The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 804: Fire prevention

When the burning gas cloud enveloped the airship, Eisenheim-Schneider almost screamed. He imagined that the airbag was on fire, and the entire airship was shattered in the heat and flames of the end. At that moment, he knew he was dead. He closed his eyes and took a breath in fright, waiting for the outbreak of inevitable pain, which would tell him that his life was over.

A heartbeat passed, and then another sound, he was still alive. He felt the airship lean, and realized that this was a false probation. He instinctively reached out to stabilize himself, but was surprised to find that he was still alive.

He opened his eyes and looked around, seeing that Mackason was still desperately pulling the control device. The airship is ascending suddenly. He looked out of the observation window and saw the dragon below spread its wings and began to hover slowly upward. Around it, three rotorcraft flew like mosquitoes.

"We are still alive," Eisenheim-Schneider said.

"We found it!" Markowen-Mackason replied with a growl. "You think we are dead, right, big man?"

"How did it happen? Why didn't we get burned? Why didn't the airbag catch fire?"

"This is like heating the metal with a short high temperature. If you have processed the metal, you will understand that the manned cabin will not melt. But we survived because of the airbag. Last time our airship exploded , So this time I reprocessed both the airbag and the engine compartment, using a fireproof alchemy mixture. It ’s just okay, really. "

"Ma Kevin-Ma Kaisen, I don't care what other people say about you, I think you are a genius."

"Thank you, I guess yes," Makasson said with some embarrassment. He made minor adjustments to the control device. "By the way, what do people say about me? No, I don't care, you know."

Bai En appeared on the top of the airship. A metal back extends along the top of the airbag. Above it, the nets hang on the airbag, so that brave people and reckless people can climb over. Along the metal back is the organ gun turret. A row of small handrails stands at a height suitable for dwarves and extends along the metal back.

Bai En grabbed it and dragged himself into the air. The wind pulled his hair and made his eyes weep. When the dragon was not submerged by the roar of the organ gun, it roared in his ears. He could see Grey Logan and Snowry yelling at the dragon and waving their fists, but he could not hear a word from what they said. Maybe this is better, really; this is probably not a wise decision.

He shook his head, knowing that he was intentionally distracting, not looking at the terrible sight below. It was indeed a dragon, which came out of the cloud. Below it, he can see streams and valleys, which he thinks must be the Ridge Mountains of the World. The gyroplane buzzed around the giant beast.

For a while, he was still thinking, there must be very few people who were lucky enough to witness this scene, but he suddenly understood that now he would rather give up willingly ...

This privilege, back to the ground, as far away as possible from this behemoth.

He could see that the rotorcraft was spraying the dragon with a steam jet, but the effect was not good. A creature burned inside by a magic fire is unlikely to be scalded by superheated water and steam. Perhaps, if they tried to spray it directly into the monster's throat, it might put out the fire, but he doubted it.

The bomb dropped by the pilot proved to be invalid at the time. Faced with such a fast moving target, it is difficult to judge the distance and set the time of the fuze correctly. While watching Bian, he saw the bomb explode in the air around the dragon, causing no harm.

Then the dragon quickly turned around and took a breath of breath at the nearest rotorcraft. Its explosion was as sudden as one of the bombs, but the scale of the explosion was much larger. Bai En prayed for the soul of the pilot who fell to the ground in a burning fire.

The dragon seemed very satisfied with its results. It stared at the falling gyroplane for a while ~ ~ before spreading its wings, it began to rise, moved quickly, chasing 'Grennier's will number. While the gunners were waiting for it to enter range again, the shooting stopped temporarily.

"It's mine," Baien heard Guerrerogen saying beside him.

"This is Snowry." Snowry replied.

"I think it's enough for everyone." Bai En said, reaching for his hilt. "There is no need to ... oh!"

He moved his hand away from the hilt, as if the hilt was charred by the hilt. But when he touched the hilt of the fengfeng, he felt a strange tingling and an energy surge that he had never had before. This is not a painful or uncomfortable feeling, just an unexpected feeling. He reached out to grab the sword again, thinking in his mind that the whole thing was conceived by him, but as soon as he reached out to hold the handle of the sword, the feeling came back, and the feeling was even stronger.

A strange warmth spread across his hands, arms and body. He feels good. His lingering fear of the evil dragon disappeared. He was ecstatic and full of strength. He found himself very much looking forward to this evil dragon approaching his attack range.

As a part of him as an objective observer, he wondered if he was crazy. A dragon ran to the place where he could reach it with his hand, and it would do no good to this fragile airbag and the manned cabin suspended under it.

He knew that there must be some kind of external force working here, some kind of magic. Is it possible for Eisenheim-Schneider to perform magic without his knowledge? If so, why did n’t he notice any changes from Grerogan and Snowy? For the magician, it ’s not for him It's nothing to cast a spell on those two dwarves who are much more powerful than him