The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 774: Genius plan

Soon, the Prophet Tangul thought that my brave soldier would attack.

Tangul rubbed his paws happily. Soon, all his plans and negotiations will be rewarded. Soon, he would retaliate against human Bane and his obnoxious dwarf follower, Grey Rogan. Soon, they will always regret their intervention in such a powerful caster's plan. Soon, he would make them scream and beg for mercy, to face the death they deserved. quickly.

Around him, he heard his troops enter the position. Row after row of terrible Ratmen soldiers, the best of the Ratmen soldiers, marched in the dark. Their pink eyes sparkled in the darkness; their long tails twitched by the repressive killing; their sharp teeth were flooded by saliva. Behind him was his terrible bodyguard, a giant ogre mumbling greedily-named Bonebreaker III.

This mouse monster is larger than any human being, its height is more than twice that of humans, and its weight is more than ten times that of humans. Its head is a terrible combination of mouse and wolf. Its red eyes burned with mad anger. Its huge claws protrude from its thick fingers. Its long, worm-like tail swayed violently in the air.

This new ogres replaced the monster killed by the human bene in the collapsed black tower, causing Tangul to lose a small amount of property. This is not the only price that Tangul recently paid when visiting the huge caves of the Founder Clan in the Endless Abyss.

He was forced to take out more than half of his personal property and part of the spoils of the upcoming victory. In return for his support for this new business, he mortgaged the warped rulers of the family. Nevertheless, Tangul believes that this is an insignificant price. The reward of his inevitable victory will far exceed his expenditure. He is absolutely certain of this.

He thought of the reason he was taken to this remote place, which was a reward for his genius plan. Not only the storm commandos and clan warriors wearing the caster clan uniform, but also ogres and swarms of giant rats, these giant rats were also driven by the trainers. There are almost a thousand men in his army.

With such power, Tangul is convinced that victory is a foregone conclusion. Especially because their opponents are only humans. How can they fight against the true heirs of this world-the devil's own descendants? The answer is simple: they can't. When Tangul thought of the scale of his upcoming victory, he cocked his tail with pride.

Tangul sniffed the air with his long rat-like nose. His beard twitched excitedly. Perhaps it is because the ruined by the evil forces that he felt is close at hand, and there is a huge vein of the mother stone of the magic stone, which is the essence of magic power. He was once again surprised by the stupid decree issued by the Modu Committee to ban the ratmen army from entering the places where demons are infested. The loss of several ratmen slaves will surely be compensated by the large amount of magic stones they can obtain? Of course, in the past, these waste soils engulfed the entire army of ratmen, but is this the reason for the committee ’s timidity?

Tangul is convinced that under his leadership, or at least under his guidance from a distance—because, in fact, there is no need to risk losing his brilliant talents that belong to the entire horde race—a storm commander Will successfully complete such a task.

Of course there are other options. If he owns the airships that the dwarf dwarves built for Bane and Grerogan, and his stupid servant, Luck-Snake Tongue, has never been able to capture the airship so far-he could have used it in wasteland Looking for the magic stone.

When he realized that Luck was stupid and incompetent, he flicked his tail in frustration, and then happily twisted his two claws together because he thought of the flying ship again. Once this thing is his, he will come in handy.

It can quickly bring the Prophet and his bodyguard anywhere in the world. It will transport troops behind the enemy. It will be used as a prototype for the construction of an air fleet, with such an invincible fleet, and-he loyally and hurriedly added-through him, "Magic Commission" will conquer the world.

Of course, he had to put his claws on the airship first, and this brought his attention back firmly to the matter at hand. Through the telescope, he could see the fortress long hall where the dwarf Kaslev allies lived. This is a typical fortified manor built by human clans in the area.

There is a tall fence and a ditch around the house. The inside of the house is a solid structure made of stone and wood. The windows are very narrow, and in many cases it is just a crack in archery. All doors are large and strong. It was built to resist the attacks of the monsters common here, these monsters are near the wasteland. There is a stable inside because people here like their horses very much. Tangul never understood this. He thinks these beasts are just for food.

He was pleased to admit that this long hall is typical in every aspect, with one exception. Outside the main building is a huge wooden tower with a metal platform on top. Except for the materials used to build it, it is identical in all respects to the docking tower that Tangul saw on the collapsed black tower before the airship set sail to avoid falling into his claws.

There is no doubt that this is where the airship stopped on its way northward into the waste. Obviously for supply or adjustment. To Tangul's keen mind, this means that the airship's range is limited. This is worth knowing. But why? Why is it so close to that evil wasteland?

Tangul briefly considered what this might mean. Why did the dwarves, especially the cursed Baine and Grey Logan, decide to bring such valuable equipment into the wasteland? If the idiot, Luck, managed to find the answer. It would be nice if he reported according to the instructions.

