The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 904: Upstairs room

The room upstairs is large. Various interesting whips and chains hang on the wall. This bed looks very well maintained. The girl above looks the same. She is tall and thin, but her eyes have a strange trait that does not look normal or is more likely to be addicted to certain drugs. She only wore a thin dress.

Bai En smelled-the smell of sweat and other secretions in the air, as well as strong perfume and incense. His tingling nose and tightness in his throat told him that someone had smoked here—something else, something he had never experienced. He walked over and opened a window. It overlooks the street. This is a big drop. They are on the third floor of the brothel.

"If you want to escape quickly, it's not a good way." The girl said with a weird, sharp laugh. "You will only break your neck. Trust me, someone has tried it before."

Bai En looked at her, and then the little blonde. "You think I may need to escape quickly, don't you?"

"If you are looking for Olaf and Sergey, and they do not like you, as Mona said, you may have no choice. You may accidentally fall out of that window."

"So both of them are bad guys," Bai En said.

"Yes, they are indeed. Why are you interested in them? Mona said something about gold."

"It depends on what you want to tell me next. It also depends on whether I believe what you say. It depends on many things."

"You seem to just want to waste our time. Are you the kind of weirdo who just wants to talk to girls. Or does it cause something strange?"

"Nothing like that will happen. I just want to know why Olaf and Sergey would want to kill a friend of mine."

"You friend-he sent you to solve this problem, right?"

"It's almost like this."

"You look like that kind of person. The first time I heard you talk, I think you talk like a priest. If you just look at you, I think you might be like one of those templars, they will Cut your throat quickly while looking at you. "

"You are very experienced with Templars, aren't you?" Bai En asked with a smile, thinking of the only person he knew-Gal Kepler. He certainly fits this description.

"Anyone you can see here, handsome guy." Mona said, then looked at Bai En's wallet meaningfully. She obviously wanted the money Bai En promised to give her.

"I haven't heard anything I want to know."

"If I tell you ...

Where are Olaf and Sergey, and what will you do? "Sasha asked.

I would be surprised, Bai En thought, because I left their bodies in an alley last night.

"It depends," he replied.

"what is it about?"

"About whether I can persuade them not to disturb my friends."

"It may be difficult unless you are tougher than it looks."

"Some of my friends said that I looked like a priest of the merciful goddess Yodara," said Bai En, who knew he was telling the truth. The sincerity of his tone will surely convince them. But the girl's reaction surprised him. She burst into tears.

"I told them that they shouldn't be involved. I told them not to worry about it. They don't listen."

Bai Enqiang resisted leaving his expression unchanged, wondering what exactly this crying woman meant. Instinct told him to keep quiet and let her speak to see what he could hear. He stared at her as coldly as possible. He noticed that Mona became restless, nervous and irritable, and seemed to dislike the direction of the conversation.

She also seems to know something. When his mentor and his friends were drunk together, they often rudely blurted out a motto. This motto seems somewhat reasonable: When it comes to overhearing secrets by accident, there is nothing like a brothel.

The girl looked at him again, tears bursting out of her eyes. It's hard to believe that someone would have any tenderness for two beasts like Olaf and Sergey, but she obviously did. Maybe it was just a weirdo, he sneered to himself. The girl looked at him as if expecting a response. He decided to bluff.

"What did they tell you about us?" He asked, trying to keep his voice soft and polite. Surprisingly, in appropriate circumstances, he sounds so aggressive.

"Not much. Not much. I do n’t know much about it recently. Sometimes they thought I could n’t hear it, so they talked about it. It was a joke with them. They found a new patron, This person gave them a lot of work and will give them various special rewards. "

"Work, you mean--"

"Working with muscles. Silence those who need silence. At first, I thought this was something ordinary. The nobles resolved their hatred, and the merchants wiped out their opponents.

"and then?"

"They started to behave strangely, and came in and out at strange times. They said they wanted to blackmail some people. It seems that they thought they had some noble information."

Bai En turned to look at Mona. "Are you sure you want to ...

Listen to the rest? "Some things are not worth listening to with your life."

She looked at him and then at her wallet. She understood the situation now, but it didn't take long for greed and fear to fight, and Bai En figured out who would win from the expression on her face ~ ~ Then he threw her a gold coin.

"I'm waiting for you downstairs," she said immediately after receiving the gold coin.

"You continue." She opened the door and went out.

"What else did they tell you?" Bai En asked after waiting for a while, hearing the footsteps leaving.

"They didn't tell me anything."

"So what else did you hear?"

"Nothing. Nothing." It seemed that the girl was a little freaked out because of Bai En's tone becoming forced.

"Have you ever seen their new sponsor?" Bai En realized that his way of speaking began to echo the girl's answer. "Have you seen their new patron?"

"Sometimes a big man comes to them. From his words, he is a noble."

"Have you seen him?"


"Have you never?"

"He always wears a hooded cape and a scarf around his face."

"Isn't this a bit unusual?" To his surprise, she smiled.

"Here? God, no! Many people, especially nobles, don't want others to know that they are here. They have wives, mistresses, opponents. You know, right?"

"I don't know anything about this person. Do they call him a great existence or something?"

Suddenly, any of her discomfort seemed to disappear, and she seemed to realize what she was talking about. "If Olaf and Sergey knew I told you this, they would kill me."

"If I were you, I wouldn't worry about them. They wouldn't bother anyone anymore." Bai En said quietly.