The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 862: Outbreak of melee

"What do you think we should do?" Bai En asked. His explanation of the situation outside was not well received by the audience in front of him. The dwarves were silent. Eisenheim-Schneider looked thoughtful. Mrs. Casler looked worried.

"If we wait, there will definitely be a battle between us and them," Eisenheim-Schneider said. "I don't see any way to avoid it."

"Maybe they will send spies to investigate around the Dragon's Cave." Angelica suggested. "It is only a matter of time before one party or the other summons the courage to come to investigate."

"Anyway, in both cases, we are done," Bai En said helplessly. "Now it looks like we don't seem to have any way out, unless we wait for a fight between them and then try to slip away."

"I won't sneak away, humans." Grerogan retorted.

"If there is a fight, Snowry hopes to be one of them," Snowry added.

"I guess your wish will come true," Bai En said angrily.

"Everyone has time to die," Wu Li said suddenly. Since fighting the evil dragon, he seems to have developed a cruel, stubborn, stupid true oath possessed by the correct attitude. Either that, or he was terrified.

"Yes, that's right. Everyone will die." Bai En said, "but I hope to die on my bed after a long time."

"I want to die in bed too. With a pair of twins." Bijoni said. "I don't think there is any better way to die."

Note that the other dwarves looked at him in disgust. "You are all jealous," he shrugged and said at last.

"Enough is enough," Guerrerogan said angrily. "It's time to end."

He strode to the hole of the dragon's cave, holding the handle of the axe in both hands, and raised the axe above his head.

"We killed the dragon!" He shouted towards the two armies of the array. "If you want to get its treasure, you must first pass my body."

In an instant, Wan Lai was silent, and then there was a noise. A moment later, he jumped back again, and the arrow fell like a raindrop on the place where he had just stood. Bai En noticed that some of the shafts were black and some were white. He wanted to know which were shot by humans and which were shot by orcs.

Bai En said subconsciously: "I think that being a needle pad filled with arrows is not a suitable way of death for an oath taker."

Grey Rogan stared at him fiercely when he heard this.

"You will soon know what is the right way to die for oath takers, humans."

"I'm afraid you are right." Bai En said while preparing his sword.

"This is bad." John Gates muttered on a large rock scattered on the hillside. The sudden appearance of the dwarf at Longxuekou sent the orcs into chaos. The leader of the orcs apparently didn't understand what Grerogan said, but they correctly thought that their feud was mocking them.

To be honest, John Gates is also not sure whether seeing a living dwarf suddenly appears to be good news for himself.

But for those orcs, if they can still exercise restraint, then they are not orcs. The orc and Goblin archer who were closest to the dwarf immediately opened fire on the dwarf. The orc unit nearest to the dwarf slowly climbed up the mountain, approaching the dragon's den.

What surprised John most was that some humans also opened fire. It was a waste of arrows. He guessed that these boys must have been waiting impatiently. According to a charge from the front of the crowd, he was able to understand exactly how nervous they were. A group of halberd soldiers rushed forward without receiving orders, and flanked the flanks of the orcs who were running towards the Dragon's Den.

It's like a pebble that caused an avalanche. The wild boar knights rushed towards the nearest team. Trotter stirs the thin mountain soil. When these animals became excited, a lot of feces spewed from their buttocks.

This is definitely not a romantic picture like the knight charge of Burtania, but the power of these war boars will definitely not be less than the war horses carefully fed by the knights of Burtania.

Then the humans of the mountain tribes were never the most disciplined warriors. They were always eager to prove their bravery and rushed down the hillside first.

While they were doing this, a Goblin, who was crazy about taking drugs, used an iron chain to throw an iron ball almost as big as it. The iron ball with a chain rushed out of Goblin. Lin's team flew towards the mountain people. In less than a minute, soldiers who were hit by iron **** and cut off by chains howled.

John Gates stared at them, thinking that as soon as the opportunity appeared, he would leave here.

Bai En heard the collision of weapons against weapons, the screams of dying people, the thick throat of the orcs, and the cry of war from human beings. "What the **** happened?" He asked.

"Sounds like a battle," Eisenheim-Schneider said sarcastically.

"Your observation ability really surprised me." Bai En replied angrily.

Bane crawled forward cautiously and looked at ~ ~ He remembered the arrow that had almost shot through Grey Rogan earlier. Looking down, he saw a fierce battle broke out in the valley. Humans, orcs, and goblins are in battle. Most human units successfully prevented the orcs from attacking themselves, and occupied a more favorable position to fight a larger number of orcs and goblins.

As he watched all this, he saw a row of halberds repulse the charge of a group of green-skinned orc warriors. Both sides suffered heavy casualties. Humans chased the retreating orcs, and they themselves were flanked by a group of crazy Goblin fighters. Just as Bane watched these humans disappear in a wave of miniature humanoids half their size.

A strange jingle caught his attention. He glanced at it and saw that the strangely dressed Goblin climbed up a huge slingshot. The rope as a rubber band was pulled back by a group of sweaty Goblin slaves, and then suddenly loosened. That Goblin was thrown into the air and swooped towards the human position. He kept waving the bat-wing device on his arm, as if believing he could control his flight, screaming ecstatically while flying.

Maybe he did manage to control the direction, because he fell on the head of a human leader and pierced him with a spike on the helmet. But Bai En guessed that the impact must have broken his neck, because he didn't stand up after that. This may be a tribute to his impressive fanaticism or stupid behavior, because he is willing to give his life like this.

There are some other things that urgently need Bai En to pay attention to. A group of orcs rushed out of the encirclement of a large number of enemies and were running towards his location. He crouched down and retreated into the hole.

"They are coming," he shouted at the others.