The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 771: Gunter Grimm Final Battle

A violent blow came too fast, and mortal eyes couldn't keep up. Bane did n’t know how Guerrerogan survived this fierce attack, but he did, he had a huge wound on his forehead, claw marks all over his chest, and the armor on his body protected him . There was another big rift in the arm of the thirsty bloodthirsty lord, but it seemed to be less harmful than Guerrogan.

"I see you can only do this," Guerrerogan said breathlessly.

The devil smiled, preparing to leap forward again. Bai En now knew that what he had to do was suicide, so he strengthened his determination. He is dying. It doesn't matter, Bane knows that if Grerogan falls, the demon will kill him within a few heartbeats, so he decides to take advantage of it.

He jumped up and rushed towards the demon with all his strength. The enchanted hybrid sword ‘Feng So’, which belonged to the Night Owl, penetrated deeply into the blood of the demon. Bai En pulled the sword back and wanted to cut another sword. But in the last second, the demon turned to face him. He stretched his limbs back, as if gathering strength, and then stretched his arms, almost killing Bai En's life.

When its luminous claw touched Bai En, something exploded on his chest, and a sudden pain swept across his body. The armor composed of blood gathered at the position where the demon attacked at the moment of the demon's attack, and then was crushed by the powerful force attached to the demon's fist. The thick blood shield was dispelled by the blow, and blood drops splashed like a fountain.

The night owl's "spirit" flew out of the hands of Bai En. Just when he fell, he fell on a hard and heavy object, and the air blew out of his lungs. He could hear a scream from the demon, which might have come from the extreme pain in the world. Bai En didn't know how much his spells did, but he knew he had at least the strength to get up again.

Guerrerogan took advantage of this opportunity to rush forward, and for a moment Bai En thought that the dwarf could kill the demon. His axe flashed through a fierce arc, almost connected, but the dwarf's wound slowed him down, and the demon jumped aside, avoiding the blow that might have cut its head.

Then there was another quick counterattack, so fast that my eyes couldn't keep up. Finally, the axe in Grerogan's hand was knocked out. The dwarf stood there, crumbling, barely standing up, and the demon knocked him to the ground with a powerful fist. Guerrerogan fell to the devil's feet. All hope disappeared from Bai En's heart.

He bent down and tried to push himself off the ground. Looking down, he could see the remains of Eisenheim-Schneider's amulet on his chest. The blood armor constructed by his spell has no attack ability, at least it will not harm this demon, so Bai En guesses that the demon ’s fist must have hit it, and then this amulet exploded and was overloaded by the powerful evil force attached to the demon fist Too. However, Bai En thought, maybe his spell saved his life, maybe this bodyguard. Something took away most of the power that came with this thirsty blood-killing lord's blow. He was sure that it would kill him-but it did not.

He couldn't find his sword, but his fingers caught a hard and heavy thing. He realized that this was the hammer of fate. He wanted to lift it up, but it didn't move at all. This is not just because it is too heavy, but some kind of force locks it on the ground, just like a magnet fixes the map to the airship.

Bai En cursed. They are very close to victory. The demon is now slowly moving, having difficulty breathing, pus dripping from the huge crack in its flesh and blood, almost unable to maintain its form. He was convinced that another fatal blow would solve the demon. He tried hard to lift the hammer until he felt his muscles were torn apart, but the **** hammer didn't move at all. This is a magical treasure that can only be used by dwarf heroes. Humans cannot overcome its magic.

The demon had now stooped down to see Guerrerogan, just like Tangerim. It leaned over and wrapped the head of the dwarf on the ground with a powerful hand. It slowly lifted him up.

Bai En knows what will happen next. The demon will squeeze Guerrogan's head until his skull shatters like a watermelon, and then it will eat his brain and eat his immortal soul. Behind the victorious demon, he saw the horned beasts crushing the dwarves' last resistance. Warwick stood by one of the pillars. From where the scholar took a hammer to arm himself. And a group of frantic horned beasts are approaching him.

"Help me, no matter what **** you are," Bai En shouted. He hadn't had such enthusiasm since childhood. "Help me, Greiny! Help me, Glennell! Help me, Veolia! Help me! Help me, you **** gods!"

When Bai En remembered the names of the dwarven gods, the rune on the hammer flickered and the flame jumped back. Bai En felt that the weapon began to fly out of the ground. At first it was heavy, but when he lifted it, its weight gradually reduced, as if there was some other force helping him overcome its huge weight.

Bai En held the Warhammer in his hand, and a fierce pain hurt his hand. He felt Mars burned his sleeve. The smell of ozone filled his nostrils. The pain almost made him give up that thing. He struggled to grab it, and every nerve in his hand was screaming in pain. Somehow, he managed to retain his control of the hammer.

Bai En knew that he had only one chance. He raised the hammer and prepared to throw it. The demon felt the energy gathered behind him and turned to face him, holding Grerogan in one hand carelessly, like a human holding a rag doll. Those terrible eyes fell on Bai En, and for a time, he felt a familiar terror rise again.

But at the same time, another feeling also began to emerge in his heart, as if his thoughts began to be divided into two halves, part of which represented the passion for killing bloodthirsty emotions occupying the main position, and part of the rational part returned to the deep heart Use your eyes to observe the whole world.

But this is not true, because he knows that the demon will rush over to tear him to pieces, but he has no time to stop it. He restrained his fear, smiled shyly, and decided to give it a try anyway.

Where he hadn't noticed, blood still flowed towards him silently, and then flowed from his sacrificial knife into his body along his body. His muscles have begun to swell and congest, and the whole person has become a blood-filled muscle color. Bai En didn't even notice that the light on the second circle of the circle representing his spellcasting dimmed when the demon hit it. The purple light of the central part of the circle only flashed faintly.

