normal circumstances, he would stop to clean and tidy up the chain mail and the padded leather top underneath, but in this ruin invaded by evil forces, he did not want to stop-let alone take off his lock A. To be honest, he has never seen a reliable water source here.

When Baie stopped, Guerrerogan and Snowy continued to climb the stairs that seemed to have no end. He rushed over to catch up with them, not wanting to leave behind alone, the ghost knew what there was besides the Hawk Lady and the leech monster. Since the attack of the Hawks, the silence in this place has become deeper. He wants to know what evil things they might encounter next.

Soon, Bai En's legs were sore from climbing steep stairs. They rose about ten stories high. The pool is still visible under them. He stumbled suddenly. A twisted skull, resembling the shape of a human skull but with a goat's horn, rattled away from his feet.

It was stripped of all flesh. Bai En bent down and picked it up. It looked light and cold and dry in his hands. He looked inside and saw many nicks on the skull. A picture flashed in his mind. He saw the mouth of an eagle body darting into the chopped head, digging out its brain plasma and eating it. He shook his head and tossed the skeleton. It fell to the ground and jingled among the bones scattered in the corridor.

Apparently, they had reached the place where the Hawks were building their nests, because there were bones everywhere, bone marrow everywhere, flesh everywhere. Beasts, aberrations and human skeletons are mixed together. Many of them are contaminated with light brown feces and smell bad.

Even the scarf wrapped around his mouth could not stop Bai En from vomiting. He wondered how far these corridors were from the exit, and whether he could walk again without vomiting. He wondered why the magician who claimed to be House-Gregor built his den here. How did he survive among these fierce monsters? Did his magic prevent them from attacking him or did he reach those animals? Some kind of agreement

Bai En is forced to admit that he will never know the truth of this fact. In fact, he is not sure whether he really wants to know. The agreements and alliances that must be signed in order to survive in such a place are not worth considering at all-but that is before you think about food and drinking.

Food and drinking water will change a person's bottom line and principles, at least the bottom line and principles that the person originally thought he would adhere to. Perhaps House Greg was sober when he came here, but his eating habits here have driven him crazy, and his diet here must be composed of rotten meat and contaminated water.

Bai En strives to keep himself from thinking, if he and his companions can not find the way to leave here as soon as possible, this may be their only choice. At this moment, death seems to be preferable to being such an existence, but who can make it clear that maybe when your brain degenerates and is stimulated by magic stone powder to produce madness that swallows your mind, things will become easier.

Maybe when you said it, you would even enjoy it. He drove the idea out of his head again—when he did this, he realized that the stairs were finally over.

In front of Bai En, Grerogan stood in front of a huge arch. The door lintel is covered with a large number of carved demon heads. They laughed mockingly, showing huge fangs and sticking their tongues out. Their expressions were distorted, slutty, and full of madness, and Bai En was surprised by those who were able to carve out these things.

The arch was sealed by a huge stone slab with twisted text engraved on it. Bai En had seen these similar texts, and it was easy to associate them with the followers of the dark powers of evil gods. More and more proofs show that this part of the destroyed city has been the home of slaves of the dark forces for at least a long time.

Grey Rogan reached out to push the stone, but nothing happened. The slate is immobile. Slowly, he exerted more and more pressure until the huge muscles on his back and arms began to swell and wrinkle. Beads of sweat rose from his forehead, and his breathing began to become rapid.

Snowry soon joined his team, but their combined strength did not affect the arch. Bai En didn't even bother to help them. He didn't have enough space to squeeze between them, and, anyway, he doubted how valuable his efforts were compared to the strength of the two dwarves.

In the end, Guerrerogan gave up. He took a step back and scratched his head with a thick hand. He picked up his axe and looked as if he was going to wave at the door and cut it down on the stone slab, but in the end he just grinned and reached out to touch a slanted demon head carved on the door lintel. He pushed the devil's tongue out of his mouth and pushed it down. As it moved, the arch opened, and Snowrie, who was still vigorously, rushed inwards, lying face down on the dusty slate.

"It's okay, there's no injury. His head fell to the ground first." Guerrero walked in with a mutter. Bai En turned his head and finally looked at the corridor behind him, and hurriedly followed.

Then they appeared in an open and flat sky. In front of them was a barrier like a battlement. Behind them is a huge wall. Bai En strode toward the battlement and looked down at the probe. He immediately realized that they were on the penultimate floor, almost at the top of a huge pyramid, because below them were all lower platforms.

There is a strange staircase that leads to the ground ~ ~ The staircase also leads to the top of the pyramid, and Bai En hastily climbed up. On top of this pyramid-like building is a huge open deck. It is very old and crumbling, extending all the way to an empty place. Bai En walked carefully to the side and looked down.

Far below him, there is a pond, the place where the monster he killed not long ago once lived, and all the promenades where the evil Hawks had built a nest. With chains and handcuffs along the edge of the ledge, he slowly realized the role of the platform.

This is a place for offering sacrifices. Someone once brought alive victims here and threw them screaming from the platform into the pool below, and the monster living in the muddy water would devour them. This must be an unpleasant destiny, and Bai En would like to know who came up with the idea.

Is the whole huge pyramid built purely for this function? The use of such a huge amount of engineering is only for some kind of sacrifice ceremony? This seems to be more than an irrational issue, and Bai En even feels too stupid.

Maybe there was a different purpose here, maybe when the evil forces spread to this ancient land, did it become corrupt and degraded? It is even possible, as Grerogan said before, that the whole building is made of a certain Did the gods of darkness or their demon servants suddenly create

Bai En concluded that any of his ideas could not be answered. But he now knows the exact answer to another question. That is, now they have found the open sky, but they do not know where the airship is or how to find it. If they ca n’t do this, they ’re done.