The Life of Emperor Wu After His Seclusion

v3 Chapter 79: .Break your legs

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They were already hesitant to help the shopkeeper, but it was not worth it to provoke the Liu family for this reason. It is more likely that the Liu family will make it impossible to stay in this Tibetan city. Even though they are guests, It’s okay if you don’t take action. There will be no loss. The shopkeeper of Huangquanju is very friendly to people and takes care of their long-term residents. If they don’t take action, they will be a little conscientious.

The residents of Huangquan do not lack Wuhuang (strong qiang) in the imperial realm, but no matter how (strong qiang), it is only one. All the elders in the huge Liu family are in the imperial realm, even this elder. It's weak, but it's also an elder, let alone the ancestor above, who is at the Saint Dao level, and can suppress you with backhand, so that you can't eat it.

The huge spiritual power sword light swept over, the domineering (strong qiang) horizontal spiritual power was like a (dry gan) Jun, directly tore and overturned a large number of tables and chairs, turned into flying flying debris, wooden blocks, scattered all over the place. , (强qiang) The aftermath of the vigor rushed away, some people were almost affected, and the flying debris that would fly from the spiritual power, the wooden blocks would be bounced off, and the remaining aftermath would be washed away.

Then his gaze suddenly turned, and the astonishment (color) rushed up from under his eyes, looking at the red-skinned shopkeeper in disbelief.

What did they see?

Unbelievable picture.

How can I not believe it?

The red-skinned old man is the shopkeeper of Huangquanju. When everyone came here to register, they never found any mysterious clues. Most of the shopkeepers gave people the impression that they were plain, or the corners of their mouths were smeared with a kind smile. , (身sh n) there is no slight fluctuation in spiritual power, it looks like an ordinary person.

This is basically the impression. Apart from these, the shopkeeper doesn't seem to have any other unique impressions that can make people more profound, only that smile is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"I said, Huangquanju, you can't run wild." The shopkeeper sighed slightly, his eyes drooping, and the (dry gan) red (color) big hand suddenly squeezed, and the spiritual power sword light instantly collapsed and turned into a crystal. Streamer debris, slowly disappearing.

And the original angry, rampant and domineering Liu Heng smile froze on his face, and when he came back, his face (color) was as ugly as he had eaten a fly that had just died. He stretched out his hand and rubbed it vigorously. With small eyes, I wanted to prove whether I was wrong.

How can it be?!

Liu Heng roared in his heart, his eyes (exposed) showed shock and amazement (color), and the small eyelids reflected-sub-picture.

I saw the red-skinned shopkeeper (body sh n) in a pose (tending), and a (body sh n) shopkeeper's robe remained untouched, standing in place, looking so tall at this time, as if letting the (dry gan) dry stone , The wind and rain have never fallen, the momentum of the (强qiang) momentum makes people unable to (forbidden jin) to close the mouth and nose, staring at this incredible scene.


Is it just a shopkeeper?!

When did Huangquanju have such great strength as a shopkeeper? How could it be possible? I am the ten-elder of the Liu family, the emperor of the emperor realm! A small shopkeeper can stop me so easily His attack? Effortlessly, he made an understatement, reached out and pinched, his sword light was like glass, crushed into slag.

What a big joke!

sf light novel

Liu Heng has never been to Huangquanju. Every elder has an assigned luxury room in Liu's house. He stays in the house well, and runs out to live in the inn. Who would look so painful (gan gan)?

He doesn’t know the layout of Huangquanju, only knows that this is the largest inn among the population, but he doesn’t understand the depth of it.

Moreover, not only he, but the talents who founded this inn know the deep roots, even the residents here do not know that such an ordinary shopkeeper has the strength to crush the emperor's realm.

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Lingge leaned against the handle of the stairs, with a little playful look in her eyes.

The Liu family came here to look for him. He also left his address, and they didn’t look for it. It was weird when he came here. I thought that several guys such as elders would be sent to catch him, but I didn’t expect only one to come. Fat pig, the strength of the early Emperor Realm is really not enough.

He thought it was (quite ting) boring and boring, so he was too lazy to get it right.

People in Huangquan have rules, you can’t make noise, you can’t do things here, otherwise you will be thrown out. Do you really think this is for nothing?

"The strength of this shopkeeper is not low. I want to see how you, the fat pig, can deal with it. Do you call the other people in the Liu family to come over, or run away, um." Lingge clapped her palms and whispered softly. He is like a black hand behind the scenes in control of the overall situation, and the black eyes have always been so that people can't see any clues and shortcomings.

口r Mu Xiaowan

At this time, everyone looked at this scene in amazement.

Huang Quanju's shopkeeper actually has this hand? Before, he was hiding his strength.

Some people came back to their senses, inhaled a 0-0 cold breath, and had a little awe in their eyes. They can understate the attack in the early stage of the Emperor Realm, and there are also some repairs above the initial stage of the Emperor Realm. For, this shopkeeper is really mysterious.

As for Liu Heng, his face had long been uncontrollable, burning with anger, flushed like a roasted ((乳Ru)ru) pig's head-like, suddenly it almost smoked.

"This old fellow! Did you deliberately make me embarrassed?!" Liu Heng roared exhaustively from the bottom of his heart. The deep sense of humiliation made him very uncomfortable but a little more flustered. This feeling is that he is only with the head of the Liu family. Elder, ancestor (body sh n) felt it.

'roll. The old man spit out a word faintly, and then lowered his eyes, without even looking at Liu Heng---eyes, turned (body sh n) and went to clean up the dilapidated tables and chairs.

"Old guy! Do you look down on me?! Just let me go like this!?" Liu Heng couldn't help it anymore, his eyes widened and he opened his mouth and yelled, slashing with the giant sword of spiritual power in his hand. .

The ear-piercing sword sound cuts the spiritual energy, and the sword beam is vertical, and it is instantly placed (body sh n) wrapped around the shopkeeper.

"Originally, it was in the face of your Liu family, letting you go, who made you not know how to promote it, in my Huangquan residence-and again and again, don't blame me for not giving you Liu family (qingqing) noodles!" The treasurer (body sh n) disappeared like a teleporting ghost.

The old voice had already brought on-a silk anger, but it was even more irritating to Liu Heng.

The next moment, with a'bang!', Liu Hengheng's ((肉rou)rou) face was covered with a huge fist print, and Liu Heng suddenly resembled a full grenade---like, roaring and charging. Up.

" 嚓!  嚓!"

The (body sh n) shadow of red (color) flashed, and Liu Heng's legs made a huge cracking sound.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!

(Kill sha) The pig-like scorpion roar came from Liu Heng's mouth.


The old man (身sh n) appeared next to Liu Heng (身sh n), kicking with one foot. boom!

Liu Heng flew directly out of the gate of Huangquanju and landed on the street

ps: Second more.

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