The Legendary Life of an American Superhero

Chapter 188: Persuasion after the war

"What are you doing..."

"and many more."

"This is our equipment, you..."

"This is a violation of our rights!"

"You can't do this."

"I want to expose!"


The Sun, The Washington, The Federal Daily, the United Daily... the moment some affordable and affordable newspaper planes just landed, the soldiers who had been waiting for a long time rushed in.





Recording pen?


Faced with the offensive of a group of soldiers, these reporters had no ability to counterattack. The reporters who clamored for citizens' right to know and to be exposed were directly taken away by the military law department on the grounds that they were suspected of military leaks.

The Sun is here.

Several soldiers walked to Lake and looked at Lake's military uniform. They were obviously taken aback.

Lake pointed directly at Rachel next to him: "She is with me."


Lake left here with Rachel, who seemed to want to protect his equipment. As for the helicopter pilot, he was kindly invited to the lounge.

However, the equipment on the plane did not have any special treatment. Like the equipment of other reporters, it was directly centralized, and then burned directly on the spot. Then the group of reporters were invited to the lounge.

golf cart.

When Lake and Rachel rushed to the other end of the runway, where Hulk was located, General Rose and Betty had already arrived.

Betty looked at the big guy roaring at Hulk in the field, obviously taken aback.

Without him.

Betty seemed to see the confusion, anxiety and hesitation in Hulk's eyes looking around him, just as Betty saw in Bruce Banner's eyes that night.

Next second.

Betty, with bruises on her face and arms, moved.

Rose grabbed Betty: "Are you crazy?"

Hulk's combat effectiveness is obviously still above the madman that destroyed almost the entire port. With Betty's small body, let alone a punch, it is estimated that he can't hold it with a finger.

Betty turned to look at Rose: "Dad, I want to try."

Rose frowned.

Just before, when Betty, Bruce and Rose were preparing to evacuate under the **** of the soldiers, the madman had already locked what he wanted to Bruce.

At that time, Bruce was already very upset, Hulk was already about to move, but because Bruce seemed to have Betty next to him, this anxiety was just anxiety, not a panic attribute.


A tank screamed directly, and was thrown over their heads by the madman.

Betty and Rose and the soldiers were dumbfounded.

At that moment.

Bruce turned into light...

Green light.

With a roar, Bruce Banner turned into Hulk and appeared with a fist blasted out of the green light.

The tank was hit directly and exploded instantly.

General Ross and a group of soldiers were directly blown by the explosion. Although they were not injured, they were already very embarrassed.

As for Betty?

Rose didn't fix anything. When Rose reacted, he saw Betty standing intact and not far away except for some bruises on his arm and face.

Betty looked at Rose: "Dad, he won't hurt me, I'm sure."

Rose was silent for a while, put down the right hand that was holding Betty, but still shouted at his soldiers: "Everyone, stay alert."

Betty crossed the soldiers' cordon and appeared in the field.

Hulk snorted, still with an angry expression on his face, watching Betty who walked into his sight.

Rose was tense behind.

Even Lake, who just arrived on the scene, is ready for Hulk to take a shot. Even though Lake feels that he is currently facing Hulk with a win rate of at most 55, but it should be okay to save Betty in time.

But this worst case does not seem to happen.

Betty looked up at this because of anger. It seemed that there was Hulk who had grown to 2.7 meters tall. She spoke softly and stretched out her right hand to slowly approach Hulk: "It's okay, it's okay, it's over, they have no harm to you. , You just protected me, do you remember?"

Hulk's chest was undulating, and he looked at Betty's... outstretched right hand motionless.

Next second.

Hulk moved.

Everyone was nervous, and Rose was about to blurt out the order to fire.

Hulk stretched out his giant hand like a fan, bent down, and seemed to hesitately hand it over to Betty.

Betty was also a little drumming in her heart, but her face was still gentle, and she encouraged Hulk's movements a little.

The big hand touches the small hand.

There was a trace of expression on Hulk's face with his head against the watermelon head. It seemed to be joy, it seemed to be happy, it seemed to be something else.

Immediately afterwards.

A green light appeared on Hulk's body.

Very green light.

This light comes fast and goes fast. When the light disappears and everyone's eyes are focused on the green light, Hulk has disappeared. Only one squatting on the ground uses himself to cover a man who seems to be an exhibitionist. Betty.

Where's Hulk?

