The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 800: Everyone's thoughts

???? Snowry looked north to the clouds gathered. The big storm is coming, Snowry knows. This is related to the size of the clouds, the darkness, and the weak lightning in the distance. Yes. The big storm is coming. Snowry didn't care. Because at this moment, Snowry was drunk. He has drank more than one barrel of potato vodka, and now he feels a little uncomfortable. This is very common today. Snowry knew he was drinking too much. But Snowy once again told himself that this was impossible.

???? Snowry drinks to forget. Snowry has become so good at it that he has forgotten what he wants to forget. Or the head blow he suffered in his career. Now, he should drink more. This will help him stay forgetful, just in case.

He knows that whatever he wants to forget is bad. He knew that he had done something that must be atoned, and suffered great grief and shame. The only thing he could do was to seek death in a heroic way, so as to restore the reputation for himself and his family. He wanted to know what that was.

???? In the corner of his mind, the image flickered. The wife, the child, and the youngest one are all dead. Did he kill them? He didn't think so. Was he responsible for their death? The tingling in the chest told him yes, Snowry might be responsible for it. Was he drunk at that time? Yes, he was drunk.

He took another big sip from the bucket and handed it to Guerrerogan. Grey Logan shook his head. He wiped his eyes with the knuckles of a big fist, then raised his eyes and stared at the clouds in the sky.

The storm must be getting closer. It came from the north to chase the airship, and Snowy could feel it from his bones. He suddenly thought that it might have been sent by the evil spirit wizards in retaliation for what they had done in Guntergrim. He told Grerogan this idea, but Grerogan just muttered.

???? Snowry did not feel offended. Even by the standards of oath-takers, Guerrerogan is the most ruthless. Snowry knew he had reason to do so. He used to know why Guerrerogan shaved his hair and beard. He is convinced of this. But too much vodka and multiple blows to Snowy's head knocked this knowledge out of his head. Forgetting must be in this way, he thought.

Snowie felt a bit of pain. From all aspects, his recovery is surprising. The spell of the human magician is very effective. Despite this, it still can't get Snowry out of all the pain. Snowry has suffered a lot of injuries and participated in many battles in the past few weeks.

????but it does not matter. He likes to fight. Even vodka, or the best dwarf ale, is no match for crazy fighting to help him stay forgetful. In battle, he will forget who he is and what he might have been like. He knew it was something he shared with Guerrerogan. He drinks again ...

He took a sip of wine and watched the dark clouds get closer. He guessed it was the most severe storm he had ever seen. It's even worse than the one the airship encountered in the waste soil eroded by evil forces.

The sight of ‘Glennell ’s Will’ was hit on the ground by the force of the storm, lying on the ground brokenly and burning to death, a scene that filled Snowry ’s mind. He realized that he didn't care at all. He didn't care about anything. He is now a walking dead. His life is long gone.

At this moment, it doesn't matter whether he finds that his death is a heroic death, as long as it is a death. Despite his thoughts, part of Snowy's heart resisted. It was too much to betray himself, but also those who died with him. He still has this feeling deep in his heart. He wondered if Guerrerogan felt the same way.

Snowie knew that this was just another question he would never ask. He handed the barrel to Grerogan again. This time, Guerrerogan took over.

???? The looting storm is coming, Snowry thought. The worst storm that Snowry has seen in his life.

The rising air blew the fur of Luck-Snake Tongue. His stomach growled like an ogre. He felt as if there were a litter of cubs in his stomach, asking for food from his stomach. He never thought he would be so hungry. He even missed some days on the airship, at least at that time he was not a lack of food.

Overhead, dark clouds rolled. A huge lightning bolt cut through the darkness and brought hellish flashing lighting to the scene. The rain hit his face, almost blinding his eyes. He had lost the smell of the prophet Tangul, and it was not known whether the Ratman Wizard was still in the darkness behind him.

The tall grass undulates like the water of the sea. Cut him like a weak sword with a handle. He doesn't like this. He didn't like it at all. Except here, he is willing to go everywhere. He wanted to stay in a safe cave made of solid stone, not under this turbulent and unpredictable sky.

He silently cursed Tangul. The Rat Prophet Tangul was and always has been the source of all suffering in Luck's life. He really wished he could seize the opportunity and swoop at him at the opportunity. He was convinced that Tangul ’s magic could not have been so powerful at that time.

The Rat Prophet looked exhausted at the time, as if the previous night's efforts to capture the airship had exhausted all his power. He knows that his new form can already overwhelm his former master's ability. What he hoped most was to bury his nose in the prophet ’s stomach and eat his intestines, preferably while Tangul was still alive.

???? But ~ ~ Despite the hunger, he didn't do it. He must face this fact. He didn't know why. Part of the reason is due to habit, part of the reason is that in the face of Tangul ’s magic, his prudent choice makes sense, and there is one ...

Part of the reason is the cowardice of the ratmen. He knows that as long as he is willing to wait patiently, an appropriate opportunity will appear, greatly reducing the risk of his revenge, and the opportunity to hide himself behind this revenge plan.

After all, a cunning ratman like the Prophet Tangul, you can never be sure whether he is really as weak as he pretends to be. Security is better than regret.

???? At least he thought so before. But now this terrible storm is coming, as if to blow away their entire world. To make matters worse, he could feel a strange pollution, a slight foul odor from the magic stone powder. The storm came directly from that waste soil. This undoubtedly explains the strange multicolor phenomenon of lightning. He turned to ask Tangul what they should do.

???? The prophet stood there, his eyes wide open, his mouth wide open, breathing in the gust of wind, just like a rat-like man drinking mushroom fungus in a big mouth. As if the storm was born for him. Luck trembled with fear. Maybe he can postpone his revenge for a while. After all, he has been waiting long enough. What will be different in a few minutes, hours, days, or even weeks?

It would be nice if he were not so hungry. He looked at Tangul and estimated every inch of his body. Tangul saw his expression, and a faint halo of magic circled around his paws. Now is not the time for revenge, Luck thought. But soon, soon.

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