The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 821: Bad start

Bai Enxin walked down the street. He did n’t know where to look for Angelica, but according to the sentry, Angelica, Oleg and Standa left the palace early in the morning and headed towards the "Grenier Will" in the valley outside Walk to the market. This makes sense. She will look for horses to continue her journey, and the market there will also be a good place to buy horses.

As he went down the mountain, he noticed a young dwarf watching him. The dwarf was dressed in fur and his head was covered with a layer of pink fluff, which looked as if he had just been shaved. He carried an axe on his shoulder. He noticed that Bai En was staring at him, and he began to move forward, walking side by side with him.

"You are Bai En-Fatlin!" The dwarf was even shorter than the dwarf Bai En usually saw, but he made a loud rumble when he spoke. Bai En looked at it and found that the dwarf had a series of intricate tattoos on his arms, depicting **** monsters. There are dwarf runes under the tattoo. Seeing that Bane had noticed them, the dwarf flexed his arms proudly, causing the muscles to ripple, and the tattoo also spread out.

"I think you have noticed my tattoos! Those tattoos say‘ live and die! ’”

"Yes. Impressive." Bai En nodded. He increased his pace, and after a while, the dwarf almost ran to keep up with his pace. He didn't want to be rude, but he hurried to find Angelica to apologize for his behavior last night. If the young dwarf noticed his rudeness and rudeness, he did not say anything.

"Uli, son of Uli, for you and your family." Said the dwarf. He tried to bow while walking, almost tripping.

"Nice to meet you." Bai En said, hoping that the dwarf named Uli-Ulisen would accept the hint and not disturb him. His hangover did not make him feel sociable.

"You are a companion of Grey Logan Mahal, are you right? You have the hammer of destiny in your hand?" The young dwarf's voice spoke in awe. Bane wasn't sure if this was for Grerogan or the hammer. He stopped and stared down at Uli.

"Yes. What does this have to do with you?"

"I don't like your tone of voice, human! Do you want to fight me?"

Bai En looked at the young dwarf. He is very muscular, like all dwarves, but he is far less terrible than Guerrerogan or Snowy. However, it is meaningless to get involved in a battle for no reason, especially with a dwarf oath taker. "No. I don't want to fight you." Bai En said patiently.

Although he did not understand how such a young dwarf became an oath slayer, has this thing become a profession? Perhaps it is because some of the oath-takers have achieved something great, so they attracted a large group of brainless young people to join them?

"Very good! I don't want human blood to stain my axe!" Wuli replied loudly.

"No need to yell," Bai En calm ...


"Don't tell me what to say!" The dwarf shouted. Bai En instinctively reached for the hilt. The young dwarf seemed to flinch a little.

"I'm not telling you what to say," Bai En said as politely as possible, and then took a step back to allow a little distance between himself and the dwarf to give himself more reaction time. "I just ask you to calm down."

"I'm an oath-breaker! I shouldn't be calm! I swear to die in a battle with terrible monsters!" Wuli continued to shout.

Bai En grimaced. He had heard this sentence from Grerogan before, but somehow, this sentence from the dwarf named Wuli seemed not very credible. "You may have noticed that I am not a terrible monster," Bai En said helplessly.

"Are you laughing at me?" Wuli asked with a frown.

"As if I had the energy to do such a thing." Bai En rolled his eyes.

"Very good! I ask people like you to show the respect that a dwarf oaths deserve!"

"What kind of person is that?" Bai En asked softly. There was a sense of danger in his voice. He was fed up with this bragging guy. Wuli seemed to notice it and flinched again.

"Humans! Young races! Humans in the Marnus Empire!" The other party shouted.

Bai En wanted to tell the other party that he was not a Marnus, he was a Fatalin. But when I think about it, what good is it? When considering whether to kill the opponent on the spot, he looked around.

A group of dwarves gathered to watch the quarrel. He could hear them muttering to each other in dwarf language. Some audience members touched each other with their elbows and pointed at him. He heard several times mention his own name. He seems to be quite famous in the town. "Can I do something for you, Uli-Ulisen?"

"Are you really going to hunt this dragon, Karandil?"

