The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 887: Luck's speech

Luck began to speak. "The oppressed squirrel brothers! The devil's children! The moment of liberation is coming. The era of change has come."

This is a familiar phrase in the era of change. Tangul wondered where he had heard before.

"The world is changing. The lowest will become the highest. The high will be reduced to the low. The slave will turn over to become the master. My father, the devil, promised me that way."

Tangul's heart almost stopped beating with anger. How dare his father, who was once pitiful, nowadays change his face, dare to say such things, and how dare a ratman make such a blasphemous statement that he was deeply touched by this matter, and even surprised himself.

Luck claims to have a blood relationship with the greatest god, even closer to the Protoss of the Ratmen. He dressed himself as a religious leader. Tangul was surprised that the devil had not punished him on the spot. Unless-no. This is impossible. What Luck claims cannot be true.

"Those of you who follow me will be generously rewarded! Those who do not do this, or those who betray me, will be punished by you unimaginable. Unless you want to live alive, and in a very huge, On a campfire fueled by magic stones, the tormentors of the two clans poke your scent glands with a red soldering iron, and then— "

Luke then described a series of impressive, imaginative, and rather painful tortures. Even at such a long distance, Tangul listened to these descriptions and felt his scent glands shrink.

"--Pull out from behind you!" Luck finished his speech.

Shocked silence followed. Tangul has to admit that Luck seems to have learned something from their long-term cooperation. His speech undoubtedly left a deep impression and successfully achieved his most valuable speech goal: successfully inspire the fear of his subordinates.

"Now, listen-listen!" Luck continued, "To win in our great jihad, we must first win the endless abyss. In order to win the endless abyss, we must control the breeding pits, the council meeting Hall and magic stone refinery. To this end, we will divide our troops into three. "

When Tangul listened, Luck outlined his plan. This is a very bold move. It depends on speed, surprise, and feinting. Tangul knew that he could hardly think of a better plan himself, and that if Tangul did not reveal the details to the elders of the Founder Clan, Luck would almost certainly succeed.

in case.

Tangul's sharp mind considered his options. He knew there must be some way for him to take advantage of this opportunity. While he was doing this, a part of his heart was thinking, how could his barbarous and stupid minion come up with such a plan. Is such a complicated and subtle plan really a masterpiece of Luck himself?

No, this plan can only be worked out by a wise man almost as excellent as Tangul. Tangul began to think about how to discover the mastermind behind his former servant.

He was sure that there must be a bigger conspiracy. Among his enemies, who would be cunning enough to agitate a closely monitored servant like Luck?

Luck looked at his followers, immersed in their worship. This is what he deserves, he knows. Over the years, he hid his light under the skin, and did not get the recognition he deserved. Now he is finally compensated. The taste is sweet. Luck smiled, showing his fangs, intoxicated by the fear caused by this action. There is no doubt that when he stands in front of the small army attacking Heidelberg, his so-called former master-the Prophet Tangul-will definitely feel this way. This is the feeling that every rat in his heart longed for.

Luck sorted out the idea for future consideration. He knew that as the days passed, he became smarter. What happened was obvious to his unusually powerful brain. As soon as his body stopped mutating, his thoughts began to mutate. This process turned him from an insignificant little warrior into a huge machine of destruction, until now he began to reshape his mind and turned him from a very clever little warrior into a man as smart as God.

This is an important fact for Luck's new and greatly enhanced mind. His thoughts are changing, just as his body has become a mirror of the great father of the Rat-Man nation. And Luck knew that all of this happened for a reason. He knows why things have happened, because he is the one chosen, the one destined to become the new supreme leader of the Rat-Man race, the one destined to lead them to a thousand years of glorious rule.

When you look at it, everything is so clear. Obviously, the devil chose him for a reason. He knew that he was the favor of the devil, his new prophet, and the leader that all the Ratmen were waiting for. He wanted to unite them and lead them to a certain victory.

Of course, those predictions also played a role. After he talked with the two strangely similar human wizards, they began to return to the camp of the evil **** army, and the two wizards recognized his almost divine nature almost immediately.

He remembered that they bowed secretly in front of him, and then began to praise him with a nearly hypnotic voice. He still remembers how they talked to him respectfully and persuaded him to continue to play the role of prisoner, so that he could enter the enemy's fortress and raise his banner among them.

They told him that his mind is stronger than any rat, just like his body. He thought that soon he would gain more powerful magical power than any Ratman Prophet, and then he would become the most powerful Ratman in this terrible world.

Even the stupid caster clan acknowledged his uniqueness and superiority. Did n’t they try to imprison him in their dirty alchemy laboratory? Did n’t they want to know what was the secret that distinguished him from all the other lower murmurs?

He felt that he should thank them. They soaked him in those strange nutrients and exposed him to more and more magic stone dust. He still remembers how his body hurts and how his brain was blank.

Maybe it is possible, but in reality it is not possible, he will beg for mercy as they expected. Now he knows that if he had done this, he would not admit it, it was just a sign that his intelligence was growing.

Even at that time, he already knew that he would deceive his enemies, and he could use his true nature and plan to convince them to believe in themselves and to deceive them into a false sense of security. When the time came for him to escape, he was able to make his persecutors unguarded without guard.

Fortunately, he found that the city had become a hotbed of rebellion. Many Rat Slaves believe that the increase in the Evil Moon is a sign that something is about to happen. They believe that more and more meteorites will fall into the world. This is a sign that an extremely important event is about to happen in the future.

Without much effort, he convinced them that he was the one they had foretold, and his arrival was something that had long been predicted. They quickly flocked to his banner against the oppression of the master of their founder clan. It was almost as if they had been informed in advance, as if a secret conspiracy group had been preparing for such an event for several weeks. Why not? He was the one chosen by the devil. Of course, there must be someone who knew in advance that he was coming.

At first, he was surprised that the Rat Prophets did not predict his arrival, but his unusually sharp mind soon provided him with the insight needed to understand what happened. Deeper thinking about the nature of the prophet Tangguer, who was his former master, showed him the terrible truth.

The Rat Prophets are corrupt, they have failed the Demon Lord, and the Devil Lord has regained his favor. They are no longer the true guardians of the Rat-Man nation. A new day begins, a new leader appears, and his glorious rule will last at least a thousand years. Today belongs to the day of Luck. It was once called Luck-Snake Tongue, and is now simply referred to as Luck Emperor.

He immediately told the news to the groveling followers who surrounded him. The scream they worshipped was like music to him.

Today-the endless abyss, he thought to himself. Tomorrow-will be the world!