The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 775: Sneak attack

Angelica Mogorova stood on the battlement in the long hall, staring at the mountains in the distance. She is a tall woman, wearing leather armor commonly used by Kaslov warriors. Her hair is very short, with gray hair, and her face is somewhat wide, but it is extremely beautiful. Her hands are playing with her hilt.

Behind the mountains, the aurora shines brightly in the sky. At night, the flashing light in the evil waste illuminates the mountain from behind. They are like giant jagged fangs and belong to a distant monster who wants to devour the world.

At that moment, she wondered whether the monster had swallowed Bai En and his companions. For several weeks, they had no news or signs, and all the divination of the magician Eisenheim-Schneider had not successfully revealed their fate. Angelica doesn't know if she can see Bai En again. She even doubted whether she wanted to see him.

This is not to say that she wanted him to die. Far from it. She hoped that he would return safely. It's just that his appearance is too ... disturbing. He attracted her more than she thought. After all, he was a landless adventurer from Fatalin Island off the far coast, a man recognized by the Marnus Empire and himself as a criminal.

And she is the daughter and heir of Boyar, who is one of the nobles who protected the northern border of Kaslov. Her duty is to marry according to her father's wishes, consolidate the alliance with her neighbors, and keep the family strong and pure.

Idiot, she said to herself. What does it matter? It's easy to be with a man you like and want. You have done it before and will do it later. In Kaslov, life is short and often ends in violence. This is not uncommon and unpopular; but when people can find happiness, they are there to enjoy.

Is it really important that you have slept with an adventurer without land? It has no future. But since he left, she rarely thought of anything else. This is really a typical man. He confused her so much and left. Only the gods knew where he was.

She knew he had his reasons. Bai En vowed to accompany the oath giver, Gray Rogan Mahal, to complete his journey of death, no matter how long the process took, or whether the process would eventually end in his own death. Angelica comes from a culture that respects oaths. Only a reluctant nation can do this. They use swords to enforce their laws.

Even in the march, no country like the Marnus Empire had lawyers and written contracts so common in the empire. Here, you are going to do what you swear to do, otherwise it will bring shame to yourself and your family.

See what the oath has done to the stupid man. It took him to ride the huge dwarf aircraft into the evil wasteland, looking for the lost dwarf city-Guntergrim. Angelica wanted to ask him not to leave and live with her, but she was too proud to speak, and she worried that he would refuse-a shame that she did not want to endure.

She looked at the mountains intently, as if she could see through the rocks. Anyway, she didn't know how he felt about her. Maybe it was just a night for him. She knew that men were like that. They can promise you the whole world at night, but they didn't even have a good word before dawn.

She smiled. She doubted that Bai En would know what to say or what to say. This is where she likes him. In a way, he speaks decently, something that her unsmiling people do n’t have. To be honest, she envied him because she was not good at telling her feelings. In her own unique way, she thought Bai En was a good person. He can fight when he needs to, but this is not all of his life, and the men around her are all grown up like this.

Sometimes she felt he was not tough enough, sometimes he surprised her again, he was so ruthless. Of course, only dangerous people will be Grerogan Mahal ’s associates. Judging from what the dwarves who built the tower told her, Guerrerogan was already a dark legend among his people.

She shook her head. It didn't help her. She has her duties to perform. She is her father ’s heir, and here requires her to ride the horse across the border and lead the rider. She can perform this role as well as anyone, even better than most people.

Nearby footsteps sounded. She turned her head and saw Eisenheim-Schneider walking towards her along the railing.

"Can't sleep?" He asked with a smile. "I can make a potion for you."

"Check the sentry," she said. "It is my responsibility."

She looked at the magician. He is tall and dark with a pale academic face and big eyes. Recently he started to grow a goatee suitable for him. He wore the official costume of the magician of the Marnus Imperial Academy of Magic, wearing a golden flowing robe, wearing a green blouse and yellow breeches. He wore a weird toque on his head.

A handsome man, she thought, but this man made her uneasy, not just in a way that handsome men were sometimes disturbing. This is a person who is truly independent of most humans by virtue of his inner power and the training that allows him to use this power.

She didn't believe him very much. This is what she thinks most people think of magicians. You always want to know them-can they read your mind, bind you in their will with spells, and make you fall into illusion? You dare not say these words out loud, or even in front of them The thought of these words is just in case, to prevent offending them.

Eisenheim-Schneider himself never gave her any reason to doubt his kindness. this is only…

"You are thinking about the airship," he said with a smile.

"So, will you read the mind?"

"No. Just studied some human nature. When I heard a young woman sigh and saw her looking towards the waste land in the north, I could combine the two. I've seen you and Bai En together. You are a natural couple. You will be a good couple. "

"I think you are too presumptuous."

"Maybe." He smiled; a little pitiful, Angelica thought. "Mr. Bai En is a lucky person."

