The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 787: Cast

The Prophet Tangul felt his inner power surging. It was like a snake in his stomach, in his chest, struggling to crawl out. He consumes a lot of magic stone powder, enough to make some weak casters explode or turn into original slime, but he is Tangul. He is the greatest Ratman Prophet, the most powerful caster, and the supreme sorcerer in the Ratman nation. Nothing can exceed his ability. No. He is omnipotent.

Control yourself, he thought. Thinking. Thinking. He knows very well that at such moments, people who often use magic stones to cast spells are filled with extreme self-confidence. Indeed, he believes that most rat-man wizards had extremely exaggerated moments before the magic stone made them perish-even if it was just a moment of heartbeat.

He will not be one of them. It is true that, like all Ratmen Prophets, he has a healthy understanding of his abilities, but he will not let the powerful primitive magic power overwhelm his sense of self-protection. At this moment, he strengthened his conviction and let him know that he needed to exert its magic power and let it out before this force swallowed him.

There are so many primitive magical energy flowing in his veins, and ecstasy with infinite power is flowing in his brain. It is very difficult to achieve this, but he knows that he must do so, otherwise he is destined to perish.

Slowly, he forced himself to recite the powerful mantra he came up with. One by one, he reproduced the intricate claw poses, which concentrated the magic. When he waved his arm, the stream of pure magical energy followed his claws, as if he was digging a hole in the real physical world. To some extent, he thought he was indeed doing this.

The movement of his arm was getting bigger and bigger; he screamed the powerful syllables in the spell. Just as he did this, a beam of light flashed around him. The original magical energy began to leak from his eyes, his nose, his mouth and the lower limbs of his body.

He felt the power tumble back and forth like acid in his intestines. He knew he was racing against time. If he didn't finish his spell as soon as possible, that power would tear him to pieces. The part of his mind that was not attracted by the complex mysterious geometry of the spell swears that he would never eat so much magic stone powder again.

He hurried through the last few powerful syllables of the spell and made the last paw movement. At first, a squirming green tendril slowly extended from his body. Then, the filaments stretched out one by one to find the airship. When they did this, Tangul felt full of vitality.

Its fur was raised, and its tail was fully spread. His entire body was extremely sensitive. The air kissed his fur lightly, and it felt like someone rubbed him with a wire brush. This is painful, but not unpleasant. He forced himself to concentrate again, and regarded each tentacle of energy as an extension of himself, something he could control, something he could feel, as if it were his claws ...

The same.

He expanded the net of his magic. This spell is a huge claw that he can use to grab the airship and make it immobile. Now, those stupid dwarves will understand that they dare to fight against the stupidity of the prophet Tangul, he is the most powerful mage, master of all magic. He wants to destroy their blimp. He will smash it into pieces and throw it to the ground. He can……

No! What the **** is he thinking? That's the magic stone powder talking. He would only let the airship move, and let his servants occupy. Yes. That's it. Concentrating, he told himself. Now that the goal is in your grasp, don't lose it.

His huge claws full of magical power hit the manned cabin of the airship. Tangul screamed. He felt like he was burnt. What is this evil power? What evil spell is working here? He watched the green light streamer retreat from the airship under his command.

Of course, the airship is protected by magical magic. It should have been so, because it flew over the waste soil eroded by evil forces. Tangul carefully put the ribbon back. He knew he still had time. In his view, in his full strength, those few minutes were just a few heartbeats for others.

His magic tendril flew in the manned cabin and then retreated. It is useless to catch the airship there. It is well protected. He reached for the airbag. Success! It is not protected. No! Fix it. Part of it is. The part that supports the turret. Suddenly, as his power passed over the lower part of the airbag, he felt a familiar, but somehow subtly changed existence.

This is Luck-Snake Tongue! He separated a stream of energy to catch his wayward little servant, and caught him in a jump. For the rest, he continued to circle the unprotected part of the airbag and fixed the airship in place.

No! What happened! Why did he start to rise from the ground? This shouldn't ... wait! That's it. Tangul alone cannot fix the airship. His weight is insignificant compared to that of the spaceship. After a moment of consideration, he knew exactly what he needed to do to bind himself to the earth.

He created more streams of magical energy at a lightning speed, and buried them deep underground, looking down, just like the roots of some rapidly growing magical plants. Now he is locked in place. Now he has the bargaining chip against the airship engine. He exerted his power again.

He immediately felt himself pulled back to the ground, and the airship was pulled back to the ground with him. This is almost the same. He is a giant! He is a god! He will use his magic to pull the ‘Glennell ’s Will’ from the sky. He hooked it like a fish on a hook, and now all he needs to do is catch it. Those poor fools can't stop him ~ ~ He exerted his power to the extreme, and slowly and firmly began to drag the airship to the ground.

Bai En felt an extremely powerful, unprecedented magic from that direction ...

When it broke out, his first reaction was that there would be a terrible explosion here, and this magic would destroy everything. Then he watched in surprise as a large stream of glittering streamers rose from the entrance of the long hall, hovering like a snake on the tower until the spaceship was finally engulfed.

For a while, the battle stopped, and all eyes were drawn to the top, watching this magical spectacle. Innumerable streamers extend towards the airship like a headless octopus with countless tentacles, and the light shines on the manned cabin roof for a moment, and then retreats, but only for a moment, they are extinguished.

They then encircled the airbag of the airship full of balloons almost immediately. Bane can see the skin of the airbag begin to bend. He wants to know whether the ratman wizard intends to tear the airbag into pieces and destroy the airship.

After a few seconds, it was clear that this was not the plan of the Rat Prophet. Bai En opened his mouth in surprise, watching the "Grenier Will" slowly and firmly pulled to the ground. He spent time on the airship, knowing the power of the airship's engine and the approximate weight of what it contained. What kind of magic has such a powerful force that it can even fight against the airship's engine.

The ratmen around had stopped retreating. They saw the power shown by this ratman prophet. They were shocked by this power and their faces were filled with awe. It seems that the airship is likely to be captured.

This breathtaking airship, along with its expedition and gains to Guntergrim, seemed destined to fail.

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