The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 753: Dangers during the journey

"Run! Quick ~ fast!" The prophet Tangul chattered and urged endlessly. He was tired and annoyed because he was often kept in a sedan chair. Such confinement violated his instincts as a ratman, preventing him from getting up and walking around, but he really had no other choice.

In the past few days, he did almost nothing, just used a communication spell, and then sat around in the sedan on the underground road of the underground empire, only stopped long enough to change the sedan and bearer, even one Sit on a sedan chair and eat all his food. Since sitting for too long, blisters on his buttocks, he felt that his back would be bent forever.

His bearers kept whining and complaining, Tangul wanted to blow up one or two of them just to set an example for them, but he knew it would be counterproductive. All he has to do is to slow himself down until they reach the next post, where he can change a group of slaves. However, he assured himself that once they got there, these grumbled slaves would suffer!

That is to say, if he can find strength, he will definitely do so. The prophet is now exhausted. He has to spend so much energy communicating with Luck at such a long distance, and now the idiot has not even answered his call.

What a frustration! He didn't know what happened. Was Luck dead? Or was that airship crashed in a terrible accident? Was chasing for such a long time in vain? This is certainly not possible, but since he saw that abominable white grace, Tan Gul had an ominous hunch. For the man and his pesky fellow dwarf, Tangul always made the worst plan. The two of them seem to be born to obstruct him.

By the way, he cursed the engineers of the Scree clan. Why can't they use their **** ingenuity to build some more advanced means of transportation in the underground tunnel of the Rat-Man Empire? They can surely come up with a more effective method than a simple free-range slave to transport in a sedan chair!

They do n’t spend time every day to make bigger and better weapons? Tangul wondered why the transportation of underground passages is not using magic stone chariots or traction engines? Or some kind of long-distance version of the wheel of doom? Can't they solve it? If he can still remember it, he will mention his ideas to the Modu Committee in the next report.

"Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!" He urged, his voice dumb. He knew that he had to reach the land in the north as soon as possible to figure out what happened to the magical airship. It would be better if he could get that thing, and he would never lack fast transportation.

When he got there, he vowed that someone would pay for the pain he endured.


Bai En lay on the bed in the cabin, his eyes fixed on the metal ceiling. He still felt pain all over his body, and it did not weaken over time, which made him feel exhausted, but at the same time made him feel extremely hungry. After discussing with Derek about the devil that day, he ate three loaves of bread and a whole ham. This even surprised the dwarf with his meal, but even if his stomach could not hold any food, he still felt hungry.

Fortunately, he had known how to deal with the hunger in his mind among the black towers on Fatalin Island. He began to learn from the old dwarf polymath and learn everything about the forces of evil. He thought about everything he learned about this evil territory today. The world is much more complicated than he imagined, and he became more and more aware that he still has much to learn from the older race.

He closed his eyes and wanted to sleep, but he couldn't sleep. He felt very tired, but also very uneasy. His shoulders were still sore, even though Warwick had used the dwarf's healing ointment, as well as the potions he had prepared himself. He wasn't sure if the shoulder pain was due to the weird tingling all over his body, or it was really hurt.

But he knew that this part might still be very fragile in the future. Despite this, there is still good news for him. His chain mail was still fixed by an apprentice of Mackason, and it looked better than the new one.

He lay for a while with his eyes closed, and found that sleepiness did not let him go to sleep, so he cursed his fate, got up from the bed, and put on his boots. Leaving his room, he walked to the rear of the airship to observe the turret. At the rear of the turret is a transparent circular cover with an organ gun mounted on a rotating platform.

This is indeed a powerful weapon. The dwarf organ guns are arranged in eight rows, divided into five rows. The Fatalin Association is also said to be equipped with several such weapons made by the dwarves of Fatalin Island. But this weapon has a fatal problem. It can only be used once on the battlefield, and it is almost impossible to reload. Not to mention the problems of barrel deformation caused by continuous firing. But there is no doubt that this thing is arranged in corridors and bridges, and it is infinitely powerful.

Bai En sat down on the shooting seat and stepped on the pedal. The turret turned left and then right. He found this movement surprisingly relaxing, reminiscent of swinging on a hammock or sitting in a rocking chair.

He reached for the handle of the organ gun. This is another unusual design of Mackason. Its handle is like a pistol, and it is opened when the trigger is pulled. The entire mechanism of the gun is balanced on a gimbal shaft, which can rotate up or down, left or right, and requires little effort.

Bai En did not know what the dwarves were flying at such a high altitude, what would attack them, but they obviously did not want to take any risks. Bane thought of the rumor that Falheim had said about the dragon. Perhaps the dwarves were worried that a dragon would be curious about this airship.

