The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 814: Illogical anger

Bai En looked out the window. It is small and round, covered with thick, well-made glass. Through it, he can see the beautiful view of the mountains opposite. Behind him, he heard Angelica moving on the bed.

"I'm leaving soon," she said lazily in bed. Bai En nodded, not knowing what happened to her in the palace of the Grey Dwarf King.

"Where are you going?" Bai En asked casually.

"Shazan's court. There is also the Sanctuary of the Goddess of Ice and Blood."

Bai En continued to stare at the opposite mountain, noting that the clouds around the top of the mountain changed into a crown-like appearance. Then he suddenly understood the meaning of her words and turned to look at her.

"Now?" He asked frowning, his heart sinking.

"Now is the best time. I have news to convey to my monarch."

"You can't ..." Bai En blurted out. Her posture instantly became stiff. The expression on her face became as serious as a controllable mask.

"What do you mean by that? Who do you think you are, and why do you tell me what you can and cannot do?"

"I'm not trying to tell you what to do." Bai En knew she was right. He had intended to tell her that she could not go, and he did not want her to go, but at the same time he also knew that he had no right to do this to her. He can only start trying to find a way to save the situation. "I just want to say that you don't know the way."

"I dare say I can definitely figure it out. Someone here must know the way back to the human world." Her voice sounded extremely angry, far beyond the scope of reason. Bai En once again suspected that she wanted to stir up trouble. "Even if no human can tell me, the Grey Dwarf King will definitely know that he must have a library with maps. Maybe he can arrange a guide for me."

"Why don't you wait for the 'Grennell's Will' repair? It will definitely be much faster than using your own feet. And it is much safer." Bai En tried to find another excuse.

"Are you saying that it sent us safely here?"

"Yes. No. I mean, once it's repaired, it travels through these mountains a hundred times faster than a man or woman walking."

"Maybe, but how long does it take? And who said I must walk? There must be a horse in this city."

"The dwarves are not famous for cavalry," Bai En had to tell her this.

"There is no need to satirize me."

"I'm not satire you. Except for pulling carts, they rarely use horses. In fact, even if they use horses, they are also pony stallions, otherwise these animals can't enter the mine." Because the dwarfs of Fatalin made good use of the law The pony on Tallinn Island, so Bane knows this very well.

"There are human merchants here."

"We are in the mountains. If there are, they are likely to use mules."

"You have an answer to everything, don't you?" Angelica turned her head angrily and stopped looking at Bai En.

Where did this anger come from? Why are they all so irritable? He felt very confused. This is different from the stories he has read and the scripts he has read. Here, emotions lie beneath the surface, like a barracuda in a pond.

How do emotions that seem to have no logical connection with their words or their relationship appear, and he knows that these emotions are indeed part of them to some extent.

How could he be attracted to this woman and want to care about her, but still annoyed by her attitude? How could she feel the same to him? Somewhere, he felt between the image he loved and its reality There is a gap, which is not what he can predict from books, dramas and poetry.

"No," he said finally, "I don't know. I just don't want you to have something bad happen."

He hoped that his concerned expression would calm her down, but no. "Some bad things have happened," she said. "It is happening and is likely to change the entire world."

At this point, Bai En has no reason to doubt her reasoning ability. He felt the same way. He reached out and tried to draw her closer, but she flinched. Then he somehow got angry, gave up to touch her, turned and walked away. The door slammed shut behind him, but he already felt his weakness, stupidity and guilt.

Bai En sighed long outside the door, not knowing where he was going after leaving the room. After thinking briefly, he decided to go to the root of the problem to see, after all, if the airship can continue to fly, Angelica would not want to leave alone.

The flames in the forge were burning. It's so hot here. As soon as Bai En walked into the dwarf workshop, he noticed this. He paused for a while and took a deep breath. Now that his anger had disappeared, he felt more guilty than ever. Maybe he should go back and talk to Angelica, reconciled as before. He wanted to do this on the one hand, and stubbornly opposed it on the other. In the end, the second half won. Anyway, he came here to find something to do, so he continued to do so.

He looked around, looking for Mackason. Due to the stuffy room, it is difficult to determine whether he is here. Many dwarves present were using bellows to keep strange engines working and hammering hot metal bars into new shapes, and Bair couldn't guess their purpose at all. Their actions are precise and purposeful, and they all carry out these tasks with a sense of mission that only dwarfs have.

"Where is Mackason?" Bai En finally chose to ask the person working here. He reached out and grabbed the shoulder of a recent dwarf passing by. The muscular, chunky guy raised his thumb in the direction of the other door, eager to continue walking forward.

Bai En walked through the work area and lowered his head into the back room. Ma Kaisen was right there. He lowered his head and looked at a table with a design drawing and a schematic diagram of the rune logo that Bane thought was used by the Society of Dwarf Engineers. When he walked in, Mackason raised his head and sucked his teeth and said, "Ah, great, young Brian, what can I do for you?"

"I want to know when" Grenier's Will "can leave."

"Up to two or three weeks. If there is enough time to deal with these things, I will make the **** dragon look good."

"Aren't you serious?" Bai En asked, even though he knew that the dwarf engineer who became the oath was probably serious. But he still hoped that the airship would be repaired as soon as possible, and would bring Angelica to the court of Kaslev Shazan, and the sanctuary of the ice goddess. Then he hoped it would take him away with her.

"Of course. That big lizard almost destroyed my spaceship. He also killed the young Warwick. Believe me, I will solve it soon. This is a glory."

"How can we do this? We hardly hurt it." Bai En did not agree with Mackason's optimism.

"Well, well, I have some ideas, but you don't have to worry. There are some small ideas and war machines. I have had these ideas for many years. Now, I think this is the best time to build them."

"What weapon can deal with such a powerful thing as a dragon?"

"I hope you can have more trust and confidence in me and my machine, Bai En."

"I'm very confident in your technology, Mackason, but—" Bai En didn't want to mention the endings of his previous creations such as the crash, sinking, and explosion.

"Okay ~ ~ About this, I do n’t think I can blame you. That ’s a **** monster. Even so, it can still be killed with the right weapon. In fact, anything alive It ’s okay. "

"So what are you building?" Bai En asked at a glance at the blueprint. Mackason moved between Bane's eyes and the parchment. Like all dwarf engineers, Bai En guessed that when he shared his designs with the world, he might become very sensitive. The dwarf can be said to be a very mysterious people, but it can also be said to be a race that loves to keep secrets.

Ma Kaisen looked up at him for a while, then grinned. "If you want to see it, go check it out," he said as he stepped back, "but I bet you don't understand."

Ban looked down and found that Makkason was right. The blue paper was covered with tortuous words. Some lines have rune symbols, while others do not. It's like watching a scroll written by a particularly crazy astrologer.

"You are right. I don't know what these are," Bai En said indifferently. "what is this?"

Ma Kaisen rubbed his meaty hands with satisfaction. "You will know it soon, don't worry. Now, you can go, young Bai En. I still have a lot of work to do, but I don't have much time to do it."

Said, he drove Bai En out of the workshop and rushed to the street. Bai En stood outside the workshop and sighed again for a long time. He could not remember that this was his first long sigh today. He turned his head to look at the road, and then walked toward the palace with difficulty. It's time to tell Angelica this news. Somehow, he only knew she would not be happy.