Some soldiers who didn't know the inside story stared with big eyes and small eyes. How did the so big monster disappear? Who was the exhibitionist on the ground?

Many soldiers wanted to see the exhibitionist appearance of Betty's protector, but Betty blocked it well and did not expose Bruce Banner, who had passed out of a coma, to the sun.

After half an hour.

Base medical room.

General Rose looked sullenly at Bruce Banner who was lying on the hospital bed, but still holding his daughter Betty's Bruce Banner in his right hand. There was a kind of impulse to kill and then quickly.


The result of the check is out.

The reason for Bruce Banner's coma is very simple. It is too much physical exhaustion. After his physical strength recovers, he will be able to wake up. Of course, there are some other test results.

But Lake is not a doctor. Those professional terms, Lake is also a big head.

In short.

Bruce Banner is fine, and through his brain waves, he seems to be still having a good dream.

quite a while.

Rose walked out of the ward with Lake, a group of soldiers guarding outside the ward.

In the office.

Rose is sorting his clothes, and the Pennsylvania side wants him to report on such a big incident at the base.

"Did those reporters control it?"

"Yes it is."

The guard nodded, then glanced at Lake next to him, and said to Rose: "Sir, all the video data has been destroyed, and the confidentiality agreement has been signed, except for..."

"That reporter from The Sun?"

"Yes it is."

Rose said to Lake next to him without looking back: "Your woman, solve it by yourself, other things, wait to go home at night and talk about it."

Lake opened his mouth and nodded. He originally wanted to tell Rose that he was going to sleep on Rachel's side at night, but Lake felt that he had been pitted by Betty.

I am afraid at this moment, Rose thought it was Betty who bought Lake and asked him to directly change his position and stand by her and Bruce.

God dare to testify.

Lake is only considering from the perspective of profit and harm. To conquer Hulk is far better than pushing Hulk to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Rachel is arranged in a separate room at this moment.

Lake came over and nodded with the two guards at the door. After the guards left, Lake pushed the door in.

Rachel, who was looking at the non-disclosure agreement on hand, looked up at Lake: "The people should know what happened here."

Lake took off his hat: "No, the people's right to know does not involve national security. This is the first time we met. I told you. The reporter pursues the truth first, which is good, but when the truth is first and the truth is the truth. When there is a conflict over national security, the truth supremacy should be subordinated to the truth."

Rachel said, "So, how do you plan to explain what happened here?"

Lake walked down and looked at Rachel with a smile on his face: "You are a reporter, you can talk about it."

Rachel smiled and said: "Acting, experimental accidents, anyway, the truth will definitely not be announced, right?"

Lake nodded.

Rachel looked at Lake: "If I want to report."

Lake smiled and said, "Then, we will have differences."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"I will try my best to convince you."

"If not."

"It's impossible not to exist."


Rachel put aside the confidentiality agreement on hand, then put her arms around, looking at Lake curiously: "Are you so confident?"

Lake thought for a while: "My persuasion skills are still great."

Interrogation is equal to persuasion.

Ordinary suspects will be able to honestly tell Lake what Lake wants to know within three rounds in Lake.

Rachel just wanted to speak, and suddenly uttered.

The whole person has been picked up by Lake.

"What are you doing?"

"You are in pajamas."


Lake has always been simple and rude to persuade suspects. He first salutes and then fights, not to mention, to fight directly, not to mention, in the fight, generally, until the last limb of the suspect is charged, he will basically speak.

But Rachel is not the suspect, she is Lake's woman.

Lake's persuasion is also very simple and rude. One meal is not enough to come again. Lake's mouth is relatively dumb, so he can only use his strengths and avoid weaknesses and give full play to his own strengths.

But Rachel was obviously more insistent than Lake expected.

Persuade this time.

It took Lake a full five hours. It was still day when he came in. After he finally convinced him, it was already dark outside.

With soft with long hair scattered and wrapped in a towel, Rachel handed the signed non-disclosure agreement to Lake with a contented face, and then looked at Lake with a smile: "So How many people have you used this persuasion before?"

Lake smiled slightly and looked at Rachel: "It's only you."


"of course."

He didn't need to persuade other people.

After the first night with Rachel, Lake was already thinking whether he had provoke Rachel to make mistakes. God testified that the purpose of his looking for Rachel was not to hook Rachel, but just to take advantage.

The results of it?

I fell into the pit I dug myself.


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