The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 806: Carandil

Warwick held the joystick in one hand and shot the dragon with a portable organ gun in the other hand. But the results have been minimal. He could see the bullet explode on the dragon scale, but it was like using a lead bullet against the wall. This may not be very comfortable for the dragon, but it will not cause any real harm. He thought, maybe his book was over here. Maybe the story ends like this.

Baien couldn't believe what happened next. When the fire hit him, he raised his sword to parry. This is a meaningless and futile gesture, not so much as the hope of saving yourself, but rather as a result of habit. Then something happened. The rune on the blade was brighter. The burning and painful flame did not come. Some magical power protected him.

‘Feng Soul’ blew a large amount of gusty wind from the blade, so that the wind had a hazy shape, and lightning surrounded the gust of wind, against the raging flames from the dragon ’s mouth.

Bai En felt a huge weight on his body, as if he was up against the current, or was pressed against the bottom of the river. For a while, he felt that he was about to be blown off the airbag, but he still stood upright and stood firm.

He slowly forced himself to move forward, wanting to move to attack the dragon. The blade of ‘Feng Soul’ jumped even harder in anticipation of the imminent blow, and seemed to look forward to this moment.

Angelica released an arrow. It flew straight towards the longan, but at the last second, the guy moved and the arrow fell into a strange tendril hanging from the monster's forehead. Then the beast's roar was deafening. When she shot the second arrow quickly, the arrow hit the dragon scales, made a ding sound, and then fell off the scales.

Dragon Carandil was frustrated. Things did not go according to his plan. This strange ship is fighting him. A sorcerer on the ship was enchanting him. The dwarf's axe was the most powerful weapon he had ever seen in the history of two thousand years. As for the sword in the hand of the weak human, he worried him to death. It shone with an ancient malice aimed at his kind.

Anger and hatred filled his mind. He is easily angry now. He knew this. Since the two albino wizards who awakened him from a long sleep, his situation has changed. I'm afraid he knows why.

The guy holding the golden staff enchanted him and slammed the magic stone into his body. The man holding the ebony wand charmed him with a curse. He was too sleepy to resist. Just some kind of memory of their mysterious ritual filled him with fear and anger.

He remembered the name of a dark god, the changer, and the name resounded through his lair. He still remembers how the two wizards despised and spurned his huge treasure. He knew he was caught in some kind of curse they made, he knew his mind was in a mess, but he didn't have any idea about it ...

Can help.

The axe bit himself again and buried it in the tendon of his neck. It was like being bitten by an ant. Painful and annoying, but not fatal. The same applies to the spells that attacked his flanks and the sting of those small guns. Really, these little animals will not harm him. It's time to end this farce.

Carlandier considered his options. He can breathe on the airbag structure above the metal davit. When he bit it open, he found that there were thousands of small balloons inside. His brain, which belongs to the dragon, is very clever and understands that it is these things that keep the ship high. If you let them catch fire ...

Will the spell woven to protect the sword bearer from suffocation protect this inanimate structure? Kalandil doubted it. He had to teach these dwarf intruders who invaded his territory to dare to defile his hunting ground with their machines. He was going to kill them, just like he killed all the dwarves who were against him. He wanted to destroy the ship, just as he destroyed the towns around his den, they couldn't stop him.

Maybe he should continue to attack the metal davit. If he detached it from under the airbag, everyone inside would fall to the ground. Then he can kill the creatures on the airbag in his free time. Deep in his tortured and tortured soul, there is something that prefers the latter. This is more cruel.

At this time, he noticed that other rotorcraft were approaching. Let them do it. The steam they exhaled will not hurt him, nor will their poor explosive eggs cut through his armor. If they dare to use weapons so close to the airship. They are more likely to hurt their own ship than to hurt Karandil.

Eisenheim-Schneider felt a magical energy surging above him. He suspected that it was a protective spell and that it was not released by a mortal spellcaster. All casters have their own magical characteristics, as unique as sound. If you understand this, then it can be recognized by a fellow expert in occultism unless disguised.

Sophisticated practitioners like Eisenheim-Schneider can even distinguish the caster's race and gender in most cases, but this time he has no clue. It may be a device or a rune, but behind it hints a completely different kind of knowledge.

Instinct for wanting to understand this knowledge is full of his heart, but now he is unlikely to know, Eisenheim-Schneider thought. Immediately after casting the spell, he realized that if he thought he could really hurt the evil dragon, he was fooling himself.

He can attack it, make it pain, and make it irritable, but he ca n’t kill it, just like a bee stings an undead elephant. This creature is too big and too powerful. Too much magic is woven into its essence. The magic of Eisenheim-Schneider cannot really hurt it.

There is something more powerful than me, he thought with a bitter smile ~ ~ I seem to have encountered recently ...

Many such things. He remembered the illusion of his youth again. He always thought that the magician was the most powerful, but when faced with reality, the facts denied the illusion again and again.

The spell of the escape spell flashed in his mind, but he doubted it would be of much use. It may not be able to take him all the way to the ground, and even if it can, he will still advance at all current speeds in the direction he is currently moving.

If he reaches the ground, he will advance at the same speed and direction as the ‘Glennell ’s Will’ and will most likely hit a rock, a tree, or some other obstacle. And no magic can protect yourself in that situation.

In fact, there is no displacement or teleportation spell that can protect the caster itself. If the protective spell is released to yourself before the move in advance, then the best ending of the teleportation spell will be failure, because the other endings will be various Unexpected situation.

This is why few people will study and learn this spell. This sensitive, powerful, and convenient spell is too easy to be disturbed. Even other spells of the caster themselves will cause unpredictable disturbances, such as a An Archmage of the Marnus Imperial Academy of Magic disappeared in an attempt to improve the teleportation spell, and another Archmage a long time ago successfully merged with one of his apprentices due to teleportation errors.

And Eisenheim-Schneider suspected that from the books he saw, there seemed to be more examples of failure to use the teleportation spell than examples of success.

Moreover, he was not sure whether he wanted to leave. Angelica is on the airship, he doesn't want to abandon her. As long as she is alive, he will not go anywhere.