The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 916: The blame of the fanatic

"Now wizards are welcome in the palace. Dabbing in dark magic. Chaining evil, depraved behavior, saturated with evil, corrupted in behavior, is an indescribable evil demon."

Eisenheim-Schneider made another mistake. He smiled slightly, as if he couldn't take the whole thing so seriously. The fanatic of the Doomsday sect is obviously pushing himself to the point of fury. He also brought some people with him. He chose to glance at Eisenheim-Schneider at this moment. At that moment, Eisenheim was wearing a golden brocade robe, leaning on his staff with carved runes.

We created the perfect picture for him, didn't Bai En think. An evil sorcerer and a pure Kaslov girl stained by fallen foreigners. He barely squeezed an unsightly smile on his face, and then moved his hand to the hilt. The crowd followed the gaze of Doomsday fans and stared at them.

Bai En can see a few pale, frightened faces, while being tortured by hunger. These people were frightened because there was a seemingly invincible enemy outside the city gate. Of course, some people just want to find something to vent their depressed emotions. Without much effort, Bai En figured out who was the most likely target.

"There is an evil brother standing among us, a depraved man frolicking in the dark, and he brings us doom. See how he is so proud of the success of his evil plan. Witness this debauchery with him Woman's evil. Look at his obscene lust— "

"Maybe you should use less rhyming," Eisenheim-Schneider said, "think more."

To Bane's surprise, Eisenheim's voice sounded very calm and almost boring. His attitude is full of confidence. He seems to have no doubt about his ability to control the crowd around him, as can be seen from his face. The crowd also felt this and began to retreat one after another.

The fanatic of the Doomsday sect doesn't seem to like to be laughed at. His thin face twisted, and saliva spewed out of his mouth. He stabbed a finger accusing him at Eisenheim-Schneider, and it seemed that with his power he could drill a hole in the magician's chest.

"How dare you! How dare you say that! You should kneel down and bow down in front of these good people. You should apologize in a low voice for your bad behavior. You should ask for their forgiveness. You and your dog, and Your mercenary foreigner bodyguard should— "

"We should teach you a lesson because you have wasted these good people's time! We should take you to the Duke to explain your treacherous words. Our only wish is to help fight the dark forces outside the wall. Your purpose seems It is to spread disputes and dissatisfaction in the city. "

Bahn was startled again by the contempt and power in Eisenheim-Schneider's words. The magician was very angry, but it was a restrained anger that seemed to fuel his momentum.

Eisenheim-Schneider did not change his appearance in any way, but somehow became taller, bigger and more threatening. His inner strength, usually hidden, suddenly appeared. He became quite threatening in his own way, just as Grerogan did in his way.

Bai En was very impressed. He can also see that the same is true of the crowd around him. They moved backwards, leaving a space between Eisenheim-Schneider and the fanatics.

The fanatic climbed down from the wooden platform he was standing on, pulled up his worn robe, and strode toward the magician. He is short and thin, and Eisenheim-Schneider is much taller and more burly than him. Bai En believes that no matter what shortcomings this person has, cowardice is not one of them.

Bai En saw with the afterglow in the corner of his eye that several bullies who had appeared with the witch hunter in the White Boar Tavern were moving to the flank. He pushed Angelica with her elbows to alert her, but she was already watching them alertly.

The little man strode in front of Eisenheim-Schneider, his jaw splayed, his fists clenched. His eyes flashed wildly. He stopped in front of Eisenheim, bent his fingers, and seemed to want to strangle him. Eisenheim-Schneider stared at him calmly.

"God will punish you for your sins," the fanatic said confidently.

"If they feel this way, they have already done so." Eisenheim-Schneider said sarcastically.

The fanatic quickly pulled a dagger from his robe like a snake. He made an action, as if to attack Eisenheim-Schneider, but he hadn't had time to do so, and a magic spark flashed from the magician onto the blade. It immediately glowed red hot. When the weapon dropped from his black fingers, the fanatic screamed.

The energy in Eisenheim-Schneider began to increase rapidly. In front of the howling fanatic, he turned into a huge figure, covering the roaring fanatic like an angry god. He gently extended his hand and touched the man. Another spark of energy spewed out of him, pushing the fanatic to fly back twenty steps, and finally lay unconsciously in the mud.

The crowd muttered, awe and anger. Bai En can understand their feelings. No matter how many times he has seen Eisenheim-Schneider use magic, there is always a deep sense of uneasiness and fear in his heart. Of course, the inner uneasiness of Bai En is different from the uneasiness of the crowd. The crowd is afraid of magic itself, it is an instinctive fear of unknown things.

What Bane fears is this rapid cast and magic application. In terms of magic reserves, Eisenheim's magic reserve far exceeds that of Bane. Of all the casters that Bian has seen, perhaps only Amencanon can surpass him.

But this is not the key. Baien can explode all the magic in a short time to deal with the caster, and most of the casters do not have the means to consume all the magic at once. At least there is no way to quickly cast spells. When Eisenheim did just now, it has surpassed the normal method of casting, but has become a complete control over the use of magic.

If Bai En meets him, then Bai En is likely to make a surprise attack, and there is no way to defeat the opponent. Fortunately, he is his companion, at least for now, Bai En thought ~ ~ turned his attention to the crowd.

This group of people is likely to either flee in panic or attack them with an overwhelming majority. The group of people glared at them for a moment, and seemed to be unsure what to do.

"Go home!" Angelica shouted at the crowd. At that moment, the majesty of the nobles of Kaslov could be fully heard in her words. Her voice will immediately obey the lancers in a group of wing cavalry.

"Go home and prepare for the war! Tomorrow, the forces of darkness will attack, and we need every healthy citizen to help defend the city walls. Don't listen to this stupid dog like a whipped dog," she pointed to the Said the unconscious fanatic.

"They may be in good faith, but they will only cause fear and disputes between those who need to stand together tomorrow. All of us, even him, will be needed when dawn comes. We need all kinds of weapons, even It ’s magic, to resist the army attacking us "

The crowd responded equally to the rationality of what she said and what she said. Like Ansenheim, she showed a whole new side, a side he had never really seen.

When she speaks in this tone, she has a sense of presence, an aura to issue commands that makes people listen to her, and is obviously willing to obey her. The crowd began to disperse, and only a few people came forward to bow to her and Eisenheim, and wish them all the best in the upcoming battle.

Even the bullies who followed the apocalyptic fanatic flinched, although Bai En didn't know if they were out of fear or respect. To be honest, he doesn't care about anything because he is just happy that things are resolved in this way.

When they marched again to the ancient city center, no one stopped them.