The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 858: Dragon Slayer

Angelica desperately wants to aim at Longan. It should not be difficult, she said to herself. The dragon's eyeball is much larger than the target she practiced archery from childhood. Of course, these targets did not move at such a fast speed, nor were they attached to something as terrible as this dragon.

There was a part of her heart that didn't want to shoot arrows, because she was afraid to attract the monster's attention. Moreover, during the shooting process, Bai En and the dwarves will not be distracted by fighting with the target.

Keep calm, she told herself. Breathe easily. It doesn't matter how big this beast is. It doesn't matter what it is doing. This is just another prey. You can hit it easily. You hit the bird in flight. This should not be so difficult.

Time seems to slow down. Her heart was empty and calm. She pulled the bow string and hit the arrow. The dragon's head began to attack downward, and in her view, the speed of this action was incredibly slow. She adjusted her shooting action, aimed at where the eyes should be, and predicted that when the arrow could shoot at the dragon's eyes, she loosened the bowstring.

The arrow flew straight to the dragon. She prayed to Taral, hoping that it would find its goal.

An arrow shot from somewhere and hit the dragon's eye, just before its head reached Grerogan. The arrow affected the dragon's accuracy, causing Guerrero to pounce aside, and the dragon opened his mouth and bit it into the air.

The dragon's own movements, combined with Gregor's powerful blow, made the creature lose its balance. It fell forward. Bai En, who was charging, realized that it would fall on himself, so he cursed. The screams of Uli and Steiger told him that they had realized that they were also on the path of falling.

The dragon flapped his wings instinctively, slowing his fall. Bai En felt the wind blowing his cloak, and he fell to the side. Wuli did the same. For some reason, Steiger refused to leave his place.

"You can't take my gold," he shouted, waving his pick up to beat the dragon, although the huge body was about to fall on him. Bai En, he just rolled out of the crushed area and heard a muffled noise.

Bane saw Makasson once again stuff something into his metal tube. When the dragon's body was lifted again, he completed the operation and threw the steel pipe to the shoulder position.

The dragon turned his head to Mackason, preparing to launch his next attack. Mackason pulled the trigger under the tube on his shoulder. The spark flew out of the back of the tube, and another shell was fired, flying straight into the dragon's mouth.

This reminded Bane of the fireworks he saw on Fatalin Island to celebrate the wedding of the night owl. However, this shell was not as violent as a firework explosion. The force of the explosion loosened several human-sized fangs in the dragon's mouth, and tore a hole in its mouth. Bai En wondered if there is anything that can withstand such damage

Its terrible wounds rotted badly. A big hole was torn in its chest. An arrow was inserted in its eyes. Blood oozed from its ankles, which was cut by Guerrero root. But it still refused to die.

It ran wildly around. Its tail crackled in the air like a whip. Its wings thundered like thunder. If it weren't for the former chief engineer of the dwarf to fall under it, its paw would flatten Mackason like a fly.

When the dragon stood up again to attack, Bane saw that the squashed Steiger was still attached to its chest. His pickaxe was sandwiched between the monster's scales, and even when he died, his hand still held the weapon's handle tightly. The dragon's power against the treasure left gold shavings on his skin and armor. After his death, he was still shining.

Grey Logan's shouts sounded again, and Bane saw the dwarf who was eager to become a dragon slayer in the Marnus Empire standing behind the dragon, chopping its tail with an axe. Each blow separates the dragon's flesh from above. Snowry also joined the battle, attacking it with an axe and a hammer. But Bain couldn't see whether his attack was effective.

A golden light tells Bane that Eisenheim-Schneider once again cast a spell. The other eye of the dragon flashed a mysterious power with magic. After being hit by the hot light, his eyes made a hissing noise, and now the dragon was blind. Dular rushed forward, almost ran into the monster's mouth while its head was hanging down. His hammer broke through an arc at the wound in the dragon's mouth, and pieces of flakes and flesh fell.

The evil dragon gasped and began to breathe, and Bai En could feel the heat even when standing there. Dular was too close to the source of fire, and no protection spell could protect him: his armor and hair were on fire.

His hair turned into a sizzling flame. His flesh became black, and then drained away like a liquid. Long Xi's temperature was so severe that he didn't even have time to scream, and then disappeared. The dragon stretched forward on all fours again, trying to spray a fiery flame at the tormentor.

As soon as Bai En saw this terrible scene of death, he was instantly angered. The flame attached to the Dragon's Breath continued to spray outward, sweeping the rock face where Mrs. Casler stood. Eisenheim-Schneider's magic barrier flashed and did not collapse immediately, but Bane could see it started to collapse.

He didn't know how long the magician could persist. Once the magic shield protecting Mrs. Kasler collapses, Angelica, Eisenheim-Schneider and the archers will suffer the same fate as Dular.

The thought of something like this about to happen is that there is an irresistible impulse in Bai En's mind. An inexplicable force flows from the sword. UU reading He didn't even realize what he was doing, he found himself running towards this powerful beast.

His charging route took him to climb a pile of high treasures, and then he jumped onto the dragon's skull in a way and power that he could never do before.

After Bai En fell on his head, if the blind dragon could feel his presence, it did not show anything, but still let himself breathe as far as possible to sweep the entire cave.

Bai En stood straight on its head. The rune on the blade of the sword shone with deadly magic. Bai En felt that another force not belonging to the "spirit" also poured into his body. But he doesn't have time to think now, and he doesn't care. He just exerted all his strength to raise the "spirit" high, and stabbed the sword fiercely. At this moment, he felt the evil dragon raise his head under him.

The ancient founders weave deadly spells into this magic sword, allowing them to penetrate the dragon's scales and flesh. When the enchanted steel hits the bones of the giant dragon bone, it resists. Bai En leaned forward and pressed the weight of the whole body on the sword. The blade twisted in his hand and helped him. After a while, the weapon in Bai En's hand broke through the thick and strong dragon bone, with a deadly rune stuck in the dragon's brain.

The dragon let out its last fatal roar, and its entire body spasmed reflexively. Bai En felt a disgusting sense of acceleration because his neck stretched out and took Bai En away in the opposite direction. The ground receded under his feet. He was almost thrown out. Bai En knew that falling would kill him, so he tried his best to grab the sword embedded in the bone of the dragon head. Then the dragon began to fall backwards.

This is not good news, Bai En thought, because the ground rushed at him again.