The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 805: courage

Through the porthole of the cabin, Angelica looked at the battle below and felt more and more helpless. She could do nothing to influence the outcome of this fight. She did not carry any weapons that could harm it or the skills to fly an airship. She suspected that even if she could get close to the terrible beast, she would just be caught or killed by it. Worse, they are thousands of feet away from the ground. Even if she wanted to escape, she could not escape.

Do not. She refused to sit there helpless. She must be able to do something. She could only think of one thing, so she did. She grabbed the short, powerful horn bow used to shoot arrows on the horseback, carried her quiver on her back, and set off to find a place where she could shoot.

Eisenheim-Schneider was happy to feel the horror had passed. It seemed that the dragon's powerful force that inspired his inner fear had been dispelled by something. He was n’t quite sure what it was, but somewhere nearby, he felt a magical energy surging, pulsating like a lighthouse. No matter what it is, it is very powerful.

May there be other magicians on the spaceship? This seems unlikely. The dwarves were not good at magic. He knew that Angelica and her two bodyguards were not magicians. Maybe it's Bai En? No, judging from Eisenheim-Schneider's knowledge of him, it's not him. His magic is a unique spell, completely different from this energy. It must be something else.

No matter what, he is very grateful. Now that his mind is clear, he feels he has the ability to use magic again. He went deep into the soul and drew his power. He began to recall in his heart his most powerful spell. Maybe he can do something to influence the outcome of the battle after all. Maybe.

Looking out the window of the command deck, he looked at the dragon's terrible appearance and began to doubt it.

Bai En watched the dragon get closer and closer. He thought he heard the sound of its powerful wings flapping, even covering the roar of the organ gun. The hugeness of this thing left a deep impression on him. He never thought he would be so close to such a large creature. This made part of him feel small, humble and despicable.

But another part of him longed for it to be able to fly into his range of attack and to a place where he could fight. Bai En considered for a moment and realized that whatever he wanted to fight was not him, but an external influence.

This is a sword from him, let him brandish his sword and challenge the dragon loudly. Although he was happy to be free from fear, he also hated it. He is the master of his actions, not some kind of ancient conscious weapon. He forced himself to shut up. Driven by willpower, he lowered his sword and kept it in a protective position.

It was difficult, but he succeeded. ‘Feng Soul’ rebelled against him and wriggled in his hands like a snake. In a way, he felt like he was drunk and was not responsible for his actions. It took him a lot of effort to hold back, and he spent a lot of effort to keep quiet, but he still ...

It did, and the longer he persisted, the more the strange urge disappeared. Either he becomes his master again, or this sword saves energy for more important battles later.

"Come and taste the taste of the axe." Grerogan still shouted at the dragon.

"Take Snory's hammer for dinner." Snowry also shouted.

Bai En looked at the dragon silently. The monster will almost rush to them. It was so close that Bai En could almost smell the evil breath in his breath.

The entire hull echoed, as if struck by a huge hammer. The impact almost knocked Angelica off the ladder. She felt the shaking and swinging of the manned cabin, and she knew that one of the dragon's huge claws must have hit the airship.

Her heart jumped to her throat. A vivid picture filled her mind: the manned cabin separated from under the airbag and plunged towards the ground until it was destroyed. She quickly pushed the idea away and continued to climb up. If she is going to die, she wants to die in battle.

Eisenheim-Schneider rolled around on the floor of the command platform and was thrown around by the impact like a child's toy. When the dragon's claws hit the side of the airship, he felt the manned cabin shaking. The inside of the ship vibrated like a drum, and the wings of the giant reptile kept flapping on it. In his mind, he saw the dragon clutching the airship tightly like a tiger clutching the neck of its prey. This is not a reassuring sight.

He raised his head and saw Mackason fighting against the control device. The dwarf cursed loudly: "Damn big lizard! Want to swallow us like this. If you ask me, I would say it is a **** idiot. It can't eat hard steel. Is it okay? "

In his heart, Eisenheim-Schneider was not so sure. He knew that the dragon didn't need to eat them, it was enough to wipe them out completely. A few more such blows would break the cable between the manned compartment and the airbag, and then they would both be dead.

Warwick is very excited. He thought that nothing could be worse than he and Gray Logan, Snowry, and Bane went underground in Gunter Grimm City and encountered the Demon Lord, but this almost proved him wrong. Air combat with the dragon, he thought. What a rich chapter it will be in his book! He held up the portable organ gun Mackason gave him. He decided it was time to shoot the dragon a few times.

Bai En felt that the deck was shaking under his feet. The dragon's claw hit the side of the airship. Metal screams filled his ears, and the hull sunk under the force of the dragon's blow. The dragon's long neck was coiled up. Then it took a bite of the airbag and took away a large skin.

Those balloons exploded in its mouth. Bai En shuddered, not knowing how much damage the airship could withstand. The huge tail swept, just around the manned cabin, and fell on an organ gun turret, flattening it and the gunner. The debris of the turret was scattered in the air, towards ...

Falling in the direction of the ground far away from here.

Things don't seem to be going well. When the dragon pressed his body against the hull, the whole hull made a creaking noise. The dragon stretched its scaly neck, and its head suddenly appeared on top of Bai En.

Grey Logan and Snowy rushed forward. Snowry's axe crossed the dragon scale. His hammer also had no obvious effect. On the other hand, Guerrerogen's axe caused damage and cut through the skin of the dissatisfied dragon scale ~ ~ Bleeding blood. The dragon roared. Its huge head turned and looked at the dwarf fiercely. Bai En saw the evil wisdom in the monster's eyes. He knew that the dragon intended to avenge the little creature that had hurt it.

It opened its mouth. The fire of **** burned in its mouth. Bai En thinks that guy looks almost laughing. A strange impulse forced him to slam between the dragon and Guerrerogan while he breathed. When a wall of fire rushed towards him, he restrained his desire to scream.

Eisenheim-Schneider repeated the spell, which brought him more and more magic power. He knew he had only one chance, and he wanted to make the most of it. Even if the dragon destroyed them and thought he could hurt it, he would feel a little satisfied.

When these spells came out of his mouth, he felt the wind formed by the magic whirling around him. In response to the mysterious nature of the spell, the magic power was attracted to him. His gestures began to transform it into a suitable shape and shape it, just as a potter shaped clay. Under the power of his hands, thoughts and language, a huge energy lightning formed. When this surge of energy was almost uncontrollable, he made the last move, making it hover towards the dragon.

A huge beam of gold shone outwards, passing through the crystal of the window without causing any harm, and then hit the dragon's body and shot towards the dragon's heart.

Angelica crawled out of the hatch on the top of the airbag. She happened to see Bai En jumping towards Guerrerogan and Dragon's Breath. At that moment, she knew he was going to die.

"No!" She shouted desperately. At the same time, her body reacted without thinking. Her body had lifted the bow to the firing position, caught the arrow, and aimed the arrow at the longan.