The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 772: survivor

Bai En looked tiredly at the hall beside the well. There were corpses everywhere, on one side was evidence of unusually fierce fighting, and on the other side were the dwarves' unyielding determination. The dried blood covered the floor. The smell of death filled his nostrils.

He looked down at where Grerogan was lying. His face was pale and motionless, leaning against a pillar that supported the roof. His entire chest was covered with bandages, and one arm was fixed with bandages. The dwarf's head was covered with bruises, even under his tattoo.

The demon's control of him is not gentle. The battle with the thirsty blood-killing lord almost killed his life, and the subsequent battle did not help him. Guerrerogen's bruised chest barely undulated, and he struggled on the edge of life and death. Bane's healing remedies failed to improve this, and even Warwick couldn't tell whether he was dead or alive.

Warwick raised his head hesitantly. "I have done my best for him. The rest is destiny. It is a miracle that he can live. I guess that only the power of the hammer of destiny can make him survive the battle."

Bai En wondered if it was finally time to record the fate of Guerrerogen. It was indeed an epic battle, and it was the ending that Gray Rogan wanted. The dwarves united as soon as they saw the demon being expelled.

The army of evil gods has completely lost the courage to fight. The violent Grerogan took his invincible weapons and was as violent and deadly as the dwarf gods in ancient wars. This is the massacre caused by Guerrerogan. To the admirers of the dark gods, their evil gods have betrayed them. Finally, they were downcast, panicked, and turned to escape from the hall, leaving the victorious dwarves. It was only then that Guerrerogan collapsed.

Such a victory is paid at a terrible price. Bai En wondered whether more than twenty dwarves survived. Most dwarves moving around were hidden in the cellar at the beginning of the battle. If it weren't for the power of the hammer and Guerrerogen's axe, he doubted that none of them would survive. It seems that Gray Rogan may pay the final price for their victory.

Snowry limped through the dead man, half-lifting his right leg. He didn't look much better than Guerrerogan. His chest was sewn together by thread. This may be to prove his awesome dwarven resilience, he is still alive. No one but him could survive the demon's blow and the blood loss that followed. Well, maybe there is Bai En himself. Bai En looked down at Grey Rogan, hoping he was the third.

Snowry was wrapped around a bandana temporarily wrapped in bandages, making him look like a very short, wide, and stupid Al Erbai. He looked at the red ruins around him, whistling happily. However, when he looked down at Guerrerogen's body lying on his back, he also lost some pleasant mood.

"Play well," he said softly. Bai En almost didn't agree. What he wants to say is that, in his view, there is no good battle in the world at all, and only what you win and what you lose. Fighting is a dirty, chaotic, painful and dangerous thing. In general, he thinks this is something he would rather avoid, at least not on the front line.

However, even though Bai En thought so, he knew he was deceiving himself. There is a strange joy in survival, a terrible joy in victory, and he is not immune. When he considered other options for victory, he found that he had to agree with Snowry.

"Yes, this is a good fight," Bai En said, although he didn't know if those who died on the cold stone floor would agree if they could speak.

The effort to speak made his own body ache. He looked at his hand. When the hammer of fate shot its lightning, the place where he held it was already stiff and black. He couldn't determine whether the injury was caused by the lightning of the hammer, or whether it was caused by the lightning of the "spirit". But now when he is holding the spirit with the other hand. I do not feel any burning or electric shock.

Even the opioid ointments used by Warwick cannot completely relieve the pain. He was n’t entirely sure what magic protected Tangerim from such things, but obviously it did n’t work for humans. Nevertheless, it has completed its work, and he should not really complain about the sloppy response of these dwarf deities to his prayers.

Bai En looked at the bandage wrapped around his hand and couldn't help wondering how he insisted on fighting—but he did know the answer. He was n’t sure what happened to him. When he tried to ask the living people, everyone told him that they only noticed what happened to the last dwarf kings Tanglim and Guerrerogen. Too. I couldn't notice anything else.

