The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 834: warlord

There was a blazing bonfire all around. The Prophet Tangul could hear the disturbing roars and huge drums of the horned beasts from nearby. He could smell the thousands of wild beasts, aberrations and thousands of evil black armor fighters belonging to Sasolion.

It was then that he knew that since he had personally commanded the huge squad of troops attacking Heidelberg, the largest army he had encountered was stationed here. He also suspected that, in terms of pure primal power, this terrible power even surpassed the powerful horde tribe.

He knew enough about the followers of these evil gods, knowing that each of them was stronger than the warriors of all races, except for the most powerful ratmen. Yes, he believes that only the most powerful warriors among the Ratmen, especially the transformed warriors, will be stronger than the followers of these evil gods.

He could smell the magic stone powder all around, and the part of his senses that belonged to the wizard told him that there was a magic wind blowing around the army. This is very worrying, because he knows that this terrible army not only possesses the physical power of the soldiers, but also has a terrible magic power.

He also knows that even when his power reaches its peak, it is difficult for him to defeat the wizards gathered here, and he is far from reaching the impeccable level that his awesome ability can achieve.

But there is no way out. From the point of view of the density of the magic stone powder, there must be a lot of magic stones around. If he can find these magic stones, he may be able to control the legion through some means. Thinking of this, his tail even tensed with excitement.

He can see from the energy flow around him that his trapper is approaching the center of this army station, and all this energy flows around this center. As they approached, he felt the existence of a powerful creature that possessed power that he had never encountered before meeting the members of the Modu Committee.

At the center of the camp is a large group of heavily armed dark fighters. Their horses roamed nearby, and the owners squatted by the campfire, which burned yellow, green, and other magical colors. They talked in their mean language, Tangul could hear from their tone, they were bragging about their conquest.

Just looking at them, his heart was filled with fear, and his scent glands tightened again. He looked around and suddenly rejoiced that Luck was here. The appearance of another Ratman, even to the Ratman Prophet Tangul, who was at the center of this terrifying power, made him somewhat relieved.

In front of them, he was confident that they would meet the leader of this army. Before he saw them, he felt their presence. When they appeared in front of his eyes, he knew his first impression was correct.

A huge figure in armor lay lazily on a huge crystal throne, the green and yellow light on the throne beating gently. The throne floats on the ground, only one finger wide.

Using his sense of belonging to a wizard, Tangul can see that this man and his throne are full of the energy of evil magic. A huge two-handed sword hung across his knees, covered with shimmering runes.

Tangul knew that the weapon was wrapped in the most powerful killing magic without asking. He can see this by himself, just like he can see that this person's armor is used not only to defend against weapon attacks, but also to protect against magic attacks.

The man's armor is golden with green rounded runes arranged in a circle. Tangul knows that these runes represent a sacred mark for Sasolion.

There are two figures on the side of the throne. They looked thin and rough. The two were not wearing armor, but were wrapped in huge cloaks. The folds of the cloak made them look like wings. Their skin was as pale as albinism, similar to that of the prophet Tangul himself.

Tangul looked closely at their thin, hungry faces and gleaming eyes, and at a glance they could see that they were twins, except for one place, everything was exactly the same.

The man on the right hand side of the warlord was holding a cane with pure gold in his right hand. The man on the left is holding a silver ebony cane in his left hand. The hand holding the golden cane had long, golden nails shaped like eagle claws. The wizard's nails on the left are wrapped in silver.

Both of them were very powerful wizards, and Tangul saw it at a glance. Although he is unwilling to admit that there is anyone other than the Magic Capital Committee who is better at using magic, but he knows that if he wants to defeat any one of these two men in a magical war, he needs to consume Lots of war stones. And if they cooperate, he is even afraid to think about the power the two can use.

The warlord of Susorion stared at Tangul fiercely. The Ratman Prophet immediately fell to his knees and said, "I brought the most revered greetings from the Demon Committee, the great Warlord."

"Does your master know that we are coming, prophet?" The warlord asked.

Tangul believes that lying is better than admitting the facts. But he felt the mysterious energy emanating from the two wizards standing beside the warlord. He immediately tried to cover up his thoughts. Because he was a Rat Prophet, he knew exactly what the wizard could do.

"They felt a strong force and sent me north to investigate."

Hmm ~ ~ This is almost true, Tangul thought. If that airship is in my hands, it will definitely become a powerful air threat. So I will come to this **** place.

"Alone, unaccompanied. This is very unusual," said the wizard holding the golden staff.

"I'm accompanied by my bodyguard, the Luck-Snake Tongue, and my own powerful magical protection. Do I need any other protection?" Tangul said, with a hint of arrogance he had always had in the past.

"What the **** do you need," the wizard holding the ebony stick said.

Tangul noticed the sarcasm in his voice and vowed that one day he would let the wizard pay for it. How dare this hairless ape monkey despise the greatest wizard in the murloc nation.

"Your bodyguard does show the blessing of our Lord, Susorion. The great changer touched him. In this way he was favored by the changer." The man continued.

Tangul glared at Luck, who was obviously complacent for the wizard's words. A black anger began to swallow the prophet's intestines. Tangul wondered whether Luck had been in contact with the followers of these evil **** powers during the wasteland that was eroded by evil forces.

Of course, this can indeed explain his changes. If this is the case, he will have to pay the devil the price of his betrayal. Tangul said to himself that this is another problem to be solved. It is assumed that he can survive this encounter, but for now it is not certain.

"Dare to ask your name," Tangul asked politely.

"I am Alek-Demon's Claw," said the Warlord belonging to Sasolion, "the great voters of Sasolion. These are Kelman Black Staff and Igor Gold Rod, mine Magician. "