The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 157: Singing

? Routine or show is one of the eternal elements of the entertainment industry.

Mai Xiaoyu was a renunciation and was not good at the conventional gameplay of the entertainment industry, but being a liar has many similarities with the mixed entertainment industry, and these methods are indispensable.

For the premiere tonight, he used his own way to set up a set and arrange a show.

The simplicity of the opening session was both deliberate and helpless. He couldn't invite heavyweight guests.

During the initial publicity process, Su Youpeng was already very helpful and couldn't catch this relationship to death, right?

As for the four great friends of the new millennium... Ha ha.

The opening "Broken Pot Breaks"; the final audition clip was played; Huang Lei greeted the actors on stage; Wu Guodong organized the team to support Huang Bo first; the cute staff scattered everywhere in charge of inciting the atmosphere...There are many lurking people, Many hidden things are designed in advance.

Really all amateur actors!

The audience tonight is mainly Yanying's students.

They know what it means to be a professional, experienced, and excellent actor in a movie. China has not released any film yet, which is made up of a full amateur cast!

"I Believe" is the first one, and the quality is not bad.

For Yanying students who are determined to devote themselves to the entertainment industry, this is a shock and an inspiration to themselves.

Amateurs can do it, professional as we have no reason not to be better!

This is the last topic Huang Lei talked about.

"...Young people, young people, middle-aged people, and old people, the only difference lies in age. As long as we have youth and passion in our hearts, with high morale and optimism, positive and full of confidence, I believe that everyone can Become the protagonist of destiny..."

Huang Lei used the dual identities of Yanying's acting teacher and director of "I Believe" to use amateur actors on stage as an example. His impassioned speeches successfully mobilized the atmosphere of the scene and touched the deep chord in the hearts of many audiences.

The applause rang like thunder, dedicated to Huang Lei, and also dedicated to the serious amateur actors beside him.

The media reporters have already been busy. They smelled the value and found the most suitable gimmick.

However, this is not over yet.

Huang Lei bowed with all the actors and sang the song "I Believe" live to thank the audience.

Deng took a step forward and sang loudly: "I want to fly to the sky, shoulder to shoulder with the sun, the world is waiting for me to change."

Huang Bo continued to sing loudly: "The dream I want to dream is never afraid of others seeing it. I can realize it here."

Deng Chao: "Laugh loudly, let you and me stand side by side, where there can be no limitless joy."

Huang Bo: "Abandoning troubles and stride forward bravely, I'm standing in the middle of the stage."

All the people on the stage sang: "I believe that I am who I am, I believe that tomorrow, I believe that youth has no horizon..."

In the audience, two people stood up, joined them and sang "I Believe" loudly.

These two people are Liu Tao's assistants and Mengren's employees... Yes, they were arranged in advance!

But the audience didn't know it, thinking they were infected by singing, they couldn't help it.

Yuan Haozhou, the leader of the second group of the cute scout department, winked, and the twenty-year-old boy Lu Ning stood up and sang with his out-of-tune voice.

"Everyone sing together."

Yuan Haozhou and the other two reception staff members each encouraged the readers to stand up on their own.

The members of the reader group looked at each other, and two outgoing and cheerful members took the initiative to get up, which led to more and more members of the reader group to stand up.

"I believe in freedom, I believe in hope..." Wu Guodong and a group of people sang and stood up.

"I believe that you can reach the sky..." Wang Luodan and her classmates stood up.

"Having you by my side will make life fresher..." Shengshi Advertising boss Gu Hongzhou and his wife stood up holding hands.

"Every moment is wonderful..." Yang Mi, who just ran back, pulled the two friends to stand up and sang loudly, and Yang Linfei and his wife also stood up.

"I want to fly to the sky, shoulder to shoulder with the sun, the world is waiting for me to change..."

The singing continued, over and over again.

Driven by a small number of audiences, more and more audiences spontaneously stand up, join in singing together, sing their own voices, and sing their own "I Believe".

Li Bingbing's two assistants stood up.

Shi Hao and his female companion stood up.

Qi Shilong and Yan Ying's professors stood up.

In the end everyone stood up, even Diao Yi and his group of urinary friends, who were infected by the atmosphere of the scene, couldn't help getting up and singing loudly to their excited heart.


After Chen Qiaoen and Lin Zhiling came in, they happened to see this scene.

Although I don't understand what happened, on the way back to my seat, I was moved by the uncompromising spirit of fighting in the singing and the atmosphere of the scene, and joined it.

The loud singing voice penetrated the theater, and the passionate melody rippled in the black night sky.


Amidst the singing, the end credits were played on the screen, the movie was over, and the premiere came to an end.

However, that song was deeply integrated into the heart of the people in the fermentation of the movie.

A dormitory of Yanying Literature Department.

"Brothers are back?"

"I believe in freedom, I believe in hope..."

"Why do you still sing it?"

"Lao Bai, you should go see a movie, it's really good."

"Wipe, you don't know if I don't have a ticket!"

A female dormitory in the Acting Department.

"Dandan, can you introduce your sister to us?"

"Why? Do you want to sign, giggle."

"We're serious. Does your sister and their company have any conditions for recruiting people?".

"You don't want to join Moe Ren, do you?"

"If there is a chance to play the female one, why not? Even if there are three females and four females, as long as it is similar to "I Believe"."

A dormitory in the Department of Management.

"Brother Jie, we are back!"

"Why come back so late, the movie just ended?"

"Well. It was a mistake that you left early."

"Pull it down. I didn't see the shabby appearance of the premiere, what good movie can I make?"

"Brother Jie, you are subjective, the movie is not bad."

"I also think it's pretty That space walk is amazing, but I prefer the last song "I Believe", which is very interesting."


Outside the gate of Yanjing Film Academy.

Shi Hao, director of film and television, was sent away, Liu Tao stood by the side of the road, waiting for the empty taxi passing by.

The winter in the north is dry and cold.

With the freezing cold wind blowing, she gently stomped her feet and tightened her clothes, but she still felt the biting cold.

A Volvo drove up and stopped in front of her.


A familiar voice came from inside the car, and Liu Tao's heart suddenly became hot, dispelling the body's chill.

"Thank you for coming here to pick me up."

"On the way. I just finished my work, just passing by and saw you on the side of the road..." (To be continued.)