The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 839: Surrounded by orcs

Bane and Angelica continued to walk towards the top of the ridge. The road continued to move forward, then down to a small valley, and then through a series of ridges, which extended like giant ice waves to the horizon. Grey Logan and Snowry stood on the ridge, silhouetted against the horizon.

Bai En at a glance understood the true meaning of Guerrero's words. A group of green-skinned warriors are hurried towards them along the path. Bai En tried to count the number of opponents, but the number was too much, and they were all crowded together, his efforts could not be successful. When he counted twenty, he gave up.

"They have fifty-four people," Angelica glanced at Bai En and said.

"Your eyesight is better than mine."

"Or my computing power."

Bai En knew she was joking, but he could hear the tension in her voice.

Oleg and Standa were seated next to them. They have begun to open their bows. Angelica began to prepare her bow. Eisenheim-Schneider sat down next to them, holding the staff in his hands. "It seems we are outnumbered," he said, looking in the direction of the enemy for a while, and finally said.

"They are just orcs." Snowry said. "do not worry."

"But their number is more than four times ours," Eisenheim-Schneider said. "It worries me a little."

"A dwarf is worth ten orcs!" Wu Li said lowly.

"Especially in bed," Biccione said after throwing a wink at Angelica.

"Have you thought about anything else in your head?" Brian asked, frowning at Jonny's behavior.

"Sometimes I want to fight," Bijonny answered. "I think this is the best time to think about this issue."

"Yeah," Guerrerogan said, looking at the enemy. "It is true. We should wait for them here and let them rush towards us. Normally, I will choose to fight them, but if there is a dragon in these mountains, fall under the orc's scimitar, then that's too regretful."

"Good idea," Bai En said sarcastically. Behind him, he could hear Mackason's carriage slowly climbing up the mountain. Bane sincerely hopes that Mackason has the weapons he promised, and that these weapons are indeed effective.

"Snowry thinks we should take the initiative to solve them," Snowry said suddenly.

"I think Guerrerogen's plan is better," Wuli retorted.

Bai En did not know if he heard a trace of fear in the bragging dwarf's voice. This will not surprise him. ‘As a group of rice barrels, empty barrels make the loudest noise. ‘His mentor always said that. He should know this, Bai En thought, because his tutor was a very loud speaker.

"I want to know if they have gold," Steig said. "You can never be sure of these things. If they robbed an explorer, they might have." At this time he noticed the eyes of others on him and shrugged friendly. "You never know what will happen. This is what I want to say."

"I'm more concerned about whether they have bows and arrows," Grerogan said angrily. "Killed by the orc arrow is not a real death for the oath slayer."

"I might be able to do something," Eisenheim-Schneider said. "If there is enough magic around, I can release a strong enough magical wind, and the other party does not have a shaman."

"It doesn't look like that," Guerrogan jumped on a stone, put his palms on his eyebrows and looked in the direction of the enemy. "If anything, he would dance around and sing some nonsense to his god."

These orcs are now about 400 steps away from them. Just beyond the range of the bow and arrow, but soon approached. Bai En can already hear their savage throat. Seeing them wield weapons threateningly.

"Maybe we can go back," Wuli said. Bai En glanced at him. His face was pale and a little trembling.

"This may not be a bad idea," Grerogan agreed. Bane looked at Grey Rogan curiously. In their long-term contact, this was the first time he heard Grerogan expressed his desire to retreat.

"Why?" Bai En asked.

"Because there are more orcs to kill below."

Bai En looked in the direction they came. Orcs and other smaller creatures are pouring from the hillside behind them. Their retreat route seemed to be cut off. Bai Enzhou scolded, and he knew that Guerrero would never choose to retreat easily.

"This situation doesn't look very good," Bai En said. He noticed that some goblins were placed on giant spider-like creatures. As soon as he saw the fierce mounts, he covered goose bumps. They are chasing at a terrible speed. He began to think that perhaps the oath-takers were too confident to enter the mountains with such a small team.

"Let's deal with one side first, humans." Grerogan said to Bane. "Then solve the other side."

"I hope I can share your confidence," Bai En replied.

"I'm going to deal with this group of people," Mackason said, pointing at the enemies on their way. "You are responsible for solving the previous group."

"Are you sure you can do it?" Bai En asked the enemy on the road behind him.

"You can bet with me," Mackason said. He pulled a lever with one hand, and the canvas cover on the carriage fell off. Bane found a strange multi-barrel gun under the canvas, mounted on a tripod. Bai En has seen a small version of this weapon before, knowing what it can do. Mackason pulled up the brake lever of the carriage and fixed it on the other side of the mountain.

The spider knights in the back have already started to advance towards the mountain. Bane watched Mackason aim his opponent with his barrel, and then grabbed the trigger tightly. Bai En ventured and glanced at the other side of the mountain. The orcs had already started their climb, and they shouted confidently.

Bai En knew that if their enemies knew what was waiting for them on the top of the mountain, they would not be so confident. However, he wanted to know, is this enough?

Angelica, Standa and Oleg started shooting arrows with their short compound bows. The arrow roared past the mountain and pierced the three leading orcs. The two fell down, the arrow pierced one of the orc's eyes, and the other arrow pierced the orc's throat. The third orc, despite the feathers behind the arrows in his chest, kept moving in their direction, feathers jumping around him.

In response to the bow and arrow, the orcs began to spread out so that they would not be tightly packed together and would not be a good target. Bai En thought, they may be barbaric, but not stupid. At this time, he really hoped he had learned to use the bow.

When he was young, he had received some training in duel swords, but no training in archery. Even though he received some training on duel guns a few years ago, he still has not received training on archery ~ ~ This is not the simple idea that bows and arrows are useless. In fact, the size and Archer training time is directly proportional. And he does not have so much time to train this thing.

However, at this time, bows and arrows will be very useful. Obviously, the orcs also agreed with this. Several of them unloaded their bows and arrows from their backs and started winding. It seems that an archery match is about to begin. Around him, the oath snarler snarled at the orcs, mocked them, brandished their weapons and tried to irritate each other.

Grey Rogan raised his axe above his head and waved it up and down while shouting, "Come up, come and die!"

"Snowry wants to fight!" Snowry shouted after hitting the axe and hammer on his chest.

"I slept with your mother." Bijonny shouted, and then suddenly the surroundings became quiet, and the other dwarves stared at him. "Well, when you have to let these monsters come by yourself, you have to do this." He finally murmured to himself.

The dwarves frowned in disgust, turned their faces to the enemy again, and continued to speak wickedly, while Angelica and Mrs. Kasler kept shooting arrows at the orcs. Three more orcs fell, but the remaining orcs issued angry war slogans and continued to rush forward.