The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 761: hound

"We are resting here." Hagrim said, raising his hand to signal them to stop. At first, Bai En didn't know why Captain Dwarf chose this place. This seems to be just another destroyed corridor, just like many other corridors they crossed. Finally, he noticed a Niven carved in the corner of the wall, and a stream of water sprayed from the wall into a large pool. At least, this is a place where they can drink water.

Hagrim roared an order to one of his warriors, and the dwarf walked forward. He took a stone from his bag and dipped it in water. He stared at the pool for a while, then nodded.

"The water is clear, Captain," he said.

Hagrim noticed Bane's curious gaze. "Sometimes outsiders poison the water. Sometimes it contains something evil, causing madness and mutation. Veolia's rune stones have ancient magic that warns people to pay attention to these things.

"This is a useful thing," Bai En said.

"Yes. An essential thing. Without it, we will die sooner or later."

"What is the prophecy you said?" Asked Bai En, who decided to try to get at least one answer.

"It's none of your business." Hagrim said firmly. "This is for the king to test its truth. It is best to take a break while you are still resting."

The dwarves lay down tired and rested, and only four sentries stood guard at each entrance. Bai En approves of the four exits of this room, so if there is any danger in any direction, I hope they will always have a retreat route. He walked over and sat beside Grey Logan, Snowry and Warwick.

All three of his companions seemed extremely happy. Bai En thinks he understands why-they have found their separated relatives. There are still dwarves alive in the underground hall of Guntergrim. Ignoring all possibilities, some people are still alive, even after four hundred years of isolation, in the ruins occupied by evil forces.

He lay on his back, his eyes fixed on the ceiling, thinking about their journey to this remote place. It's not easy. They walked further and further in the labyrinthine tunnel under Gunter Grimm.

During the journey, Bai En counted the dwarves around him; there were almost fifty. They were all dressed in leather armour and dressed lightly, which was very different from the traditional dwarf warriors he knew. They seem to move forward lightly, quickly passing through the halls of their former city, relying more on covert operations and surprising wins than on force. Warwick called them tunnel warriors.

When they went further, Bai En realized why their armor was so light. Everywhere they passed, there were obvious signs of open war between followers of evil gods. In the ruins of this dwarf city, a crazy and brutal battle is going on. He asked Hagrim this question, but the dwarf did not answer. Obviously, there are many mysteries here. He just needs to find someone who can explain to him.

Well, it doesn't make much sense to worry now. He lay down and stared at the ceiling, wondering what Angelica was doing now. After a while, he fell asleep. The last thing he heard was the sound of steel bars scraping metal plates, because Warwick was using his steel pen to record the events of the day in his book.

A terrible howl awakened Bai En from his sleep. It echoed in the hall, penetrating his dream and waking him up. These noises are somewhat unnatural, and some can cause primitive horror. As soon as he heard this voice, there was a shudder on his backbone, and his legs were soft.

The dwarves around him were awake. When they reached for their weapons, he could hear the noise. He looked around and found that everyone except Grey Logan and Snowiri resonated with inner fear.

"What is this?" He asked. "This is what you mean by" terror "?"

"No," Hagrim said. "This is a hunting dog."

"What are they?" Warwick asked.

"You will see it soon." Hagrim turned to speak to his followers. "I want ten volunteers to stop the hounds, and the rest of us work hard to win."

Bai En can clearly see from the expression on their faces that the dwarves thought he was recruiting volunteers for a suicide mission. Despite this, more than two dozen people came forward.

"I will stay." Guerrero said out of place.

"Snowry too." Snowry also said.

"You can't. I have to let you go. King Tangalim must listen to your story."

"It may be too late," said Bai En, glancing at the northernmost entrance. A huge beast jumped in from the entrance. No one responded. It bit the arm of the sentry closest to it, pulled the other arm to the ground, and plucked out his internal organs with his claws.

Bai En only had time to raise his hand and fired a shot, not hitting it at all. The beast moved so quickly, as if with supernatural elegance, Bai En could hardly keep up with its movements.

Several other giant beasts jumped out of the door. They are like huge dogs, except that they have strange reptile frills on their heads and huge iron collars on their necks. Their flesh glowed with blood. Each one is bigger than a normal human. One of them opened his mouth and cried.

At this moment, its mouth widened like a snake. It looks as if it can easily bite off a person's head. Something on the demon creature made Bai En want to turn around and run away, screaming for help. He forced himself to hold his place. He knew that if he fled, the beast would catch up with him and bite his flesh, just like the flesh of the dwarven sentry before.

"Korhoun's hound." He heard Varick take a breath. "I thought they were just legends."

"Free shooting." Hagrim ordered. A crossbow flew towards the greedy beast. They opened their mouths and screamed mockingly. Most arrows just bounce off their flesh and fall to the floor. According to Bai En, only one arrow hit the beast's mouth. At this time Warwick fired, and his bullet had the same effect as the crossbow. The hounds jumped forward, taking a seemingly long and easy step, and ran faster than the horse over the ground. The bullets almost all fell behind the hounds.

Bai En fired a shot at this time, hitting the hound who was staying in the air for slamming another dwarf sentry. It made a wail and flew out to the side. But immediately got up again, and Bai En could see that his bullet only left a small hole in it, and the lava-like blood flowed out of it.

The rescued Dwarf Sentinel gave Ghan a grateful look and then ran quickly in most directions. Baien once again shot to try to stop the hound who was chasing the sentinel, but this time he didn't hit it. Fortunately, the other party jumped and let the hound choose to avoid rather than kill the sentry.

