The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 876: Rivals

Bai En climbed to the top of the watchtower near the Gargoyle Gate. He was surprised that no one tried to stop him. The guards recognized him from the battle at the door and his connection with Grerogan, and they did not mind him here. Of course, the young nobleman who served as their commander had an equal conversation with him, which ensured this even more.

Guerrerogan and Angelica followed him. They are as interested in the arrival of this army of evil gods as he is. Looking around, he found that they were not the only ones interested in the enemy. The platform on the top of the tower is full of people, no matter what you think, they are not all soldiers.

He saw men wearing heavy mink coats that merchants love, and women wearing heavy velvet robes popular in the Duke's court. Bai En doesn't feel too uncomfortable. He grew up beside such a person. The night churches may be very evil, but they are indeed very rich. Most of the mentors are dressed like nobles or upstarts. This is one of the reasons why Bai En does not like nobles.

He could see that Angelica felt the same way. After all, she is the daughter of a big nobleman. Guerrerogan doesn't care what other people think. Bai En saw them behave as if they were fully entitled to stay there, no one looked at them again.

Looking around, he could see some picnic baskets and wine. A fat businessman holding a silver goblet in his hand. Bai En shook his head. These people seem determined to treat the enemy's arrival as entertainment. Bai En is not sure if this is bluff or stupid.

"Oh, look," he heard the fat man muttering. A telescope was on the man's eye. His words didn't sound like they were having fun. Bai En glanced outside the city wall and saw the reason for the man's uneasiness.

This army of evil spirits covered the plains outside Prague and could not be seen at a glance. It was a ruthless black tide, a torrent of steel and flesh, trying to drown the whole world.

Leading is a group of riders, they are burly, riding on huge muscles congested black or red horses. Those knights belong to the ghostly land of evil wasteland; seeing them on the grassland of Kaslov will be a nightmare.

Hundreds of flags covered by runes rose from the sea of ​​people wearing full body armor, and the flags on the flags fluttered in the breeze. Behind the rider are more heavily armored infantry. Behind them, there are countless terrible, mutated beasts. They walk upright like humans, but their heads have horns, and they have animal snouts.

Thousands of people wearing barbarian costumes are scattered in this huge army. They are probably predators from the northern wilderness. This should be the group of barbarians who have been driving long ships to expose the northern port of the Marnus Empire for hundreds of years, even thousands of years. But Bai En didn't know why they would join them.

He doubted that even if every soldier in the Marnus empire was called up, their number would be comparable to that of the group of orcs. The place where they traveled raised a huge dust cloud, blurring the figure in the distance. Somehow, Bai En felt that if he could see them, the ranks of these monsters would extend to the horizon.

"It could be worse," Angelica said suddenly. All the rich people on the top of the tower turned to look at her. Some people shook their heads in disbelief.

"Honey, do you know what's going on?" The fat businessman asked, his tone sounding like he was suggesting that she go home and play with her doll. Guerrerogan grunted dissatisfiedly. The guards around the merchant turned their attention to him and appeared worried.

"Far more than you, sir." Angelica replied coldly. The businessman's burly bodyguard threw a warning glance at her. Angelica just smiled coldly, playing with the hilt in her hand.

One of the two big men looked worried, but not too nervous. Bian once saw Angelica fight with that sword, he knew she was enough to fight most people. "I am the daughter of Ivan Petronovich Mogorova."

"Boyar in the north." The fat man said more respectfully. Like the obedient hounds, the bodyguards relaxed a bit, as if their masters gave them a signal not to attack for a while. "Maybe you are willing to explain what you mean. I believe everyone here will listen to the daughter of the man who has been guarding that evil wasteland and defending our borders for the past two decades."

"There are no demons here," she said. "There are no arsonists. There are no more strange monsters than you see now. They sometimes come out of that evil waste to destroy and burn."

"Why" the fat businessman continued to ask.

"I don't know," Angelica returned.

"Maybe I can explain it," a familiar voice said. Bane turned around and saw Eisenheim-Schneider had climbed to the top of the tower. Bane wanted to know if he was following them. Eisenheim-Schneider liked Angelica, but it was not a good thing.

Bai En liked this man very much, but he was a little annoyed by Eisenheim-Schneider's relentless pursuit of Angelica. Bai En felt that he would have to do something soon. He did not expect this prospect. As Bai En discovered in the past at a price, it is rarely a good thing to have a sorcerer as an enemy, and it would certainly not be a good thing to enemy a magician as powerful as Eisenheim-Schneider.

"Who are you, sir?" The fat businessman asked.

"Eisenheim-Schneider, the Marnus empire mage, played for the electorate of Brandenburg."

If Eisenheim Schneider announced that he was the chief baby eater in the court of evil gods ~ ~ he would hardly get a more indifferent response. Yes, Mrs. Casler, like other people in the world, thinks that baby eaters are the most evil people or creatures. After all, if something is eaten by innocent babies, no one will think it is not evil enough. . Unfortunately, Bai En also knows that there are too many evils in this world, far greater than the crime of eating infants.

Everyone present stared at him with a suspicious expression, as if he had something to do with the evil army attacking Prague below. Bai En is not only satisfied with the embarrassment of his rivals, but also sympathizes with a man who was his partner and is now in a dangerous exploration, not to mention, as a mage, he is even more embarrassed.

Eisenheim-Schneider has clearly forgotten that he has left the Marnus Empire for some time. Even there, the caster is only tolerated, not popular. In Kaslov, they still burned the mage in remote areas. This is the reason why Bane did not choose to release magic at the city gate.

In fact, most parts of the world are not friendly to the caster. Too many organizations and individuals blame the caster on their suffering, especially the witches. As far as Bai En knows, there are many farmers who, when faced with drought, plague, or other disasters, will blame it on one of the most special women in the village, claiming that they are witches and burning them. Some of them may indeed be true witches, but most women are just innocents.

In fact, after these ignorant farmers burned these poor women, if they found that everything had not changed, or even worse, they would continue to blame everything on the grounds that the witch died and cast a curse. Those innocent women.