He stared at the land they passed by. The sky gradually darkened into a specious night. At least, the clouds above them were darker and there was no sign of the sun. Bai En was puzzled. They reached a place where the sky seemed to be blurry no matter how high they climbed.

The dwarves seemed to conclude that this might be some kind of powerful magic, but Bai En thought that it might just be somewhere in the distance, and an active volcano was throwing masses of magic stone dust into the sky. , And then scattered by the strong wind. Just like to prove Bai En ’s point of view, the only light in the field of vision came from the huge fire pits on the rugged terrain below. These fire pits looked like craters, and the surrounding caves glowed with fiery light, like a twisted figure shaking.

When the airship flew over the fire pit, it was attracted by the rising warm current and trembling slightly. This did not scare Bai En as before. He found that the slight bumps were actually quite comforting. This is strange, but he didn't care. The farther he flew, the more the sky and the sea felt. The wind is its current, and the clouds are a bit like waves.

He wanted to know if the ocean also had different levels of water velocity. Yes, he knew that under stormy seas, the level might not be as violent as the ocean surface, but deeper? Is it like the way the wind moves at different speeds at different heights. There are many things here for the study of the dwarf philosopher Borek said, he thought, while yawning, and fell asleep gently.

Luck slowly and sneakily climbed into the airship corridor. The hunger in his stomach was like a living thing scratching and struggling to escape. This brought him real physical pain. In front of him, he felt his prey. It does not have the breath of a dwarf, but exudes a breath of humanity. Luck didn't care. He just wanted to feel the hot red blood pouring into his mouth, and then devoured large chunks of tender, warm flesh, and a human like a dwarf served his purpose.

He walked into the back room of the airship and heard the human snore in front. Very good! His stupid prey didn't realize his arrival at all, just fell asleep like a pig, and even if there was no obvious danger, no rat would allow himself to fall into this state. At that moment the black human head tilted back, showing his neck, as if attracting Luck's sharp teeth.

Luck tiptoed forward, vaguely looking down at this human sleeping position. He slobbered at the thought of fresh meat. Just one bite can cut off the artery! He will bite the neck of the human with his mouth to suppress his scream. A few more steps forward, he can start.

Suddenly, Luck heard footsteps on the ladder extending from the deck. Someone is coming! He cursed quietly, knowing that if he was attacking now, he would be found before eating his prey, and the alarm on the airship would sound. The self-protection consciousness in his heart told him that this was not a good idea, so he quickly walked back to the corridor and returned along the way he came.

Bai En suddenly woke up at the cautious footsteps on the ladder. He was very happy to be awakened because he had a nightmare just now, dreaming that a behemoth like a mouse was getting closer and closer to him from the dark, misty tunnel. There is no doubt that this is a nightmare caused by the monsters he has seen before. They are scary enough to make people have nightmares for a lifetime.

He looked up and saw Warwick leaning down on the ladder leading to the viewing platform. He was holding his book in one hand and his pen in the other. When he found that there were others in the room, he seemed a bit disappointed, as if he wanted to stay here alone.

"Good evening, Bai En." He said after forcing himself to smile.

"Is it night now?" Bai En looked out, and found that it was still the way he was before he fell asleep, without any change.

"Who knows?" The dwarf shrugged ~ ~ In this dirty place, the word is almost useless like any other word. But the sky was darker and the ground was covered, so I think maybe it can be said. "

"Good evening, Warwick," said Bai En. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to write notes. It's difficult to do when you share a room with Grey Logan and Snowry." Warwick didn't cover up the dissatisfied tone in his words.

"I can imagine." Bai En suddenly became happy because his height and the fact that he was a human made him eligible to live alone in his room. This is one of only three single rooms on the entire airship, and Borek and Mackason have two other rooms.

"What are they doing?" Bai En asked curiously.

"Grey Logan claimed that Snowry defeated him in a technical foul in their last head-to-head game. They had a big fight for this. Snowry wanted to hold another game there and then solve the problem, But I convinced them to give up. "

"How is it possible?" Bai En could not imagine what the whispering dwarf would say to the two dwarf oath takers, so that the two lunatics would give up their ideas.

"I remind them that it usually takes about three days for a person who loses the game to recover from a head collision, provided there are no serious problems. If this really happens, one of them will miss us The day when I came to Guntergrim. Of course, provided that we could arrive on time. This seemed to work. When I left them, they were holding a vodka-drinking game. Hopefully, when I go back, Made me dizzy. "

"I won't bet this," Bai En said with a smile.