The Legendary System Dominates the World

v1 Chapter 708: Elite gathering

Because they actually have very human characteristics, and in fact, on their respective planets, they are indeed the intelligent creatures on their respective planets and the top creatures on their respective food chains.

That is to say, they are all in power on their respective planets, just like humans are on the original star, they are real human beings, and, in contrast, they have more humans than they can Comparable advantages, such as IQ.

In fact, the IQ of these extraterrestrial creatures is generally much higher than that of humans. In terms of their resilience and learning ability, these creatures are much better than humans, and even their physiques are even better than humans. Suitable for learning the exercises of the Three Realms.

Under the training of masters like Honghuang Ancestor, and under the premise of something similar to the spirits in the Three Realms created by Honghuang Ancestor, these people's cultivation is a thousand miles, and all of them have a small world. It is quite smart, the key is the three views are super positive.

Honghuang's ancestors managed this place in an orderly manner. Not only that, the outer space creatures here shared and shared the most advanced things of their own planet. Everyone made progress together, even Honghuang's ancestors followed their studies and continued to make progress.

When Honghuang’s ancestors just came here, he had nothing, he was alone, and he didn’t know where it was, and what the atmosphere was, only to see a big steel look, a bustling breath, much like that A bunch of mixed breath.

Some machines were like the strange tools that appeared in the wilderness world, so the ancestor decided that these were the old nests, and he decided to stay here and wait for the rabbits, kill them directly, and then return to the wilderness world and continue to repair them.

But he suddenly remembered how he came here. At that time, after going out of the wild world, he pursued all the way, but unexpectedly, he encountered a turbulent time and space. The turbulence was not under his control, so he and The warship is together.

Came here according to an unknown track. The battleship returned to a very huge room covered by a big iron sheet that did not know where it was. The ancestor felt his strength and found his strength to be suppressed very pitifully.

Probably equivalent to the realm of the vast world of Hongmeng and the world, although it is quite powerful, but it is less than one hundred millionth of the strength of the ancestor. The ancestor thought to go to explore it first and directly kill it. So he approached this atmosphere However, many of them were found.

Although the appearance is strange, the ancestor felt goodwill from them, which made the ancestor very surprised. This is completely different from the miscellaneous things done in the wild world, and the breath he exuded. Out of the heart of mourning, the old Zu decided to let go of his hatred temporarily.

Observe slowly, so a rectangular pagoda was built here, the enchantment was established, and the business began. The ancestor found that he could not go back, but he knew nothing about it. Fortunately, the ancestor was born in heaven and earth, so he didn’t need to eat or drink.

There is no need to rest every day, so the ancestors come here to observe and learn every day, and also learn something. Later, they encountered this atmospheric war. In this war, many creatures in outer space died. Some were directly impacted into this enchantment. Some of them were rescued by the ancestors, and this universe is a very magical honeycomb universe. The creatures in this honeycomb universe look like bees, but their legs are much stronger. , Can stand and walk can fly.

The ancestors felt that they had similarities with the feathers in the wild world, so they took their orders and taught them the skills of cultivation. These creatures are also smart, and they are very powerful one by one, and they also taught a lot of ancestors. Things, for example, the structure of space and time.

The ancestor lamented that time and space could be so ingenious, so the ancestor learned how to construct a honeycomb and how to obtain a larger space in the smallest space. He added countless small worlds to the honeycomb world and contacted countless Void.

This has created an infinite connection between the entire rectangular pagoda and the infinite space around it, and infinite time, which can be said to be countless vigor.

These worlds have formed a powerful source effect between each other's breathing, which can use the spirit of the ancestor as a raw material and a seed, and then through the world's breath, a continuous, fountain-like is produced. Reiki.

This made the entire world of rectangular pagodas very mysterious. This was what the ancestor did not expect. The ancestor also realized that the world is so big and there are many things to learn. Later, he saved countless creatures.

What these creatures and ancestors learned, it must be that the secrets of the wild world and the ancestors’ unparalleled vision and correct attitude towards the world, which also made all the cosmic creatures rescued by him have more to the world than to themselves. Accurate view.

Let their own fields have better development, and in addition to the ancestors learning many things from these universes, the creatures of these universes also learn from each other's strengths and change their own shortcomings.

For example, the bees of the honeycomb universe began to learn the spatial structure of water from the water droplet universe, and the water droplet universe also learned their space structure from the honeycomb universe, so water and the honeycomb formed a more mysterious time and space law.

The horns of the horns universe are one of their big horns, they are extremely powerful, but when they encountered the cotton secret of the cotton universe, this strength and weakness actually produced another method that is different from the Taiji secret law of the wild world. It is very magical. .

There are countless examples like this. The boar universe, the elephant universe, the lion universe, the spore universe, each of them can transform the human form. It can also combine the structure of people with their own structures, and they can also combine the structure of other things with themselves.

Then combined with the aerosol principle of some other object universe, he transformed his voice very dexterously and very powerfully. Even the ancestors of Honghuang, in this kind of learning, let their realm break the world abruptly. limits.

Now his strength has recovered to one ten millionth of the strength of that year. Don’t underestimate this one ten millionth, the one ten millionth of the realm of the ancestors of the wilderness, that can kill the entire atmosphere at any time. exist.

Now, all kinds of creatures that have long been a united and friendly family have seen Chu Lan. There are still some differences between their thoughts and the views of the ancestors and the emperor and the original stars. ..