The Legendary System Dominates the World

v2 Chapter 34: Patience and perseverance

"How about patience and perseverance?" Zhu Ruoyu observed it keenly and said: "Use your eyes to observe the wings of the bee carefully. If you change the direction, the lateral movement of the wings can be correctly judged."

"Let's talk about another thing." Chu Nan smiled slightly. "The wings of a bee are equivalent to a person's shoulders. Everyone moved their shoulders when they attacked. Seeing the direction of the bee's wings, you can naturally judge the enemy's attack direction."

Three other wasps flew up. Chu Lan took a deep breath to vent her impulse, looked at the bee flying with her narrowed eyes, and imagined it was a sharp sword.

The world disappeared. Only myself and the sword are left.

As soon as the heart stopped beating, the stone was thrown into the calm lake, forming ripples.

Suddenly, Chu Lan felt that the Wasp was getting bigger, and the vibration frequency of the right wing suddenly accelerated, and it was obvious that he was about to turn.

Chu Lan made a decisive decision. Slowly began to turn, and the two thin rods in his hand stretched out.

"Buzzing" When Chu Lan woke up, he suddenly found himself catching a wasp. The three wasps flapped their wings nervously and tried to break the tree chain, but without success.

"Has Chu Lan succeeded? Chu Lan was unimaginable, and when she turned her head to look, someone among them was smiling at him.

"Chu Lan was really successful!" Chu Lan suddenly laughed.

It turned out that Chu Nan didn't say that he did give enough hints.

After the bee turns, the degree of course will slow down. It was the best time for them to act on their own. Similarly, when a person completes all his previous actions and prepares to use his later actions, he also has the opportunity to use his left foot.

Many things have the same characteristics. It depends on the level of excavation of smart people.

"Go on." Looking at Chu Lan and said.

Chu Lan nodded and released the trapped wasp. As expected, the three wasps held a grudge, and as soon as they were released, they immediately grabbed Chu Lan angrily.

Chu Lan was bitten when she was not ready.

"This is an accident." This Chu Lan was bitten by three wasps.

"This is not an accident, but you are too complacent. This shows that you cannot relax your guard before the enemy dies.

"If you are stupid, you did it on purpose." He said

"Only pain can have a long memory." Chu looked at Xi He Xi with a smile.

Please get up early and give me some votes.

Chapter 26 The Magic of Fang Xiaoxiao

The second stage of training does not require much physical strength, but it is quite tiring.

If Chu Lan wanted to clamp the three wasps with twigs, she would have to maintain a high level of concentration constantly, which would greatly enhance her spirit. If you can't catch these three wasps, you will definitely be bitten. The toxicity of these three kinds of wasps slowed Chu Lan's behavior and lost feelings.

Since catching three wasps that day, Chu Lan has made great progress. You can't trap three wasps, but Zhu Ruyu is only half as likely to release ten wasps. He can trap five wasps.

As time passed, Chu Lan's mood became lighter. Today, Chu Lan can basically survive one.

Chu Lan was proud of being caught by a bee. This is a very simple matter.

After the training tonight, a guest came to the training ground.

"Did she come to see you? Zhu looked at the girl from there suspiciously, like a clever butterfly.

"Yes." Chu Lan nodded.

Chu Lan walked towards Fang Xiaoxiao in pants and a coat. "Mr. Su, I'm here"

Mr. Fang nodded and asked softly, "Are Chu Lan's things ready?". ..