The Little Brat’s Sweet And Sassy

Chapter 1086: misfortune! (Three shifts)

   Chapter 1086 Changes! (Three shifts)

  However, this is not over yet, because immediately after Ji Shu, it is Ron!

  They seem to have already said it a long time ago, with a tacit understanding that can be called horror, with each corner as the starting point, cooperate and move forward!

  When Shen Li quickly passed the second S-turn, he was about to rush out, Ji Shu quickly followed, caught up with the corner of this corner, and followed closely!

  At this time, Ron also reached the first S-turn, smoothly entering the corner and overtaking!

  They are all separated by an S-curve distance, and always maintain this gap, along the same path high speed forward!

  It is not so much that this S-turn separates them, it is better to say that they are taking advantage of this corner to overtake in an orderly manner!

Those on the rostrum finally couldn't sit still after seeing this scene.

  The man in his thirties who was least optimistic about LY at the beginning is one of the committee members of the World Championships, Davidson.

   Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but twist his eyebrows, and said solemnly:

   "She disrupted the rhythm of other drivers!"

  This is the most terrible.

  On the field, all vehicles compete fiercely, and each driver has his own racing style, with different skills, psychology, control, etc. from each other.

  But at some critical moments, they will make the same choice.

  For example, in this death S turn, almost everyone defaults that no one will choose to overtake here. Even if there is a strong behavior that is not afraid of death, there is a high probability that it will be out of the track.

  In comparison, maintaining a steady speed is the best solution.

  So when they pass here, they only need to maintain their own state.

  But not now.

  The appearance of Shen Li broke their cognition!

  She corners quickly and continuously overtakes, which is not the most important thing.

  Because even if she passes now, other drivers still have a chance to catch it back in the race.

  The greater significance of this incident is that she easily defeated their psychological defense!

  She didn't wait in line for this corner like other drivers, but chose to force into the corner to overtake, and she did it!

  When everyone thought she would fail, she succeeded!

  ——She can surpass them here, not to mention other tracks! ?

  This psychological hint puts pressure on other drivers far beyond imagination!

  Everyone can clearly see that the cars that were overtaken by Shen Li have all reduced their speed to varying degrees after being left behind by her!

  On the one hand, it was out of instinct to avoid her reckless spelling, on the other hand, they were all disrupted by Shen Li!

  The competition on the arena is fierce, and the situation is changing rapidly. Even a momentary runaway may cause extremely serious consequences, not to mention the mentality of the game is disturbed! ?

  Sure enough, this point quickly spread to the rear.

  After the cars slowed down by accident, other cars following them were also forced to slow down.

  However, only the few people from LY, seemingly unaffected at all, move on!

  Even more, because of their collective slowdown, Lu Siyu and Zhao Chenguang, who came in last, appeared to be faster, and they soon caught up!

  There are a total of three S-curves here. Shen Li made a few consecutive turns, then overtakes the car, and finally the body flew out with a beautiful drift and rushed straight into the straight track!

  At this point, the car of the second echelon was simply thrown away by her!

  The pure black racing car, like a black wave, jumps out of the crowded and dangerous track!

  After that, follow the straight track to chase to the first echelon at the forefront!

  Behind her, the other four of LY also all squeezed into the second echelon, racing with other drivers in the death S-turn!

  Even because they have their own perfect rhythm, when everyone rushed out, the four of LY were even in the forefront!

  You must know that this game only took the top 20 in the end, based on the total points, about ten cars in the first echelon, and a little more in the second echelon, but only a dozen cars.

  In other words, as long as they continue to maintain this advantage, LY even hopes that all members will get points!

  Even the RAL, which won the championship last year, failed to achieve this. Only four of them scored points at the time.

  It is conceivable that at this time, LY has such an amazing competitiveness!


  Everyone is already confused.

  Shen Li, and the LY team members who followed her closely, staged a shocking scene.

  In such a short period of time, they not only completed the overtake, they are even very likely to be in the top 20!

  As far as I can see, there is an extremely subtle scene on the track.

  The first echelon headed by Mervyn rushed to the front, and behind them, a pure black car occupied a section of the track alone, and a distance behind her was the second echelon.

  This section is a straight line, but the distance between her and the car ahead is still shrinking at an amazing speed!

  She is like a lone boat, braving the wind and waves in the blank sea!

  However, everyone quickly discovered—no, she is not a lone boat!

  Because behind her, another racing car quickly catches up!

  ——Ji Shu!

  In LY, besides Shen Li, Ji Shu is the well-deserved number one.

  In the past countless trainings and tests, Ji Shu will always be the one with the smallest gap with Shen Li.

  In August, Shen Li regularly improved her grades every time she intensively trained, and Ji Shu followed her closely, speeding up unknowingly.

  At this time on the field, in the eyes of him, Ron and others, it is actually not much different from the previous training.

  They don’t need to think too much, the only thing they need to do is to concentrate everything and try their best to catch up with the figure ahead!


  The whole race was three laps. At this time, after three-quarters of the first lap, Shen Li led the team and passed most of his opponents to get to the forefront!

  Such a result, even if compared to RAL and AMG, I am afraid it is not much better.

  If Shen Li and Ji Shu can continue to overtake and take the top spot, LY may even hope to get the top three results!

  People in other teams are obviously aware of this.

  Before this, who would have thought that LY, the least favored by others, could show such a level! ?

In the rest area, Gu Siyang and others were watching the field nervously.

   "Quick! Hurry up!"

  Before this, they said they would take the top three bonuses, but it was just a joke.

  But now they see the light!

if only--


  A muffled sound suddenly came!

  Gu Siyang and others suddenly changed their faces!

  Suddenly there was a huge sigh from the stands.

  Shen Li noticed that something was wrong, and quickly raised her eyes and glanced at the large screen on the left front, her pupils shrank!

  On the rear track, a car dashed off the track and plunged into the sand!

  That's Lu Siyu's car!

  Beside there, a car with the AMG logo is pressing on the edge of the track and passing by!

  (End of this chapter)