The demon dropped Guerrerogan, jumped up, stretched out two paws, his mouth wide open, showing his fangs. The Eye of Hell stared directly at Bai En's soul. Its terrible smell filled his nostrils. The heat of its body radiated through the closing gap. Bai En threw the sacred Warhammer forward and threw it out.

Bai En has never imagined that he has such a great power, making it like a falling meteor, dragging the tail of a comet with a burning lightning, and rushing forward. Perhaps the dwarf gods gave it strength? Bai En didn't have much time to think about it. It was like a thunderbolt, which directly hit the devil's head. The impact force stopped it from rushing forward. It fell backwards, but only for a while. The hammer of fate passed by it and flew into the darkness.

The demon stood up slowly. Bai En now knows that he can't stop all this. Its victory is inevitable. He has done his best, but it is not enough. He felt that he had no strength to stand up, let alone escape from that monster. But this did not seem to be true. He had a tingling sensation all over his body, and he felt his chest burned. His hands felt like flesh on the bones was peeling off. But he seems to have another illusion that man has infinite power after he is completely out of power.

The demon staggered forward, grinning evilly. Its ancient eyes told him that it knew what he was thinking, and it laughed at his despair. A huge shadow fell on him. It spread its wings, summoned the axe blade with runes from behind, and let it fly across the room. After returning the axe to its hands, it retracted its claws, preparing to strike with a fatal blow.

"Hey! You! It's not over between you and me!" The voice of Grerogan came from behind it.

At the moment when the demon turned around, Bai En noticed that "Feng" was next to a corpse not far away. He swooped in that direction, but his power seemed to be too much. He jumped over the body from a distance. It wasn't until he landed that he supported his body with his hands that he noticed that the tip of his finger had become some kind of sharp claw.

But Bai En didn't have time to observe carefully. The demon glanced at Bai En and walked towards Grerogan with an axe, as if he planned to solve its 'dessert' first. Bai En quickly ran to the mixed-blood sword again. Some change in his body made him unfit. When he held the sword, a lightning bolt struck him. Bai En didn't know why this sword attacked himself, but the paralysis caused by lightning made him feel more comfortable, at least he could control himself.

Then he rushed towards the demon, also not noticing the flash of lightning that flowed on his body. But the demon noticed that he attacked quickly again, but in the eyes of Bai En, this time, he could at least see the movement of the attack. He avoided the first blow, but the blade of the axe still cut open his chest, blood splattered.

Bai En didn't feel any pain. He waved his sword to the demon, turning the demon's second shot to defense. This seems to be the first time this demon has chosen to defend rather than attack. Before every move of the demon was attack, he never considered defense. This is what makes it so terrible.

Then Bai En withdrew the sword, raised the sword over his head, and chopped from top to bottom, but was blocked by the devil's axe. Then the demon began to exert power, and the extremely powerful force pressed Bai En's sword back. This inhuman power makes Bai En suspect even stronger than a dozen cows. But Bai En can no longer dodge, and can only see the axe mounted on the "spirit" attacking his head quickly.

"Hey! I said! It's not over between you and me!" Guerrerogan's voice came from behind the demon.

Then his huge head of a huge, ancient axe suddenly protruded from the thirsty blood-killing lord's chest. Only one arm away from Bai En. When it did so, the demon began to split and turned into a stinky steam in a shower of red and gold sparks.

That thing began to disappear, burning like a fire in front of their eyes. Only the eyes with fierce hatred were left. Bai En did not see pain and failure in those eyes, only indifference and hatred, and then even those eyes disappeared. Through the fading mist, Bai En can see the scarred Guerrerogen, who can hardly stand up straight. Then the blurry outline of the demon slowly and completely disappeared from the field of vision.

But Bai En can still see the burning eyes of the demon, and his mind still echoes the last words of the devil: I will remember you, mortals, and I have eternal time to revenge.

Great, Bai En thought, this is what I need. The hostility of Cohen's most favored lord! Despite this, his heart was uplifted. The demon disappeared, and the terrifying fear of its existence was like the morning mist disappearing under the rising sun. Bai En felt that a heavy burden that he had never realized fell from his shoulders, and a huge sense of relief filled his body.

Guerrero walked to the place where Hammer of Fate staggered and picked it up. This time, the weapon was easily raised, and at the same time, strange things happened. Lightning flashes between the hammer and the axe, forming a hot arc. As they did so, Guerrerogan seemed to swell with almost uncontrollable force. His hair crown stood on top of his head. His beard stood up. His eyes flashed strange blue light.

"The gods are laughing at me ~ ~ Human!" He roared, his voice as clear and audible as thunder. Pain distorted his face. "I came here to find my end, but it brought bad luck to this place. Now, someone will pay for it."

He turned and walked back to the battlefield. When Hammer of Fate struck, it left a faint flash of light behind it. His old axe capable of killing demons smashed through a dark warrior and cut a large piece from a post behind him. Now, an atmosphere of fear surrounded him, just as he once surrounded demons, and the admirers of the evil gods began to retreat in horror.

Guerrerogan let out a powerful battle roar and jumped into them, and a terrible killing began. Because he possessed terrible weapons and was full of divine power, he was invincible. His axe cut through armor and flesh effortlessly; no weapon could resist it. The hammer issued a terrible force after another, whipping the warriors of the evil gods like a devil's whip.

Bane stared in horror at the tragic scene caused by the violent killing of Grerogan. Until he noticed that his sword fell from the hand on the floor, he barely picked up the sword again and let himself rush out. The rest of the battle soon ended. Their leader failed, unable to resist the invincible power that the angry Guerrogan seemed to be endowed with by the dwarf gods, and the remnants of the dark army turned and began to run away.