The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 80: Assassination

Ten days passed, and Bai En began to worry. Although there are more customers in the tavern because of the recruitment announcement, most of the people in the tavern are very limited. At least half of them can't live a breath in front of Bai En. The adventure team with only twelve people looks pretty good, but did not expect the other party to see the sea and turn around and left.

"Maybe this is actually the true level of adventurers?" Falheim also thinks that "bone and wine glass" is already a kind of saving adventurer.

"You haven't seen the team of ten people," Bai En retorted.

"There are only a team of people who are not willing to go out to sea." Falheim turned around and said weakly on the table.

"I'm going back to the room first." Bai En doesn't plan to continue to consume in the lobby of the tavern.

Blood flows down Bai Yan's chin, gleaming under candlelight. He was relieved to feel that it was dripping down his jaw, because it showed that he was just injured, not the result he wanted. He sighed softly and stood up. When he tried to twist the broken knuckle, the long whip fell back to the ground. He felt weak, his shoulders were sore, and there was a sense of emptiness.

"Do you need me to deal with him now?" Falheim asked.

Bai En didn't respond immediately. For a moment, for a moment, he wanted to be alone.

"No," he said. "No, I'll deal with him. You first clean yourself up and wait for me in the hall downstairs. Don't let anyone know what happened."

Falheim snorted. His head with long blond hair nodded slightly, shining in the darkness away from the candlelight. Falheim looked at the blood in the room, took a step, and walked out of the narrow door of Bairn's room with brisk steps, following the stairs at the end of the corridor to the hall below.

There was silence in the room. The corpse was sitting on a chair, his chest was motionless, and his chin was drooping.

Bai En scanned the wounds on the man with his countless eyes, which were purple, yellow and black, like thunderstorm clouds in the winter sky. The man's eyelids became a blood hole due to a burst of his eyes, and his teeth lay on his knees like pearls falling from the rope.

Bai En is not proud. Solving the threat to himself does not give him that kind of cruel satisfaction. The body in front of him was just a pile of flesh and bones, together with layers of fat, plus a head full of stupid and naive ideas.

He didn't even blame this person, this world is a difficult place to survive. Even if it is just for some simple, vulgar happiness, as long as it can make your life a little better, people will go to take risks.

Bai En absently wiped off some liquid splashed on the mage's robe. His leg hurts, because when he bowed his back and lowered his head to avoid the dagger cut into his throat, the other dagger left a wound on his thigh.

He took out the medicine in his arms and bit the bottle to pour the liquid in the bottle into the mouth. He could feel the rough liquid flowing through his throat and into the stomach. He resisted the urge to vomit and let the medicine spread out from his stomach. He could feel that the blood in the wound was stopped, and the surrounding flesh grew and itchy.

A candle is about to go out, and the wound is just a thin layer of skin, anyone can see his new injury at first glance. Bai En took out the rolled long whip and drew a circle around the corpse on the ground with the sacrificial knife at the grip. Unfortunately, no one observed his masterpiece. Before releasing the spell, he would painstakingly depict it. A more coherent normal front and calibrate it with your own observations. He will draw slowly, paying attention to whether each line is straight or maintains the desired curvature. The phalanx should be concise and powerful.

Even now, twenty years after he became a black tower apprentice, Bai En still draws the circle in the same way he did as an apprentice. Since then, so many magic circles have been completed, and each magic circle has the same exquisite structure, which is slowly decaying in his memory. He suddenly felt that it was meaningless to do so, and he should buy a set of drawing array tools-with that set containing ruler lines, fixed points, magic powder and drawing array pens, it only took less than one tenth of his time Tools that can accomplish the same magic circle.

He can only do it once more now, take out the painting pen, magic powder and the prepared liquid to draw his exclusive magic circle. Use the original blood to match the material on the rough ground to complete the drawing of the magic circle.

Faith is very important, every belief is very important. If he gave up his faith, then maybe he would remember too clearly the feeling that the night church brought him in the black tower. He would see the faces of those who were killed by him, and perhaps the faces of those he could not rescue.

So he will continue to move forward, even if no one knows the pain he is carrying. He will also try his best to survive to realize his belief. Anyone who dares to threaten him, no matter what background and power, he will definitely give the other party the punishment he deserves.

When the circle was drawn, the liquid on Bai En's hand was hot and sticky. He held a sacrificial knife and read out the spell. The spell was like the echo of a whimper before death. A candle was extinguished, making the room darker. He read it quietly, his lips moving gently.

When Baien stopped, the sacrificial knife glowed red, and the blood, corpses, flesh and scattered teeth on the ground disappeared. And when he left from the dark room, the wound on his body had healed completely.

Bai En walked down the hallway to the end of the staircase, stepped down the stairs to the lobby, and glanced at the customers in the lobby. He didn't find the anomaly before thinking of it. In fact, he was not familiar with the real world. Falheim was sitting in the corner, and he walked over and opened the chair to sit opposite Falheim.

"Is shaving off my beard suspicious?" Falheim said with one arm on the table holding his head.

"No way, my spell can't grow a beard, just change the image." Bai En touched his smooth chin, and then touched his thick moustaches. "Maybe this is more popular with ladies."

Falheim laughed twice, which was considered to be a match with Bai En's joke. He had been downstairs for a long time, and he did not find any one of the people in the hall abnormal, at least enough to make him want to tie him up for questioning.

"Unfortunately, your hands are too heavy. Or we should be able to ask for something." Falheim supported the cheek with one hand ~ ~ Elbows were propped on the table, tilting his head and looking at the hall Everyone.

"Yeah, maybe you can find any clues on my body." Bai En touched her throat with some fear, thinking of the situation at that time, it was almost a bit. If it wasn't for your own quick response, if it wasn't for the beard that affected the accuracy of the opponent, let the dagger that should have cut the throat cut his chin, and the body upstairs was himself.

"I suddenly thought of something." Falheim suddenly got serious and straightened up. "What if these guys are not acting alone?"

"I think we'll know it soon." Bai En gestured with his eyes to Jago and his bodyguard who came quickly to the two.

"Several crew members are missing." Jie Ge quickly walked to the two and said. "I'm worried about something going wrong, so I leave the rest of the crew on board."

"Well ... is it possible that someone in the missing person betrayed us? The other missing person is just a guise?" Bai En suddenly thought of a possibility.

"This ..." Jie Ge hesitated. "It's possible, if that's the case, I suggest that we leave Rilmas immediately. At least return to the boat first."

"Alas, according to normal, we still have missions. After somebody disappears, we have to investigate. Maybe we will get revenge. So I will let you go back at most. Afterwards, I will use the skills of Falheim and me to put the main messenger behind Kill a drop of flowers. "Bai En said suddenly.

"Hey, you are going to die to yourself, don't count me." Falheim interjected directly.

"Hey, I know you have no loyalty. But I am also afraid of death. You asked Gerald to help me send him a letter to the owner of my bookstore, and then I will give the location of the first thing and the second thing. The interview place was changed to the ship. "Bai En stood up and continued. "Let's go get the luggage and return to the ship now."