The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 801: Everyone's thoughts

Bai En suspects that the God who has always protected himself is only responsible for protecting his life, and when he feels happy, the deity turns into a **** of doom. For example, he can now expect this moment to last forever, but feel the airship shaking.

"What is that?" Angelica asked. She doesn't sound afraid. She never showed emotions like fear, but Bai En could feel where her body was trembling against him.

"Wind," he said back. Suddenly the ‘Glennell ’s Will’ bumped like a boat on the stormy sea. She hugged him tightly. Bai En felt that his heart was beating in his throat. This is not a pleasant feeling, but he has also experienced this feeling in the waste soil eroded by evil forces before.

No, actually, one more time. Bai En remembered it, and so did she. They also encountered a storm during their first flight between Brandenburg and Kaslov. He reached out and stroked her hair, stroking her warm, dewy body.

"There is nothing to worry about. I experienced worse things in that evil wasteland."

A sound of weird crying echoed through the corridor and through the room. The whole ship was shaking. "It's just the metal on the airship. The pressure is too high, so they will be deformed." He said, trying to recall all of his reassuring Angelica. His voice was so calm, which surprised him. He just hoped he could feel that way.

This airship began to shudder like something alive. The couple embraced in the dark hut. Both are waiting for the disaster.

Marvin-Marquesson climbed onto the control deck. Things don't look good. He could see nothing except the occasional flash of lightning outside the observation window. The whole ship was trembling, as if squeezed by some powerful force. The engine howled like a lost soul, struggling to push the ‘Glennell ’s Will’ to fight the powerful air current.

Marquesson didn't know why he still encountered such a strong storm after leaving the wasteland. But the optimistic side is that at least Mark Kevin Mackason is still in control of the situation. Among all possible pilots of this airship, Eisenheim-Schneider trusts him the most. It is a pity that the trust of this human magician does not change anything.

"It's not as bad as it looks now," Mark Kevin-Marcaison said. As usual, his thick throat and erratic dialect confused Eisenheim-Schneider. MacKevin Mackason is definitely not the dwarf who is most easily understood.

"I'm glad you are so confident, Mr. Mackason," Eisenheim-Schneider recalled each other's words in his mind and guessed to answer. He looked around. Except for the chief engineer, every face on the command deck is full of worried expressions.

MacKevin-Makesson played with the ear caps of his special leather flying helmet. The helmet was cut with a slit at the top so that one of his hairs could be exposed, forming a comb shape outside the helmet. Eisenheim-Schneider is not sure why he did this, but dwarf oaths often use some strange hair style to make them easier to distinguish from ordinary dwarves.

This is also the least understood aspect of Eisenheim-Schneider. Is a dwarf with short beards or even beards not enough for others to distinguish them from dwarves?

MacKevin Mackason adjusted the goggles above his head, looked up at Eisenheim-Schneider, and grinned. This is not a reassuring smile. Even at the best of his time, Marquess-Marquesson did not look so sane, and at this moment, he seemed to be completely mad.

"Don't worry about this! I have made the airship downwind. We will get rid of it before the storm advances at an amazing speed. There is nothing remarkable."

Actually, the words of Mark Kevin-Marcusson sound very reasonable. If you listen carefully, you will find that they often say so. Eisenheim-Schneider imagined the airship galloping in the wind, just like a sailboat. The storm will only make it fly faster. As long as the airbags are intact, they should be safe.

When he felt a little relieved, the ‘Glennell ’s Will’ jumped like a horse jumping over the fence. In order to keep his body upright, Eisenheim-Schneider had to grab the edge of one of the seats.

"We may be a little bumpy, guys. Hold your pants tight!" Mark Kevin-Marcaison suddenly shouted.

"Is this the only one I feel, or is the storm about to subside?" Angelica asked. Bai En himself has been thinking about this problem for some time. Several hours have passed since the storm hit them. This is one of the longest hours in Bai En's life. Even so, Bai En hopes that time will pass more slowly.

‘Glennell ’s Will’ has never been so unsafe. At any time, he felt that the entire airship might fall apart and they would all be killed. Somehow, Angelica's appearance made the whole thing worse. He didn't particularly like the prospect of his death, but the thought of the girl in his arms also died at the same time, and he was helpless, he felt the fear he never felt.

"I think so," he said finally with a positive tone. He was pretty sure he was telling the truth. The airship seems to be a bit slow. The rain no longer hit the windows as hard as before. Lightning has become less frequent. Perhaps the worst period has passed.

Angelica leaned her head on his shoulder. He held her tightly and prayed to the unknown god, hoping they would survive.

Eisenheim-Schneider looked at the speedometer on the console. The ‘Glennell ’s Will’ is indeed slowing down — according to Marke Mackason ’s explanation, this is a sign that the tailwind is no longer so strong. Eisenheim-Schneider didn't know what the dwarf meant, but he thought he probably understood. He was very grateful to the gods for forgiving them.

"I told you, didn't you?" Mark Kevin-Marcusson began to complain to the wizard, "But did you listen? No! I said this airship can withstand a worse situation than this, but you don't believe it, no Is it? Well, then, I will ask you now, who is right? "

"Of course you, Mr. Mackason, there is no doubt about it." Eisenheim-Schneider replied with a smile. He was even grateful because only the chief engineer knew what to do to save his boat. Perhaps his reputation for creating catastrophes is not exactly what he deserves. Just then, in front of them, a huge thing emerged from the dark clouds of the storm.

"What is that?" Eisenheim-Schneider asked close to the observation window.

"That's a **** mountain ~ ~ You idiot! Come on! Help me turn this **** wheel."

When they tried to change the route, Eisenheim-Schneider desperately helped Markevin-Marquesson to add power to the wheels. Slowly, slowly, the direction of the ‘Glennell ’s Will’ began to change.

Snowry woke up. His head hurts, and he had to admit that the hangover was serious. The entire floor seemed to be tilting, and this tilting usually only appeared when he was drunk drunk. Then he began to understand that maybe this was not his hangover. After all, he was on an airship. Maybe the entire airship is tilted?

What is that scratching sound? It sounds as if the entire airship is moving against the rock. Did they land? If so, why should they proceed in such a rough way? Why are all the voices screaming in the distance? Snowry turned to look at Guerrerogan. The other dwarf was staring at the darkness outside.

"I knew that the idiot Mackason would kill us sooner or later," Guerrero grumbled angrily.

Through rapidly separating storm clouds, Snowry could see the mountains around them. The harsh sound of rubbing continued. He knew they were scraping stones. In this case, there is only one thing to do. He picked up the wine barrel and took another gulp of vodka, waiting for the end.

Eisenheim-Schneider felt that the entire outer shell of the manned cabin was rubbed on the mountain. He prayed prayerfully that it would be intact. From a good point of view, at least the airbag is okay. After a while they will be safe. If only this airship could hold on for a while. He prayed to the gods for their help.