The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 874: puppet

Eisenheim-Schneider knew that this group of guys who gave up their souls for eternal life and power were fools. In this world, there is nothing to pay for, especially the power borrowed from the evil gods.

They are like money lenders, charging devastating interest. You give up your soul, an invisible little thing that many people don't believe in, so you are giving up everything. You gave your life and will to the forces of darkness. You are no longer yourself. You eventually become a puppet, dancing under the puppet strings controlled by a much stronger force than you.

At least Eisenheim-Schneider was taught this way. He couldn't see anything suspicious here, but if there was any need to doubt about this matter, he thought with a wry smile, it was now. When you face painful death or an eternal curse, there doesn't seem to be much choice.

Of course, the priests of Marnus, Gaitan, Yulik, and Mohr all have their scriptures, and they can tell you what is waiting for you after entering the tomb. Nonetheless, they seem to be reluctant to leave the flesh in the grave, no matter what paradise they are sure of waiting for them.

Eisenheim-Schneider is not an ignorant farmer. He did not believe that the magic power possessed by the priests was given to them by God. He possessed too much magic power himself, which made him unable to believe this. But the temples did not like the fact that their long-term monopoly on magic was broken. This is why they still persecute wizards like Eisenheim-Schneider.

He shook his head, trying to dispel his gloomy emotions, trying to blame it on all the existence of dark magic circling in the distance. Here, he is ready not to believe in the existence of a benevolent god, but he is very willing to believe in the power of evil gods.

He told himself that God exists, and some of them helped mankind. He had better believe this, and hid his doubts in his heart, otherwise the witch hunter would come to him.

These people are not excited at all about the fact that he is a magician. Not long ago, the wizards were burned to the stake of the fire as followers of the evil gods, and were forced to practice their skills secretly. In fact, there are many people in this city who are still very willing to cook a little barbecue. He can be seen when people see him wearing a robe, holding a staff, and muttering to himself.

Okay, let them want to go. In the days to come, they will need his ability and will be grateful to them, regardless of whether they think his power comes directly from hell. When a person is injured and dying, and his only hope of rescue is magic, they will soon reconsider their prejudice. Anyway, most people will.

His attention returned to the flow of magic. He could feel a magical power pulsating in the stone under his feet. He wasn't sure if this was the work of the dwarves or the work of the ancient priests, but it really didn't matter.

These spells are powerful, and for centuries, those who know how to use protective magic have been strengthening them. Eisenheim-Schneider is very grateful for this. At least this city has some protection against evil magic. The same runes guard the inner city walls, and there are more powerful things protecting the innermost castle.

He suspected that even a more powerful demon lord could not pass through the magic wall around Prague. Of course, he is not completely sure. No mortal can truly understand what the darkest powerful servant can do. They are so immensely powerful. Maybe he will soon find a way to balance this power. All he can do is pray that this is not the case.

A lot of mysterious power and energy have been put into it to protect this place. Eisenheim-Schneider wants to know why. It is generally believed that this is a cursed place. Those who are not as stubborn as Mrs. Casler have long abandoned it. But not them. For Mrs. Kasler, this is a city of heroes, symbolizing their eternal struggle with evil forces; as long as there is another person alive, they will not give up here.

He leaned on the staff and took a deep breath. The magic wall exists for as long as the city wall itself. If the stones were removed from the wall, he doubted how long the magic contained in them would last.

Well, the real threat they face is this. Siege engines can destroy stone walls, and the magic they hold will be completely destroyed. He did not know whether the defenders around him knew what terrible consequences would happen if this happened under such circumstances. It would be better if they did not know all this. There is no need to spread despair.

Eisenheim-Schneider knew that despite the critical situation, he actually just wanted to divert his attention to the real problem-Angelica. He loved her desperately, madly, and he knew he could not get her. She was with Brian Fatalin, which seemed to be what she wanted.

Of course, the two of them were unhappy when they were together, which gave him some hope. If the two broke up, she might ask him for comfort. His hopes were so slim, which made him frustrated and embarrassed, but it was indeed all he could pray for.

This is really ironic. He is a man who knows many of the darkest secrets in magic, a wizard who can bind demons and monsters, but he cannot stop thinking about a woman. Her **** to him was as strong as any five-pointed star formation to the demon, and she didn't even realize it.

One night, he was drunk at Killing Fort. He even confessed to her that he was obsessed with her, but she turned a blind eye, but since then, she has been friendly to him. To some extent, this is a shame.

He is very handsome, a very powerful person, and is quite rich by casting magic. In fact, many women find him attractive, although in his early years he was too focused on his research and his pursuit of magical knowledge without giving them too much attention.

Now he finally found the one he wanted ~ ~ and she didn't even want to look at him again. Part of his wisdom is enough to doubt whether this is part of the reason she gave him such a fatal appeal. Part of his wisdom is doubting that if she wanted him from the beginning, he would still want her so urgently. He knows enough about people's hearts to know how abnormal it is.

However, this is not important. He is hooked now, he knows this. He spent as much time saving her life and winning her grateful daydreams as he was studying. He knew that even if this army of evil followers of gods appeared outside the city, it did n’t matter, he would stay here until she left.

But this is really annoying, because he feels that he has touched a new magic bottleneck, and he knows that he should concentrate all his energy on learning. Now he can be sure that in terms of pure magic power, he can match any old magic master, and he mastered this skill when he was very young.

Maybe it ’s because of his recent adventures, the pressure he suffered, the spells he cast under difficult circumstances, but he feels that he has gained a huge power boost in the past few months A bottleneck that the real Archmage can touch.

He shook his head, not understanding why he spent so much time worrying about a woman, but the whole world was on the verge of collapse. Not long ago, he witnessed the northern part of Kaslov being attacked by ratmen, mountain dragons attacking, and the orc tribe marching. It was like a Malaysian honeycomb with an evil force was broken, and an evil bee colony was gathering. Is there any connection between these things? Eisenheim-Schneider's intuition and experience tell him that it is likely.