Tangul was not surprised at all. His destiny is to let those living clowns destroy his genius plan. Tangul often suspected that these exploiters were imposed on him by conspiracy and deception by his betrayal enemies in the devil capital. The intricacies of rat-human politics are endless and confusing, and a genius leader like Tangul has many opponents who are full of suspicion. Defeat him.

There is no doubt that once the dwarf Guerrogan fell into Tangul ’s claws, he could use various cunning methods of persuasion known to the prophet to reveal his mission. If he can't, the other, the evil human benevolence, will be forced to speak.

In fact, Tangul believes that he may be the easier one of the two. This is not to say that Tangul is afraid of clashing with the crazy dwarf, not at all. He knew that he was fearless in every way, and in any way, he was not afraid of blindly violent beasts like Grerogan. He has proven this time and time again in confrontations with dwarves. It's just that it's easier to let the human ben speak.

However, Tangul had to admit that, if you think about it, Bai En himself may be stupid and stupid on such issues. Perhaps it would be easier to grab a few prisoners from the long hall below and ask them about the dwarf ’s purpose. They must know the secret. After all, how can those stunted dwarves work so hard to build towers on this forgotten grassland without revealing their mission to their human allies? He must ensure that his own allies have captured some people for questioning . In fact, he will order immediately.

Tangul laughed at the thought of this. No matter what plan the dwarves have, it must be an important plan for them to spend so much time and energy to carry it out at the risk of losing the spaceship. Maybe they were looking for gold or magical treasures in the wasteland. Although he knew the dwarves, he thought this was the most likely explanation. Moreover, once his incredible and wonderful plan was implemented, any treasure collected by his enemies would be firmly grasped by his powerful claws.

Tangul reconsidered his plan in his heart. It's so simple, but so tortuous. So direct, but so hidden in the tricks. All great ratmen's plans must avoid being messed up by stupid subordinates. How clever and foolproof this is. This again proves once again Tangul ’s extraordinary genius, if needed. He reviewed it step by step logically.

First, they want to occupy this long hall. Then, when the airship will definitely come back, they will surprise the dwarves when the airship docks. Tangul prepared a special spell for this moment, a high-level magic that would prevent the ship from moving before they could fly away. So, apart from harvesting the fruits of victory, they need not do anything.

Of course, some things may go wrong. Tangul is proud of his genius for his ability to handle emergencies. Any rat-man power can mess things up. There is also a possibility that the dwarves might destroy their airship instead of letting it fall into the paw of a ratman. This has happened in the past, because the dwarf is a stupidly proud and crazy stubborn race. Moreover, they are very likely to fly back from another route.

Tangul shivered. All his divination skills told him it was almost impossible. He had read his feces and only ate spiced magic stone powder for a whole day. When he proved his loyalty to the devil in this satisfactory way, he felt the most terrible flatulence.

The sacred excrement assured him that his plan would not fail, and he would meet the dwarves here. Of course, like all predictions, a certain margin of error must be considered, but Tangul believes his extensive experience in divination is very helpful to him. Others who are less visionary may allow their intelligence to be blinded by their own hopes and hopes, but he looks at these signs with a rigorous and impartial attitude, and this is the sign of his genius. One.

He was sure that the **** duo would return from the wasteland. Frankly, he suspected that nothing could stop this. Tangul could read the omen, and he knew that one of the two had a huge doom on his shoulder, probably the dwarf. This is a fate that only stronger people can overcome. The Prophet Tangul knew he was such a person. Nonetheless, there is no benefit to underestimating this dwarf.

In the dream induced by the magic stone, when he looked for signs of the enemy's whereabouts, he saw many strange sights. He had seen a huge fortress buried deep at the foot of the mountain, and he fought against a demon with truly terrifying power. This demon had such a transcendent and evil power that he did not want to think about it. He put this idea aside.

The dwarf will come back with the airship ~ ~ he is destined to fall in front of Tangul's great wisdom. Those smaller dooms cannot stop him.

Tangul noticed that the claw captains of the founder clan were watching him. He cursed in a low voice.

"What instructions do you have, Prophet Tangul?" One of the largest ratmen muttered. "What do you need us to do?"

"My order," Tangul emphasized, "you and your troops immediately implemented this plan. Occupy the long hall of humans, let as many humans as possible alive, and be interrogated. Pay special attention to protecting breeders and their young Tsai. When you use them to threaten humans, they become particularly vulnerable. "

"We must protect them anyway, the Prophet Tangul. For our experiments."

Tangul tilted his head to the side to consider Captain Claw's words. What does this guy mean? Is his family thinking about some new breeding programs, including mutating humans? This is worth knowing. The Captain Ratman seemed to realize that he was speechless because he turned his back to Tangul and walked awkwardly down the hill to command his troops. A wave of excitement stimulated Tangul. In another five minutes, the offense will begin.