"Stand back." Gray Logan said as he went out to meet them. None of the dwarves disobeyed. Bai En can see that they, like him, are also affected by the supernatural aura of these creatures. Only Guerrogan showed no signs of frustration. Bai En noticed that the runes on his axe blade were brighter than he had seen before.

Nonetheless, Bai En wondered if he could survive. These animals are fast and strong. Before he realized it, they rushed. They opened their mouths wide. Their teeth shone with a metallic luster. Their triumphant cries grew louder and louder, and even the dead were awakened.

Bai En gave up the plan to reload and quickly took out five bottles from the dark bag under the armor and the belt. This spell requires blood or something similar. But the amount of demand is too large, which prevents Bai En from using his blood. The dwarf sentinel's body was too far away from him. If he could, he wanted to ask if any dwarves were willing to sacrifice themselves to let him release this spell. But he didn't speak wisely.

Bai En thought quickly in his mind, but still couldn't find a better way. At this time, Guerrerogen's axe flashed forward like lightning. The armor-like skin of the first hound smoked and burned where the axe blade touched. When the axe swept over it, it almost exploded, the axe split it in half, and the contents inside were splashed all over.

This is what Bai En needed, and Bai En quickly threw all the bottles in his hands according to the location of the hound's body. Then quickly pulled out the sacrificial knife again, cut the palm of his hand, and drew a magic circle on the ground with his fingers stained with blood. Finally, he threw a sacrificial knife at the hound's body, and a sacrificial knife pierced the center of the magic circle. Start chanting mantras.

At this time, the remaining hounds may have hesitated because of the death of the hound, which gave Bai En time. But they soon began to change their offensive strategy and began to outflank the dwarf who could threaten them. When they started to attack, Grey Rogan tried to solve one of them first, but it flashed agilely, and Bane even felt some sly eyes flash in his eyes.

The hound who attacked from behind the back of Guerrero rushed at him viciously. But at this time, Bai En ’s mantra was also chanted. He held the sacrificial knife in the magic circle, and the blood from the body of the first hound turned into a tentacle of the thickness of the wrist. The hound that attacked in the air. But the strength of the hound was too great, and it could only hinder it.

But this was enough for Guerrerogen, who hit the hound's collar with his next blow. When metal collides with metal, sparks are scattered. There was a terrifying, harsh, sharp friction. The rune on Guerrogan's axe shone like a hot coal, and its collar loosened. The hound's head and neck are separated. The corpse fell to the ground with a thud, and the molten liquid flowed to the floor.

Then Bane once again controlled more and more liquid, extended more and more tentacles, and entangled the hound that had just tempted Grerogan to attack. Noting the tangled, treacherous hound, Guerrerogen smiled extremely maliciously on his face. He lifted the axe in his hand high and struck the third hound's flesh longitudinally in the middle, exposing the skeleton, spine and broken organs.

Startled by the dwarf's violent attack and strange magic, the remaining hounds roared and retreated like a desperate wolf. Then, with a terrible wisdom, they returned to the battlefield. Three hounds attacked Guerrero at the same time, one in each direction.

Damn, Bane cursed, he could only control one of the spells.

Guerrerogan smashed one of his heads with an axe, ignoring the one controlled by Bane, and grabbed his throat as the other hound jumped. Guerrerogan lifted the monster up to his arm almost effortlessly, and then he raised it so high that its hind limbs were scrambling to find the ground in the empty space. Then he let it go. Before it fell to the ground, he cut it off from the ribs with an axe.

The last hound was right behind Guerrerogan, frantically breaking free of Bane's spell, and was about to jump on the dwarf's back. "Be careful!" Cried Baen, who noticed that the opponent had freed his spell, but Snowry had thrown his axe. It bounced off the guy's shoulder, but the power of the blow distracted the hound's attention.

He put his legs under him and prepared to take off to fight, but just as it flew into the air, Guerrero turned halfway and cut a **** arc with an ax, and the arc creaked through It fell into its chest, and finally fell into its belly. The power of the blow knocked the hound down. Guerrerogan stepped on its neck and grinned fiercely. With a terrible vertebrae rubbing, the axe fell again, ending the monster's unnatural life.

The bodies of these evil creatures began to bubble where they fell. For a while, the flesh and bones melted, lost, and evaporated like boiling water. As Bae was watching, they turned into a plume of steam that looked dirty, rose to the ceiling, and disappeared. They seem to have never existed there. Bian frowned, knowing why his spells failed, and the existence of this liquid was too short ~ ~ If there was no potion he threw before to prolong their existence, I am afraid that he might even be caught Have no chance.

After a moment of silence, the dwarves burst into warm cheers and applause. After a while, they seemed to remember who they were applauding for, and they were silent.

"If I ever suspected that it was Valek's axe, now I will never doubt it again. This is a battle worthy of King Tanglim's personal involvement."

"It's easy." Guerrerogan spit on the ground.

"We'd better leave now." Hagrim said. "If the hounds are here, their evil masters may be nearby. No matter how powerful you are, Grerogan Mahal, you can't beat it."

After fighting with the hounds, Bai En noticed that the attitude of the dwarves had changed. They seem to be more able to accept these four outsiders, without much doubt. Even Old Torvald only occasionally cast a glance of doubt in their direction. They continued to walk in the endless silent corridor, and even Bai En could see that they were walking down now. He wondered how long this situation would last. After a few more hours, he felt that they seemed to continue to go down to the hot center of the world, but it was impossible.

Instead, they stopped in the middle of a long, seemingly featureless corridor. When his troops covered him, Hagrim manipulated a hidden switch and opened a secret door. There was a hole in the wall that was not there before. The dwarf made a gesture with a serious expression on his face, which made the four of Bai En go forward.

"You have to be careful now. You are now in the sacred land, and we will kill you as soon as we notice signs of betrayal."