The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 853: Longshan

Bai En looked at Angelica, then at Gray Logan, and found that a disturbed expression was written on their faces, which also reflected his own uneasiness. He exchanged glances with the rest of the people and found them all pale and silent.

The silence in this team lasted a long time. They held their breath and waited to see what would happen. About a minute later, Bijonny began to sing again, at first lightly, but his voice became more and more powerful with each word.

This time he sang not an indecent story, but something else, like some kind of ancient dwarf hymn or war song, which echoed in the valley. Soon, Mackason also joined in, followed by Uli and Steiger. With the exception of Grey Logan and Dular, all the dwarves joined their chorus one by one, and then Eisenheim-Schneider joined them. Soon, Bai En found himself humming along.

There is something reassuring in the singing, as if doing so, they have the courage to challenge the evil dragon, and also strengthen their courage. When he was in step with other people, Bai En felt that he had regained his courage. He walked forward with a more relaxed mood than ever before.

In front of him, he could see the trail winding away from the main road, climbing up Longshan.

The clouds are lower. They tossed in the crevices of the surrounding peaks, and extended their misty tentacles to embrace Longshan. Visibility is reduced. The air became colder. The sense of oppression is deeper.

A small manor appeared faintly in the fog. It looks as if it once belonged to a wealthy family, perhaps a noble in a mountainous area. Therefore, Bai En realized that when the dragon woke up from a deep sleep, it must be one of the first places to be destroyed. Half of the manor's walls collapsed. Bai En thought it was easy to imagine them being crushed by the dragon's strong body and weight.

In his mind, he immediately showed a picture: when a huge beast rammed outside and stayed in the house. He could almost smell the fire of the thatched roof, felt the heat and flame crackling on his face, and his eyes were weeping with smoke.

In his illusion, he could hear a deafening roar, the crunch of the paws on the stone, the scream of the dying man, and the prayer of begging for mercy from the gods without response.

Finally, he imagined an unreal scene: the wall bulged inwards, the stone shattered, poured, and collapsed. At the last moment, before the flame representing death came, he glimpsed the evil dragon ’s ugly face and its Big dazzling eyes.

The scene was so realistic and so terrible that he began to wonder if the dragon ’s existence cast some kind of evil spell on this place, cursing anyone who passed by and let them go through those destined victims Facing the last moment.

It may be possible that some books will describe the dragon as an ancient creature with extremely high intelligence. They have a long life, a lot of knowledge, and some bad taste. But the authors of some books believe that dragons were the creatures that originally possessed magic, and it was this creature that exhibited the magic guide spirits on the road to learning and understanding magic.

Although Bai En doesn't think so, because of the historical records in various books, the elves seem to have existed when the world was born, and their history is at least several million years old. All the formal history of mankind tells people that magic was first discovered by elves or even created by elves. However, none of these books have detailed the magic of the dragon, even in the stories of the warriors and heroes who have completed the feat of dragon slaughter.

Bai En tried to tell himself that it was just the fog, the memory of the dragon's roar, and his own susceptible mind that gave him the idea. Or, perhaps, this idea was created by that sword, just to respond to the dragon's existence. Of course, he could indeed feel a wave of energy flowing into his own body from the blade of the "spirit". Somehow, this did not reassure him.

His leg was sore from a long march uphill. He felt cold, lonely, and very depressed. His heart felt a dying approach, only the magical warmth of his sword slightly relieved it.

The encounter with the mad woman that morning made him unforgettable all her life, and her words made him uneasy. At this moment, he did feel the impending death. He realized that a certain part of himself had retreated into his own heart to avoid thinking about how to face death.

Others seem to have done the same thing. As soon as they set foot on the road to the Dragon's Cave, the singing stopped. All adventurers seem to want to think and pray alone.

Bai En thought about his life. It seems to be much shorter than he hoped. However, he did not think it was because he wasted his time. While he was still in that small village, it felt like only a short time had passed, but he did learn lingua franca there.

And when the people of the night church came to the village and brought him and Falheim and some others to the black tower of Fatalin Island. Life there seems to feel very long. When a person faces death, malicious and wrong way of thinking every day, time will pass slowly.

If you want to make time faster, you can only choose to surrender and join it completely. Bai En is very grateful that he can persevere, and those who survived or failed to survive. But now that I think about it, it seems that ten years have passed very quickly.

Then? The development and growth of Fatalin Island, he chased a monster and found an abandoned dragon lair. Participated in the slave trade, and even participated in the battle between the two city-states of Istana. His companion died in the war, and he became divided in the war, and even he himself started to escape the Fatalin Association.

However, in his once again sounding Flynn ’s prophecy, he chose to travel east, or in his journey with Grerogan, he had seen many things, met many people, and even, perhaps, by fighting the dark forces, he Did something good. Yes, he never thought he would do good.

He has also done some unusual things, such as flying in an airship, and seeing a scene above the waste soil eroded by evil forces. He once fought real demons and monsters, and talked to mages and nobles. He witnessed magic rituals, depravity rituals, sacrificial rituals, and related heroic feats that he did not listen to at all. He met several good women. He also participated in duels.

However, there are some things he hasn't done yet, and some things he still wants to do. He hasn't finished the story of Grerogan, or even started. He has not completed his revenge.

He hasn't even solved the problem between him and Angelica. He thought that among all these things, at least at this time, it was possible for him to resolve the matter.

Seeing that the shadow of death is really covering them, jealousy seems meaningless, or worry about the chat between her and Eisenheim-Schneider ~ ~ or even whether they still It makes no sense to become a true lover further.

At that moment, he felt that he just wanted to express some feelings to her, to make some gestures that could show trust and understanding between human beings for the last conversation. Even if she refused him or refused to talk to him, he at least wanted to make an effort.

He increased his pace and walked along the path to catch up with her. He walked over to her and stretched out his hand to gently touch her shoulder, attracting her attention.

"What's the matter," she said. Her tone is not friendly, but not so unfriendly.

Suddenly, he was filled with a strange feeling, a feeling mixed with anger, need, pity and other things. He knew exactly what he wanted to say and exactly what he needed to say these words, but it was difficult to speak out.

"This may be our last chance to talk to each other," he said silently for a while.

"Yes. So what"

"Why did you make this so difficult"

"You are the one who wants to talk to me."

Bai En took a breath and calmed himself down. It seemed that his experience in Black Tower never made him feel that one thing was so difficult. He tried hard to recall the kindness he wanted to show a few minutes ago. Finally, he forced his lips to move.

"I just want to say I love you."

She looked at him but did not reply. He waited for a while, and slowly felt the pressure of injury and rejection grow in him. She said nothing.

Then, suddenly, the roar of the dragon resounded through the air again. The ground beneath them seemed to shake.

"I think we are very close," Wu Li said, looking at the direction of the sound.