The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 917: Before the siege

Alek-Devil's Claw looked down at his warriors from the highest siege tower. The air is full of magical energy. The huge siege machines began to run, full of the essence of the demon bound, so that their huge weight can rush forward and destroy the walls of Prague. He could feel the energy of the trapped demon creature boiling under his armor and gauntlets, imprisoned by the magic of his pet wizard in the black iron wall of the siege tower.

Around him, this large group of people cherish a purpose, a will, which is his purpose and will. Soon, he will destroy the city in front of himself and dedicate the soul of the citizen to his god. He vowed that he would not let the city survive.

Humans will never build cities in this place again. Therefore, he will avenge the army defeated by the cursed pious Marnus four centuries ago. He is very confident. The stone formations standing around the city sent more and more dark magic energy to his army.

Every day more and more soldiers come from the wasteland, they are attracted by the promise of blood and soul, death and glory, plunder and killing. The burly horned beast, the fierce and strong ogre, the powerful dark warrior in black armor, the angry marauder and the raiders of the northern barbarian tribe, all kinds of various, twisted and deformed things were attracted to him Under the banner, sometimes consciously and sometimes unconsciously, following the tide of magic coming from the north.

At this moment, he saw swarms of eagle witches flying, occupying a part of the sky above the army, their wings flapping like a storm, their harsh crying and screaming filled the sky. They rushed towards the city, and a rain of arrows shot from the wall. Most of them were unsuccessful, only a few found their targets, and then the Harpy flew away. This is not an attack; even the angry, winged monsters know his orders and will obey them.

Alek is not completely satisfied. He knew that someone in his army had conspired against him. This is not surprising. Since ancient times, this has always been the way of struggle within the army of evil spirits. It doesn't matter. There are always some people who admire those who are superior to them and conspire with them. He knew that as long as his victory seemed certain, most of the army would continue to be loyal to him. They are full of expectations of destroying this abominable city, risking meaningless internal conflicts.

There are other rumors that make him more worried. The patrol reported that a human army was approaching from the southwest. This is a pitiful thing. Compared with his own powerful military power, the other party is almost worthless, but if it appears at the wrong time, it may cause trouble.

Others saw an evil force that humans called ‘ratmen’ swarming from the north. It seems that Igor and Kelman's plan to destroy the Ratmen City has failed, and these beasts may be seeking revenge. But for now, they don't seem to cause too much trouble.

What is more worrying is that there are no reports from within the city about the fate of Grerogan Mahal and Bain Fatalin. He thought his agents had successfully assassinated them now. It would be great if we knew that the bearer of the deadly axe had been solved. Who knows what this powerful weapon can do, the visions he gets sometimes upset him. On the other hand, if he did not participate in the battle himself, that prediction would not be realized.

Alek looked back and saw the twin wizards. He was very dissatisfied with them. Recently, they have been slow in obeying orders and quickly questioned his decision. His agents reported that some people saw them with the warlords under him, and he suspected that the twin brothers might be plotting against him.

If so, he will soon make them realize his mistake. In fact, he planned to do this very early. As long as they can cast a spell that opens his way to Prague, they will be thrown into the garbage dump of history.

At this time Igor glanced at Alek and smiled, showing his shiny white teeth. This smile makes an uncomfortable person less than Alex. But he just thought: Wizard, laugh if you like to laugh, your days of smiles will soon be over.

Igor looked at his leader and laughed. This seemed to be the best choice at the time. Alek is getting unstable day by day, but at least at the time, he was still the leader of this huge army. But this situation will soon change. This arrogant fool has become the most appropriate puppet leader for this great dark expeditionary force, but his role is about to end, and his life will end. This is also his own fault.

If he just succumbed to their wishes, neither Igor nor his brother would object to his continued leadership as the expeditionary army, as long as he wanted to. After all, someone must lead the army, and neither he nor Kelman are soldiers or generals. This is not something they should do by birth.

Ever since Alek first listened to his instructions, he has been a good miner. He was like a string puppet, dancing on the strings they arranged around him, but now he is too influential, too conceited, and totally unreasonable.

Igor clutched the golden rod tightly in his hand. He could feel the endless magical energy pulsating in it. Part of his mind has been busy weaving and mastering the spells that bring together the powerful magic that flows from the northern wasteland.

He is now such an accomplished mage that he only needs a part of his brain to do this, even if such an effort would destroy the intellect of any lower-level mage. He suspects that in this poor world, there are not many casters who can accomplish what he is doing now, and no one can do it so easily, he is convinced of this.

Maybe it was Nalgash at the peak of his power, maybe the king of the dark elves or the witch king, maybe the supreme wizard of the high elves, or the brother of the elven king. Maybe they can do it. But it doesn't matter, he and his brother certainly can. Susorion's blessings are given to them, if they make up their minds, there is almost no magic they can not achieve.

This has always been their destiny. Since their birth, they have been branded by the transformants. During the winter solstice carnival, her mother and a demon lay in the cave of her tribe. The pair of albino twins were born with claws and fangs and can eat meat in the first meal. They came to this world to achieve great achievements. The old shamans of the different blood tribes immediately recognized them and took them away from their mothers and put them under their own protection. They learned everything the old shaman had taught them before they were six years old, and began to be respected at tribal meetings.

The transformers talked to them in their dreams, whispered secrets in the prohibited magic to them, and allowed them to guide the tribe to find the ancient artifacts lost in the wasteland. Before they were ten years old, they left the tribe and wandered for a long time on the human land.

They searched for ancient holy places in the evil wasteland, unearthed their staff in the ruins of the ancient city of Ulangar, and dedicated their souls to the deceitful master on the crystal altar of Noul. No matter where they go, they as Sasolion's followers pretend to be humans and travel on human land.

Wearing cloaks and hoods, they walked through the streets of Oledov and bought banned books at the book market in Marienberg. They and Verana were consulted by the dismissed priest, and they took the boat to Tirya together. No matter where they go, they are together, sharing the bond of magical power, and the ability to talk freely in each other's mind regardless of distance ~ ~ As time goes on, their magical accomplishments have far exceeded In addition to their former mentors, they have become the envoys of Sassoirion, overseeing organizations created by Sassoirians in many countries, inciting insurgency, awakening mutations, enticing the weak, and intimidating the strong.

Susorion gave them more gifts, more power, and the most precious reward-eternal life. For centuries, they have watched their peers die, except for each other ’s company, they do not need other company.

In the end, their work among humans was completed, and they returned to the wasteland again to advance the plan they envisioned for themselves. They have decided to train a war lord, use him to lead a battle, and put the world under the throne of Sasolion. Alek seems to be a good choice.

He is strong and clever. He is the darling of the transformer. He is an awesome general and diplomat. This is a rare combination of qualities of believers in evil gods.

This will be a useful alliance, and they will help him become great, and skillfully guide him from one victory to another until his reputation is strong enough to consolidate the huge alliance of warlords from that wasteland.

In the past ten years, everything has gone smoothly. Unfortunately, Alek chose this opportunity to try to destroy all their plans with his stubbornness. Before the ancient road was opened, he launched an offensive early, causing his army to lose control.

Now he is planning to drive them out of the power center. Igor noticed how he and his brother were excluded from the recent war conference. He thought that Alek will soon discover who is the elect of the true God. He won't like this.