The Legend of Futian

v10 Chapter 2945: The final battle (3)


A voice came from the human world, and the divine light flowed endlessly above the sky, as if there was a gathering of illusory figures, giving people a sense of emptiness.

"The order of time and space, and it has touched the level of'material', it deserves to be the **** of creation." The voice continued, saying: "Ye Futian, I want to create the world of gods. You can take charge of the gods on my behalf. It is an ideal country. All order in the world is under control. Everything runs according to my will. It must be much more perfect than the world today."

"What you want is the puppet world. In the world, there is only your will. What is the meaning of existence in such a world." Ye Futian looked at the human world and responded, his voice resounding in the void.

"What's the meaning of the world today? What's the meaning of the ancient world of heaven?" That piece of heaven continued to speak: "Fame and fortune, killing, will never be subdued, infinite loop, the battle of the gods, how many people fell , Who would have a hint of compassion for the human world? The world needs an ideal country, a perfect world of God."

Ye Futian did not respond. Whether it is a person or the world, there are shortcomings. Perfection is a trap. There is no absolute perfection in the world. Is the world that human ancestors want to create really perfect? But it was just what he wanted. He wanted everything to operate according to his will. Now, the human world is under his control, and the practitioners of the human world are reduced to killing machines.

He walked forward step by step, toward the human world, standing under the sky, and now the entire seven realms are under the influence of the other party. The human ancestors will not die, the disputes will not subside, and the seven worlds will continue. People continue to die.

In the battlefield of the gods, another figure appeared. This figure wore a simple robe, but he had a supreme overbearing spirit on his body. His eyes swept toward the sky in the human world and the entire battlefield. , There was a sense of sorrow in the pupils of the eyes.

The figure that arrived was surprisingly the devil emperor.

"You just came, kill him, and I will help you." A voice came from the sky above the human world. The Demon Emperor glanced at the location where Ye Futian was, and Ye Futian also looked at him and shouted: "senior."

He didn't say much. This battle, the battle of the gods, the ancient gods, and the great emperor of this era have all appeared here. Since the devil emperor has come, he naturally has his own decision and made a choice.

He also wanted to know, did the Devil Emperor choose the same way as the Evil Emperor, or another way?

Ye Futian was waiting, waiting for an answer.

I saw an overwhelming demon power emerging from the Devil Emperor, and his aura was terrifying to the extreme. He was like a robber, with countless robbers flowing on his own body, containing unparalleled destructive power.

He stretched out his hand, and suddenly a magic knife appeared. The Devil Emperor was holding the magic knife and slashed in one direction. The magic knife smashed the void and smashed into a prescription position. There was a battlefield. Is fighting a great emperor.

At this moment, the horrible magic sword flashed away, and the opponent in front of Yu Tu looked terrified and wanted to resist, but the divine defense was split, the magic sword slashed down, and he would directly kill him.

A great emperor was smashed.

Yu Tu returned his head and glanced at the Devil Emperor standing in the void. He showed a rare smile and said: "Big Brother, we two brothers, how many years have not joined forces in a fight."

At this moment, there seemed to be some relief in his smile.

Although he had always firmly believed that he had chosen the right path and he did not regret it, he was a betrayer after all. This was not the Devil Emperor's accusation against him, but a true betrayal.

The Demon Realm is a prison of the ancient Heavenly Dao. It is absolutely opposed to the forces of the Heavenly Court, the Emperor of Heaven, and even the later Shenzhou.

He undoubtedly betrayed the Demon Realm and embarked on another path, so he always carried the heavy guilt on his back.

The Devil Emperor glanced at Yu Tu and said, "I didn't do it for you."

"I know." Yu Tu didn't care and replied.

The demon emperor swept his gaze towards the sky in the human world, and said: "A practitioner in the demon world will not be a slave."

He knew that if the Demon Realm chose to surrender, it would forever become a vassal of the Human Realm, and it would be destroyed if it was disobedient. What is the difference between this and the era of Heaven?

For countless years, they have been carrying the status of prisoners, and in the future, they will not want to carry the status of slaves.

Moreover, the human ancestor threatened him with the lives of sentient beings in the Demon Realm, which had already violated his bottom line.

Therefore, he would rather choose to stand on Ye Futian's side.

"East Phoenix, Ye Futian." The Demon Emperor said loudly, "I have ordered the army of the Demon Realm to cease the war with the Shenzhou. If we are defeated here today, I hope that everyone in the world can treat the practitioners of the Demon Realm equally."

Defeat may mean death. If he dies, he hopes that the practitioners of the Demon Realm can gain a foothold in this world.

"Senior, don't worry." Ye Futian responded loudly: "What's more, if I lose the battle, maybe I, like the predecessors, can't see the future."

This battle is a battle of breaking the boat, and if they are defeated, they may all die, and everything will be invisible. It will definitely be a dark age.

"Okay!" The Devil Emperor nodded, and the Buddha of Destiny predicted that he would suffer a catastrophe. If it is his catastrophe today, then he also hopes that the practitioners of the Devil Realm can be safe, and that the practitioners of the Devil Realm can get rid of the suppression of the Demon Abyss, even if not in the future. Demon Even if people in the future will forget the will of the Demon World, it is not important anymore.

The devil emperor stepped on, walked in one direction, and joined the battlefield.

After the Devil Emperor joined the battlefield, all the six emperors arrived at that time, and they all participated in the battle. This battle brought together all the pinnacle figures.

If anyone is missing, then there is only Ji Wudao, who has been short-term emperor of the world.

In the battlefield where the Great East Phoenix is ​​located, he and the Eternal Sword Master are still in a confrontational battle. Seeing the Devil Emperor come to fight, the Great East Phoenix also showed a sense of relief. He has always known who his opponent is, he has never regarded the Demon Realm as an enemy, and he admires the Demon Emperor.

Now, they finally have the opportunity to fight side by side. Six emperors, four of them are on their side, even the Dark Lord, standing on the opposite side of the human ancestors.

At this moment, the overwhelming sword aura was smashed, and the Great Emperor East Phoenix did not avoid it. At this moment, the divine power of the apocalypse seemed to be metamorphosing. The realm of nothingness is still expanding, shrouded in the direction of the Eternal Sword Master!