"Yes. What are you asking about this?"

"I seek glorious death."

"Let's line up," said Bai En waved his hand angrily.

"What?" Wu Li growled and asked.

"This is nothing new," Bai En replied in a gesture of no interest. "Are you going to accompany us on an adventure?"

"Whether or not you are there, I will go to that dragon! But if you ask for my protection, I will agree!"

"I don't need it. Good luck." Bai En said, turning and striding away. He didn't look back, but he heard Wu Li growling loudly behind him.


"We are lost, aren't we, the sharpest pathfinders?"

The Prophet Tangul did not like the way Leker Snake said this. An implicit threat, coupled with Luck's suspicion of Tangul's ability, foretold that his future prospects for dealing with this servant were poor. Tangul now has a headache. Two days ago, the magic stone powder in his snuff bottle was used up, which is certainly not good news. He has a strong desire. Maybe he can one ...

Bit by bit nibbling away the little magic stone he had stored. No! He knew that he had to save this pure magic stone for unexpected needs. At that time he will need its power.

"Are we lost?" Luck asked again.

"No! No!" He stuttered, hoping that the next words would show his full confidence. "This is my ability for divination, we are where we need to go!"

"So where is it?"

"Are you asking me, Luck Snake Tongue?"

"I am very interested."

Tangul stared at the horizon. The gleaming peaks bordering the waste soil eroded by evil forces seemed to be closer to us. He wondered if he had been betrayed by his desire for magic stones? Did the mysterious temptations of the lost land affect his sense of direction? Or was it just this constant trouble caused by Luck ’s stupid questions that began to affect him Judgment? Maybe both are a bit, he is sure.

Of course, the weather is not good. When the sky is not raining, there will be fog. When the fog was not dense, the sunlight was so bright that it stung their sensitive eyes, which belonged to the ratmen, forcing them to dig holes in the danger of being found instead of moving on.

Although he is usually reluctant to admit that humans may be superior to the squirrel in some way, Tangul has to admit that humans on horseback are more likely to find them before they find him. There seems to be no compromise. The rain is really heavy. They are desperately moving forward, and the visibility is almost zero. They drenched his fur and made his sense of smell dull. It seems that these elements are colluding with his enemies, destroying Tangul's reason.

In fact, he was surprised that he had not considered this before. This bad weather is most likely the result of enchanted enemies. Tangul can think of several candidates. One thing is for sure, he swears that when he returns to the civilization of the Ratman, he will let others suffer for the pain he has endured. And one of the people he must have retaliated from was only a few tails away from him.

As they traveled, Luck had become increasingly unbearable. When he was not arrogant and rude, he was always hungry and looked at his legitimate master with worrying and greedy eyes. When he didn't do it ~ ~ he was asking some stupid questions, in fact it seemed to imply that he had no confidence in the prophet's judgment. He swears that Tangul will soon let him know whose judgment is wrong. He was not prepared to endure the rudeness of his subordinates forever.

"You haven't answered my question yet, the smartest prophet," Luck still let Tangul not far away.

Tangul stared at him until he noticed that Luck did not look back at him, but stared behind Tangul's shoulder. Tangul showed his teeth and growled. This is the oldest trick. He didn't plan to turn around and let Luck press against his back. Does Luke think of him as a newborn baby?

"What are you looking at?" Tangul asked in a threatening tone.

"Why do n’t you use your awesome divination skills ...

Would you like to try again in person? "Luck suggested." Maybe you can figure out what the terrible dark clouds on the horizon are foreshadowing, and whether it is related to the earth shaking under our feet. "

At first, Tangul suspected that Luck was mocking him until he realized that the ground was indeed shaking. He took a quick glance at the back of his shoulder and noticed that a huge cloud stretched to the horizon, covering everything, even the peaks.

"Some strange mysterious phenomenon," he said casually.

"In my opinion, it is more like an army on the move, the most powerful master. And it is also a very large army." Luck can't completely eliminate his fear from his voice. Tangul also cannot blame him. If the dark cloud was indeed lifted by the army, it was also the largest cloud that Tangul had ever seen.

Tangul shivered. Apart from waiting and hiding, they are almost helpless.

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