Only a few people claimed that they saw a blood-red figure or Baien turned red, and found nothing else. In fact, Bai En can't even judge whether they are talking about the blood armor when they cast the spell or whether there has actually been a change in themselves.

He remembered seeing his hands change to another red color, and the sharp claws of his fingertips. But after the battle, everything was like a nightmare. He returned to his original state, and no one even noticed. Maybe he ca n’t say anything other than Grey Logan.

The only useful thing is Bai En's own memory. He remembers that after defeating the demon, he followed Grerogan's killing of enemies. As the killing progressed, the tingling sensation in him disappeared. Eventually, he became extremely tired, and Bai En was not sure whether that change disappeared or was normal. Maybe he did have some kind of hallucination in the battle, maybe he was influenced by the evil power of that demon, maybe he broke his head. Bai En could not be sure.

Bai En understands that during the most intense fighting, a person can tolerate the pain that would knock him down under normal circumstances. He had seen a person continue to fight for a few minutes after being injured, and eventually died. Looking at his hand, he wondered if he could swing another sword. Even the pen needed to record the great death of Grerogan.

Warwick had assured him that he would meet sooner or later, and his own medical knowledge also told him the answer is yes, but now he is not so sure. However, he thought, he could always learn to hold the sword in his left hand. He tried to use his left hand to pull out the "spirit" from the scabbard, but he felt completely wrong. Nevertheless, he thinks that when he returns to Fatalin Island, he still has enough time to study.

He has pain all over his body and just wants to lie down and sleep, but there are still many things to do. Hagrim and the other dwarves ended their discussion and strode towards him. Hagrim held the hammer of destiny in his right hand. Bai En noticed that it did not scorch him, and he was a little unhappy.

"We owe you a debt that will never be paid, Bai En." Hagrim said. "You have saved the honor of our people and prevented the sacred warhammer of our ancestors from falling into the hands of the enemy."

Bai En smiled at the dwarf. "You don't owe me anything, Hagrim. The hammer of destiny saved my life. You have no debt."

"It's very noble. Nevertheless, everything we have is yours."

"Thank you, but I just want to go home," Bai En said, hoping he didn't sound ungrateful.

"We will leave here together." Hagrim said.

Bai En raised his eyebrows.

"We have too few people to defend this place now, and the dark forces must now know where it is. It's only a matter of time before they come back. It's time to pick up our book of resentment, pick up our hammer, pick up what we can Take the things and leave here. "Hagrim explained.

"I believe there is enough space on the" Grenier Will "", Brian, "Warwick said. He looked at Bai En respectfully, as if seeking his approval for the decision. Obviously, being able to wield the hammer of destiny gave him a place in the heart of the dwarf, even if it scorched his hand. "Gantrim has only 72 dwarves now ~ ~ If we clear the cargo compartment and squeeze all the people in the room, there will be enough room."

"I believe you are right," Bai En nodded.

"We must take the sacred Warhammer from here. There are as many dwarf treasures as possible."

"Of course," Bai En said, watching the dwarves lift the box from the hidden vault. "But what I worry about is how can we get everything out. We have to find a way out among those who worship the evil gods. We are too weak, too few people to fight."

Hagrim grinned. "Don't worry, Bane. There are many secret passages to Gunter Grimm that only the dwarves know."

Bai En glanced at the lying Grey Logan, who looked pale and motionless. "What about Grerogan and the other wounded?" He said. Maybe they should wait for Guerrero to die and bury him in the grave with other combat heroes, Bai En thought.

"When I am too weak to walk, humans, I will be too weak to survive," a voice came from Guerrerogen. Grey Logan's eyes slowly opened. When he forced himself to stand up, they all rushed around.

"So, anyway, let's go." Although I don't know whether it is my own medicine, Bai En said happily.

Grey Rogan looked around the battlefield. "It seems my doom escaped me again." He said sourly.

"Don't worry," Bai En said. "I'm sure there are other dooms waiting for me!"