"What's fortunate to go through that evil ruin?"

"I don't mean that, you know."

"I wo n’t read minds, Mr. Schneider, if you do n’t say it, how do I know what you mean?"

"Why do you hate me, Angelica?"

"I don't hate you."

"You never seem to agree with me."

"Just you are ..."

"A magician?"


Eisenheim-Schneider smiled sadly. "I'm used to it. People often don't trust us and don't like us very much. It was not long ago that they stopped persecuting us in the Marnus Empire."

"Sometimes there are witches and warlocks. I believe some of me here will be willing to do this to you."

"I have noticed."

"We are close to evil waste. People are very suspicious. If I were you, I would not treat it as personal to you."

He shook his head sadly, showing a sad smile. Angelica realized that if there was a chance, she might really like this man. "Except for my personal reasons, I don't know how I can endure being burned to death by being tied to the stake."

"You make sense."

"Thank you," he said slightly ironically. He suddenly tilted his head to the side. He seemed to be listening.

"What's the matter?" Angelica asked. She suddenly felt scared.

"Hush! I think there is something outside." Eisenheim-Schneider closed his eyes and looked dull. She felt the power around him. Through his closed eyelids, she still saw a dazzling light, as if his eyes turned into a tiny sun, the light could penetrate! The muscles on his chin tightened. He whispered something in a mysterious language.

His eyes snapped open. She could see the light inside gradually dim, like the embers of a fire that was about to go out. He reached out and touched her arm. For a scholar, his grip is surprisingly strong. "Keep calm," he said. "Don't show any expression on your face. There is something outside, we must leave this guardrail."

"We must sound the alarm."

"If we are hit by a sharpshooter, we can't sound the alarm," he said softly.

"In this case, who can hit us?"

"Trust me," he said, leading her back along the guardrail. "Walk normally, then climb the ladder into the lookout tower."

"What is going on ??" Angelica asked. The sense of urgency in the magician's voice has been conveyed to her.

"There are ratmen outside. These creatures are followers of evil gods."

"How do you know?" She asked, then cursing herself. She already knew the answer. He is a magician. She modified the question slightly to cover up her mistakes. "I mean, they are ratmen."

"I studied the servants of the evil gods extensively," he said in a calm voice. Angelica knew that his calm tone was to appease her and keep her calm. He thought she needed such treatment, which made her a little annoyed. If he notices it, he will not make any representation. "After all, this is why the dwarf hired me."

They climbed the ladder. "Climb up. I'll come right away. The bell will ring as soon as you reach the tower. We don't have much time."

Although she did not trust him, she never doubted that he was serious. At least at this point, she has absolute confidence in Eisenheim-Schneider. From the afterglow of her eyes, she felt that she saw a blur of something, as if a group of fast-moving animals were approaching her. When she climbed the ladder, there was a worm crawling between her shoulder blades. She imagined that she was hit by a strange magic weapon used by a rat or a crossbow or those ratmen that Bane told her. She felt cold sweat began to flow down her back.

She was taken aback by the courage of Eisenheim-Schneider. Throughout the process, he has been standing there, like a person talking casually, whispering incessantly. Only when she climbed the ladder did he start climbing.

She ran as quickly as possible, and as soon as her feet touched the floor at the top of the tower, she reached out and grabbed the big clock's rope. She tried her best to pull it. The crisp bell rang through the night sky. She knew that from the deepest cellar to the highest room, the sound could be heard everywhere in the manor.

"Wake up!" She shouted. "The enemy is outside!"

As soon as the sound of the bell struck, she heard a huge roar in the distance. She knew with confidence that the Ratman was in the shadow outside. The soldiers in the long hall had prepared their weapons and began to flow out of the manor. She saw her father's huge figure appear in the darkness. A half-buckle of iron armor hangs on his chest, and a close-fitting male servant is helping him adjust the armor's fixing belt, while giving orders to the soldiers loudly ~ ~ Oleg-belt Those who come to you, guard the chest wall. Stander-I want archers on all four walls until we see the direction of the attack. Marta! Summon all the maids and fetch water from the well to prevent anyone from setting fire. Prepare bandages and ointments for the wounded! Come on! Act now! "

Angelica is happy that her father is there. He is a veteran who has fought thousands of battles on this dangerous borderline. His presence inspired all his followers and her.

She glanced outside the watchtower and saw a crowd approaching them. Hundreds of thousands of mice like a fluffy tide flow through the open ground. She did not know whether her father had enough manpower in the manor to meet them. Somehow, she doubted it.

It is reported that more and more evil followers come and go. Most riders patrol the border of that evil wasteland. It was their misfortune, or perhaps a cunning praise of these ratmen, who were attacked when many of their riders were not there.

When she pulled out her sword, she wondered whether she could see Bai En again. Then, the first wave of ratmen hit the wall. She had no time to think about anything other than fighting for her life.