The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 788: solution

Angelica and Eisenheim-Schneider ran across the cellar. All her prisoners were released. Some people hold weapons taken from dead guards, others arm themselves with weapons made of broken chairs, old tools, and kitchen knives. These did not reassure Angelica.

"How many people?" She asked her father.

"About thirty people can fight. There are about fifty people in total."

"so little?"

"so little."

"Do you think our patrol will come back in time?"

"We can't count on it."

"What's going on?"

"You know better than me, daughter. I have been here."

"Powerful magic is being released," Eisenheim-Schneider said. "I worry that those ratmen will occupy the airship. I suspect this may have been their plan."

"They must be stopped."

"How to do it? Last night, we were guarding the city wall with a hundred armed men, but we couldn't stop them. How can we do it now?"

"We have to find a way, daughter."

Eisenheim-Schneider smiled. "We now have an advantage that we didn't have last night."

"What is that?" Angelica asked.

"They will not expect us to appear."

"Talar is on, Eisenheim-Schneider, you have the talent to see the bright side," Ivan said lowly.

"Let us go up and see what we can do. At least there may be a chance to escape in the melee."

"There is nowhere to escape, Eisenheim-Schneider. This is my ancestral house. I will not throw it to those **** ratmen."

"I understand why you get along with the dwarves so well," Eisenheim-Schneider sarcastically said. "You are all stubborn."

Bai En watched in awe as the rat-like prophet pulled the "Grenier Will" to the ground. A little ratman is fighting against a huge airship, and he is about to win.

However, the dwarves will not be defeated silently. The spacecraft's engine roared. From the perspective of the tail, Bai En could see that the person controlling the spacecraft wanted the spacecraft to rise. The magic streamer left a gleaming shadow in his vision. This is an incredible magic, one of the greatest magic he has ever seen.

"It's better to go down and kill the Ratman Wizard."

"A good plan." Snowry said approvingly.

A stupid plan, Bai En thought. All we have to do is kill a **** path in a small army of ratmen, and then fight a wizard who can pull the airship from the sky. On the other hand, he himself couldn't think of a better plan than this. The airship represents their greatest hope of escape. If the airship is captured or destroyed, they will also be unable to escape ...


"Yeah, let's continue to do it," Bai En said without a trace of enthusiasm.

Now is my moment of victory, the Prophet Tangul thought. Now all the ratmen will succumb to my genius. Now the Modu Committee must acknowledge my achievements. He felt that he had the ability to take off the moon and the stars in the sky. Think carefully, this may not be a bad idea. The smallest moon is said to be made of a huge magic stone. If he can catch it, then ...

Do not. It's best to stick with it in advance. First he wants to occupy the airship, then he wants to occupy the moon. If he cannot get there with his magic, maybe he can fly there by airship. In Tangul's mind, a terrible and majestic plan has taken shape.

He can fly to the moon with an airship and mine all the magic stone mines he needs. This will be an unprecedented and unmatched achievement in the history of the Ratmen, and it is probably the greatest achievement in the history of the Ratmen. His reward is of course a place in the Modu Committee. At least that's it.

Perhaps the entire committee would bow down in front of him, admitting that he was the devil ’s greatest servant. This is exactly the greatness of his vision, so that for a moment, Tanguer fell into contemplation. Only when he felt that the rope formed by his magical power was slipping, did he return to reality, because he realized that he had to put his fish back on land before it was possible. He took part in the struggle with new enthusiasm.

Lake-Snake Tonge is very unhappy now. When he jumped into the air, he was caught by a huge flow of energy and was thrown into the sky in a crazy frenzy. He had long known how powerful the Prophet Tangul was, but it was only now that he fully proved his strength. Is this some kind of revenge of the Prophet Tangul against his unfaithful thoughts? Does Tangul always know what Luck thought of him? Is he going to throw Luck to the ground to end his torture?

"No-no, master!" Luck said quickly. "Let your most loyal servant. I will serve you faithfully throughout my life. Unlike the dirty pests. They hate you. But I don't. I will always do my best for you!"

If Tangul heard the sincere prayers of Luck, there was no sign. Luck looked at the ground closer and closer with fear, as if to greet him.

Angelika pierced her sword through the back of the ratman curled up in the hall and went to the window to see the source of the terrible fire. She has never seen anything like this. The horned ratman wizard floated in the air twenty steps above the ground. It is anchored to the ground by hundreds of beams of light, and then together with hundreds of other beams of light, it is pulling down the entangled airship.

Below it, hundreds of mouse faces face the sky. They stood there in awe, watching their masters work. Beside her, she heard Eisenheim-Schneider whisper: "Marnus is on top. How can it hold all the power without exploding? It must be consuming that ...

Some of the purest magic stones, but it is not dead yet. "

"What?" She asked.

"That kind of stuff is full of the most disorderly primitive magic. That rat-man used it to strengthen his magic. No mortal thing can do this ~ ~ But it did. Do not know what to do."

Angelica suggested: "If you use the ideas in your head to kill it, it might be better."

"I'm not sure if I have this ability."

"The situation is not good."

"You have the talent to understate everything, dear."

Ban watched Guerrero come down from the ladder. The dwarf had a beam in one hand that he didn't know where to get it from, like a big stick, the other hand brandished an axe, and he dropped them on the head of any rat-man seen below him. With absolute ferocity, Grerogan successfully reached the bottom of the ladder and cleared a space at the bottom of the ladder. Moments later, Snowry joined him. With no other choice, Bai En started to go on his own.

The roar above his head told him that the rotorcraft was back. Bai En watched a bomb fly towards the Ratman Prophet floating in midair. Timed fuzes are always a tricky thing in the best case, and the current situation is definitely not good, the bomb passed by Tangul and exploded in the crowd of mice. Once again aware of their danger, they frantically tried to get themselves aside, and were shattered by the dwarf bomb.

Ban couldn't help but shudder, he thought how easy it would be to tear himself, Guerrerogan and Snowry into pieces in the explosion if such a bomb was thrown in the wrong direction. But reality did not give him a chance to think more. Instead, he dashed forward, desperately slashing to the left and right, trying his best to open a path in the dense team of ratmen, leading to the place where the prophet Tangul floated in the air. Although he didn't know what he was going to do when he got there.