The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 866: Prague

"The injuries I suffered during the battle with the dragon Carandil have cost me many days of mobility. Fortunately, my memories of the events that have occurred in the next few weeks are vague. I know we treat News of the impending army of evil gods brought Shazhan of Kaslov.

I know we flew to Prague, and my companions and his fellow dwarves thought they would meet their end in there. I know that we were welcomed by the Duke himself in the City of Heroes, who turned out to be a distant cousin of my beautiful companion Angelica.

In fact, it is said that Shazan himself and Angelica of Kaslov are also distant cousins. It seems that there is some blood relationship between the upper nobles of Kaslov.

However, I do n’t remember much about these details, probably because they were overwhelmed by the end of the world event that happened in my memory. What happened in the next few weeks plunged me into new fear and despair.

In my long and regrettable career as a wizard, and as a recorder of the fate of dwarves, I found myself in a more desperate place. Even today, when I think back to the madness and chaos of those terrible days, I still shudder. "

——From "Bai En Diary", Volume Five

Bai En opened his eyes and saw the steel ceiling of ‘Glennell ’s Will’. Borek and Angelica are leaning over to look at him. He knew from the sound of the objects in the cabin that the airship was moving.

"So, I'm still alive," he said with some relief.

"It's just right," Borrek said. When he smiled, the wrinkles on his old face kindly wrinkled. "Your wound is infected. I am surprised that you are still alive, because Angelica told me about your adventure. Killing a dragon is not something most people can experience."

Bai En felt happy and embarrassed, but was not sure if he was alive or killed the dragon.

"I am very happy to see you. I see that you managed to repair the airship."

"Marquesson left very specific instructions."

"Is he alright?"

"He and everyone else are okay. Although they are disappointed not to have the treasure."

"So, we lost it"

"Things buried in the ground, for the dwarves, will never be lost." Borek said. "It takes a few years to dig out all the stones, but we will eventually find it."

Bai En was silent for a moment, thinking about the bodies of Steiger and Dular. They got buried more thoroughly than he could give them. The thought of him being easily buried with them is a delightful idea. He reached out and grabbed Angelica's hand.

"Don't worry," she said. "Eisenheim said that when we reach our destination, you can get up and walk around."

"Where are we going?" Bai En asked, but I'm afraid he already knew.

"Prague," she said lightly.

Bai En shivered, and he realized that the strongest army of evil in 400 years would also be assembled there.


Bane looked north from the city gate tower above Prague's outer wall. Seemingly to reassure himself, his hand rested on the head of a huge sculpture, and the name of the gate was taken from this sculpture-named after the Gargoyle Gate. From his height, his vision is very clear. Only the meandering river to the west broke the monotonous view of the endless plains around the city.

In the distance, he could see the smoke rising from the burning village. The war is approaching, and the city can be reached in less than a day. He shivered, and put that tattered wool cloak on his tall, thin body, although the weather was still not cold. To be honest, the weather here is unnaturally hot. In Kaslov, the last days of autumn are warmer than many of his summers on Fatalin Island.

This is the first time in his life that the prayer meeting will snow. The winter here is fatal. It is an tireless ally that will mercilessly massacre the enemies of Mrs. Casler, at least as the locals say. The Duke of Winter was their greatest general, with a large number of heavily armed soldiers.

It's just that he doesn't know if he can live to see the coming of winter. Even the Duke of Winter may be powerless to fight against the warriors of the evil gods and their evil magic.

The soldiers in the advancing army there are not just mortals, but cult worshipers from the wasteland in the north.

As the dwarf oath taker, Gray Logan ’s pursuit of the great death journey, and of all the stupid things he has done in his career as a mage, it is undoubtedly the most stupid to put himself on the road of the dark forces .

Bane has just recovered from the wound wound in the battle with the dragon Karandil, and the orc army has also tried to take the dragon's treasure. His own potions and the magic of Eisenheim-Schneider healed him, and he did a great job, but Bane was still not sure if he was as strong as before.

He hopes that when the warriors who believe in evil gods arrive, he can use his habits and skills to cast his magic or brandish his sword. He needs to do this. If he cannot, he will die. In any case, he is likely to die.

The riders in black armor and their fierce followers are not famous for their kindness. They are ruthless barbarians who live only to kill and conquer in the name of their worship of demons. Even the thick walls of Prague cannot stop them for too long. Even if the warriors who believe in the evil gods fail, then the dark magic of their allies will succeed.

It is not the first time that Bai En wants to know what he intends to do here. He is standing on the cold wall of a solid city, thousands of miles away from his home. He could have been sitting in his own room in the black tower at Fatalin ~ ~, studying magic or simply reading books. Or bargaining with overseas traders at Tatuga Port, counting gold coins.

But the fact is quite the opposite. He is ready to face the worst in the world in the four hundred years since the 'religious Marnus' drove away the **** evil legion from the last invasion and reunified the Marnus Evil invasion.

But Bai En has no place where ‘pious Marnus’ can match. He does not have an empire, even a divided empire. Nor is there an army that responds to all demands and is absolutely obedient to itself. There is no corresponding diplomatic skill.

Even for the Fatalin Association, he just sent someone to send a letter, and never expected the Fatalin Association to actually send someone to come. This is not only not allowed in time, but also in strength.

Thinking of this, he glanced at his companion.

As usual, Bane couldn't know what Guerrero was thinking. The dwarf looked rougher and more gloomy than usual. He was not tall, and the hair crown protruded from above his tattooed, shaved head, barely protruding to the position of Bai En's chest, but his body was more than twice as wide.

He held an axe in one hand, and Bai En needed to lift it with both hands. This was because Bai En was a strong man. The dwarf shook his head, and the gold chain on his belt jingled. He pointed to his eyes, then spit on the wall.

"They will be here before dusk, humans." Grerogan said affirmatively, "otherwise my father is an orc."

"Do you think so? The investigators said they would burn them down completely whenever they went to a village. Such a large group of people would definitely not be able to walk so fast," Bai En asked casually.