The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 765: demon

Bai En can understand the dwarf king's thoughts, originally a devil's prediction, even if he does not believe it, but it must have affected the people who have heard of it to some extent. And now, Guerrerogan is back with this rune axe, once again proving another prophecy.

Although the dwarf king let his son leave with a rune axe, it somewhat proved that he did not believe that prophecy. But when the demon called ‘horror’ came back, Guerrerogan brought back this rune axe. As one of the prophetic parties, it is hard to say that it will not affect the dwarf king. Bane only hopes that the dwarf king is as strong as he is and can handle this.

Everyone in the room seemed to be thinking about it, so the room was silent for a while.

"How did Valek invoke this unfettered rune?" Grerogan asked, breaking the silence.

"I don't know. He is a rune master and knows many secrets. I only know that he summoned its power, it killed him, and even consumed his life when expelling the demon. The axe you hold, It is old and powerful. It has spread from the oldest era to the present, from one rune master to another rune master. Its entire history can only be passed from one person to another, but with Valek ’s Death, this story disappeared. In the final battle, his son and apprentice fell in front of him. The king ’s son Morekai, took it from the burning body of Master Rune when he When I tried to cross the wilderness, I took it away. "

"Then the creature can't be defeated without the rune untied?" Bai En asked. To be honest, he can understand that the seals on some magic weapons will consume the user's magic or life after being released. But he did care more about another issue.

"Who knows. Even if there are no unbound runes, the weapon is effective. Maybe in the hands of a strong enough warrior—"

"Describe this demon," Guerrerogan interrupted, and said directly.

Hagrim leaned forward drunk, resting his chin on his fist. For a moment, he smiled without a sense of humor. Then he fell into contemplation and looked into the distance, as if he saw what he did not want to see again.

"It's too big," he said finally, and he gestured towards Bai En. "More than twice the height of this tall man. Its wings are large. It is huge and like a bat. When it unfolds them, it is like a thunderbolt. There is a terrible whip in one hand. In another In one hand, there is an axe engraved with evil and terrible runes, and it can even hurt people's eyes. Its eyes burn with the fire of hell. Its devil's head has horns, just like the beast's. Crown. It has the mark of the blood **** Korhoun on its forehead. "

As Hagrim spoke, there was silence in the room, and a burst of chill spread. Bai En began to have a terrible suspicion, he knew what the dwarf was talking about. This is a creature implied in the old book he read about the period of evil invasion. This is indeed a creature worthy of being called ‘terror’.

"A **** tyrant." Guerrerogan said in dwarf language.

"The bane of the mine." Warwick muttered, pulling his beard nervously.

"A thirsty blood killing the lord of Korhoun." Bai En whispered, and his cold hands touched his spine with fear. He had just spoken of the deadliest, most brutal, and most ruthless creatures that emerged from the deepest part of hell. It is the demon after the **** of darkness, serving the **** of darkness with its mysterious destructive power. An existence that even the most powerful people dare not face.

"We went to kill it." Snowry said.

"Let's have a drink first," said Bai En, hoping to stop these dwarf oath takers from making such stupid attempts for as long as possible.

When Bai En wakes up, he still feels confused, which is something he is very familiar with these days. He was in a strange place, looking at a strange ceiling, he felt a little sick. He spent some time to control his rebellious thoughts and stomach, and figure out where he is. When he managed to do so, he hoped he did not.

He was deep underground, in a room in an abandoned dwarf castle, somewhere deep in the ruins eroded by evil forces. In a place where time lapse is different from any place in the world. The worst part is that he still has a hangover.

He told himself that a mortal would never have a worse fate. He got up from that stinky, too short luxury bed, put on his boots, and strode into the corridor, trying to find something to calm his stomach. When he did this, he was welcomed by a king ’s heavily armed guard, and he told him that he must appear in the throne room. immediately.

Bai En realized that his fate was indeed worse. Not only was he trapped in this terrible place, but he also had to face a grumpy dwarf tyrant hungry. He made a suffocating moan, and then followed the guard.

"We can't leave this place." The dwarf king Tanglim-Housu was talking. "We have too many people. According to what you told me, your ship can only accommodate a dozen people at most. We have hundreds of people here. Some people leave, some people stay, this is unfair. "

Bai En had to admit that the old dwarf made sense. He reached the ruler's room, but found that other people had been questioned by the old tyrant. Obviously, Warwick suggested that the people of Guntergrim should leave their ancestral land. Tanglim raised some convincing objections.

"Your Majesty, this is only a temporary measure," Warwick said. "Once we used an airship to send these people back to the Black Tower, we could just return with a core group of people, and then take away more people. We can continue to send them back until we take everyone away. It works. "

"Maybe. But you told me that even flying on evil wasteland is dangerous. Maybe your ship will crash."

"Your Majesty, stay here and let evil forces hit your door, which will be more dangerous. You will be chased and exterminated, but this will only happen sooner or later." Warwick became excited and panicked. His eyes are large and round behind the lens.

"You don't understand, young people. We have wives and wounded here. We can't simply abandon them, or take them away with a small escort. You know how dangerous these halls are. You have seen Arrived. There are not enough places on your boat to accommodate them and their escorts. "

"The **** can return to your lobby," Warwick said. "They are fighters. They have done this before."

"Your point of view is reasonable, but in the end we will have to transfer the savings of our ancestors. These are not little babies, and I will not leave a gold object or trinket for the predator."

Bai En spoke for the first time. "But ~ ~ Your majesty, as far as your people's lives are concerned, gold is meaningless, especially when the lives of your people are threatened."

Every dwarf present looked at him, as if he was either insane or extremely stupid. No one even wanted to answer him. Bai En hopes the floor will open and swallow him. When discussing gold, he should not try to make such a rational explanation for the dwarves, he should be more aware of this.

"Can we transport the treasures of our ancestors in your boat?" Tangalim asked.

"From what I have heard about your treasure-may it grow and prosper forever-but I doubt it."

"So, since there is still blood in our blood vessels, how can you expect us to leave this place?"

"Maybe we can come back with more than one airship, the great king," Warwick said for a moment. "Maybe we can return with enough ships to carry all your people and all your treasures back."

"If you can, I will get you the right compensation. I think about what you say. You can go."

Warwick got up and left, and Bai En walked over to meet him. He vaguely felt a sense of relief, because he was about to leave the front of the king, and he might get some food, which gave him a vague sense of relief.

"Tanglim-Firebeard." Grerogan said at the moment. "I long for a grace."

"Tell me what it is, Gray Rogan Mahal."

"It seems that you don't have to go to that monster, Grerogan Mahal. Now it's coming--it brings an army."

Great, Bai En thought, I didn't even have time to eat the last meal.