The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 803: Long

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Eisenheim-Schneider felt uncomfortable. If someone tells him that at that moment, he must cast a spell or die, and he knows he will definitely die. His mind was blank. If his life depends on whether magic can work, then he feels that he cannot do miracles.

The dragon roared with its mouth wide open. The sound echoed through the mountains like thunder. The little flame licked the teeth of the long sword. As it got closer, Eisenheim-Schneider realized another reason for his fear. Those small jewels that he thought were inlaid on its skin, and the gadgets that shone in the sun were actually countless small fragments of magic stones.

He shuddered at the thought of how this terrible thing would affect the dragon. At least, mutation and madness are one of its fate. Perhaps this explains the size of the creature and its strange appearance.

The gods are on top, a dragon that has been eroded and mutated by the magic stone! Eisenheim-Schneider had to think that his destiny is likely to end here.

Within this range, Eisenheim-Schneider can see a long meat tendril around the dragon's mouth, and a long stalk-like tentacle on his eyebrows, just above his eyes. The dragon's body was full of huge pustules, making the scaly skin blisters. This thing must have been eroded by evil forces.

Is it possible that it was brought here by the storm? Was it blown here from the waste soil by those terrible storms? He did not know. He could only lick his shriveled lips. In fact, he did not want to know.

The dragon is now almost next to them, flying parallel to the airship, just like a whale paddling next to a cargo ship. It has not yet attacked, but Eisenheim-Schneider has no doubt that it is hostile. It is playing with them, just like cats are playing with mice.

The two are so close together that he can see the details on its huge head. Its eyes gleamed yellow, and its pupils resembled a hot red sun. An evil wisdom flashed deep inside them. A toxic gas billowed from its nostrils and mouth, and occasionally small flames emerged.

God, this thing is big enough to swallow a horse in one bite. These paws can easily tear the airbag, just like people tear parchment paper. If it breathes, the airbag is likely to catch fire, who knows what will happen.

Eisenheim-Schneider shuddered at the thought of the engine of the ‘Glennell ’s Will’ being driven by those black flammable substances. It is one of the most flammable substances known in alchemy. There are too many possible problems here.

He heard the rotorcraft take off one by one from the hangar deck of the airship, more engines roared. After the battle in the Long Room, only three rotorcraft remained. As far as Eisenheim-Schneider is concerned, they may cause trouble for dragons as much as mosquitoes that cause trouble for wolves. He can't see what they have ...

Any way to escape this robbery.

As he watched the first rotorcraft appear in the field of vision, the rotorcraft flew straight towards the dragon. As the roar of a thousand flintlock guns firing at the same time told him that the organ gun turrets on the top of the airbag and the bottom of the manned cabin had fired. A series of explosions on the dragon showed that their bullets hit the key.

The dragon roared. Its long, serpentine neck is curved, making its open jaws straight in line with the airship. When a flame and poison gas rushed towards them, Eisenheim-Schneider suppressed the impulse he wanted.

The wind slaps Warwick's face. He is full of joy and speed. As the gyroplane hovers around the dragon, he screamed loudly. He felt as if he was pressed into the seat by a huge fist. He has never felt so energetic. He thinks he now understands a secret of those who swear, why they are always seeking death.

This is a sense of being on the edge of life, it is sweet. In front of him, the huge monster looked bigger and bigger. Fear gripped Varick's internal organs, and he felt the burning eyes fall on him. It has locked the enemy and is ready to attack.

Bai En heard the sound of the turret firing above them. What is that? What can attack them so far from the ground? It must be something that can fly, something that can move quickly and catch up with the airship.

He always wanted the gunfire to stop. He had seen once at the parade of the Fatalin Association, a demonstration of dwarves firing organ guns. That thing tore a wooden fortification in an instant. If it is not difficult to load, Fatalin Association will assemble this thing on a large scale. But even if it has such obvious shortcomings, there should be nothing that can withstand the dense firepower of the six organ gun, right?

Grey Logan and Snowry had climbed the ladder and crossed the hatch of the manned cabin. Bai En stood up and moved faster than any dwarf. In a short period of time, he climbed into the manned cabin and saw the target being shot.

There is something as big as an airship, with bat-like wings and reptile-shaped things outside. Then, the pungent smoke of the organ gun rushed into his vision, blocking his sight. He thought, God, is this a dragon? Does he really see what he thinks he sees? He sincerely hopes not.

Brian suddenly remembered what he said to Heilongjiang and Grerogan. The dwarf said he was going to slaughter the dragon, and his answer was: poof. Now, in addition to being burned to ashes by the dragon's breath, or swallowed into feces, he has a new method of death-crashing from the sky.

Bane looked up to find the guy who said he would slaughter the dragon ~ ~ and then noticed that Snowy and Grerogan continued to climb the ladder. It consists of a flexible metal cable that passes through the airbag all the way to the top of the airship. It is designed to enter the turret above and allow the crew to enter the airbag for maintenance.

While Bai En cursed in his heart, he climbed up behind them, he ...

I do n’t know what it ’s worth to keep up with him. His magic ca n’t hurt any dragon at all, maybe those who have just broken their shells may. He can't attack the dragon, unless the dragon flies over the airbag and wants to be sharper than him than the dragon's teeth or ‘spirit’.

It was cold here, and the wind tingling caused Bai En to burst into tears until he pulled himself into the airbag. Now he can see hundreds of smaller airbags around him. He knew that Mackason designed these balloons, so even if the outermost layer of the airbag was pierced, not all the gas could escape immediately.

According to the dwarves, at least half of the balloons will explode before the ‘Glennell ’s Will’ begins to lose altitude. Bain is not sure whether it is the same as before, after all, the survivors of Gunter Grimm and the treasures they carry make the airship seriously overweight.

Suddenly, he felt a sharp rise in temperature. He realized that the flame was flashing under him, and a terrible stench reminded him of the waste water contaminated by the magic stone. What happened? Then Bai En thought of Mackason and told him that if the outer layer was pierced, what would happen if the outer layer was burnt? Can airbags withstand high temperatures?

"Dragon Breath!" Then Bane heard Guerrerogan's growl.

I'm dying, Bai En thought of looking at the balloons around him.

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